Quiz Thread #3

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Celebrity Name Game: 6/10

Americal Revolutionary War: 9/10 (must actually remember some of my history lessons :lol:)

Celebrity Scribes: 5/9 (only actually knew 2 of those)

Celebrity Name Game 9/10

American Revolutionary War 9/10. I hope I don't loose my Canadian Citizenship for doing so well on American History. :)

Didn't fare as well on Celebrity Scribes 5/9
Dead or Canadian: 17/20

Celebrity Scribes: 7/10

Amercian History:10/10

Jewish Holidays:9/10 (Case your wondering, Im Jewish :D )

M*A*S*H: 9/10
I think that if we're asking for 3 quizzes at a time to be posted in here, then it would be good in future if people only post their results when they've done at least 3 of the quizzes. Thank you.
All About Cats: 7/15 (I own a dog)
Famous Canines part 1: 11/15 (hmmm, so much for owning a dog
These Cute Baby Animals: 5/10

Celebrity Names: 5/10
American Revolutionary War: 9/10
Celebrity Scribes: 8/9
Did better on the last two then I thought I would.
Celebrity names- 4/10
American Revolutionary War- 10/10 (I know more about American than British history, although I spose it's realted right? heh)

Edit---Celebrity Scribes 3/9 :rolleyes: shockingly bad.

Jacquie thanks for the reminder :D, I haven't posted in here in forever, and I must have forgotten or not seen the rule. Apologies.

I hope nobody minds me putting my two cents worth in but we've been asked by Ducky and Elsie to post three quizzes or if we're answering them to answer three quizzes at a time so we can put more than 1 line down on a post. I don't want to lose this thread as I and I'm sure others enjoy it :) I know I answer all three quizzes that have been posted even if I don't know anything about the topic. It's amazing what you can learn. So if everyone complies with the mods requests this thread shouldn't go the way of some other fun threads. I've finished with my two cents worth now :)
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