"Bull" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Hodges told that he cried when he saw BBM and tell Cath that you have to be a real man to admit crying when seeing BBM and he's a real man...

And after the Wendy thing, I don't think Hodges was gay.
Just because Hodges hit on Wendy doesn't mean he doesn't have a crush on Jake in the movie. He could just be a huge fan. He could also be straight and like crying at sappy movies. It's hard to tell with him, he's all over the place and not easy to peg his interests down.
i doubt Hodges is gay. his crying during BBM is a pretty weak proof. besides, CM said Wedges is the new ship the writers are wanting to pursue this season. and as we all know Wendy is not a man.

BUT i do wonder sometimes if Hodges does not by any chance have a crush on Grissom, lol.

no but seriously, we already have one gay labrat. CSI is like Real World - there always has to be one Afro-American, and one gay guy in the house ;) as for now, there is already both.
LOL....I enjoyed the episode. The tying of the testicles comment to gris made me laugh...and the same with the scene between Wendy/Nick/Greg...Wendy sure enjoyed makin' the guys squirm.:lol:

As for Hodges comment about BBM? Personally I don't think it's referring to being gay...maybe just trying to show a "sensitive" side to him...heheh! I mean like Veze said, after all that kinda didn't happen between him and Wendy, not yet anyway (IF it do), I don't see it. But he's still a kind of mystery guy!

I really enjoyed HOW it was filmed. The camera angles and effects when showing the skeletal structures of both the cowboy and bull.

Oh, and it was nice to see Nick step up and talk dude, troy I think, into giving up his gun....
"More cowbell!" Awesome! :lol:

Pretty good episode, but still pretty light on the science. Bull semen and threads from a hoof...hmmm.

It also bothered me at the end when they showed them dragging Cody out into the ring. Wouldn't the CSI's have noticed the drag marks when they first examined the scene? :confused:
Oh yeah that scene when they were showing the skeletal structure of the bull and Cody was really cool looking.

And Cody and his Love Poem for the bull was funny too.
Great episode, reminded me of "And then there were none."

Nick and Greg seem to be working together a lo† this year... :D

Nicky's talking to the guy with the gun was great.

And the 'more cowbell' comment made me laugh.

Hodges watching Brokeback Mountain was pretty funny.

And for record, crying at sappy movies doesn't make some one gay, just senstive.

For example, my stepdad cries at more sad movies then my mom. :lol:

Good episode, just wish we had more coming, but it's gonna be awhile, I think...
The ep was much better than I expected. Maybe an 8/10.

I think gay, but most of you know me by now........Admitting that he watched it was awesome. No comment on the Wendy ship thing
The Nick and Troy scene was great, Wendy's story and the semen pump made me crack up.
A huge welcome back to Warrick. I wish that his scene with Nick had been longer and with more words and maybe a hug, even if it was a "tough guy hug".
Good ep
Quick thoughts on the episode:

The Nick/Wendy/Greg scene in the garage was awesome! I hope Nick and Greg can work together more in the future.

Nick and Troy in the parking lot was great. And Warrick joking that Nick never went to summer camp was great too.

Overall, I'd rate the episode an 8 out of 10.
What do you mean it is sad to say? That he cried? Tell me what you mean by that you get it :p

I love him too!
I really like this episode. It was great then expected, but I would love to see Nick on the bull ride. I give it 10/10.
I thought this episode was great. I'd give it 10/10.

It had some great funny moments. All of you have pretty much hit on them already. Wendy with Nick and Greg, the testicles/Grissom, cowbell.

I loved how Nick stepped up and talked the guy into giving him the gun.

I like the skeletal graphics with they guy and the bull, but the bull stepping on the guys face, kinda made me sick to my stomach. Even though I know it's fake.

It was nice to see Grissom pretty much back to being Grissom.

Poor Precious Ricky.

I just wish this wasn't the last new episode.
I very much enjoyed this episode. I would liked to have seen more of Ty & Jewel, but I also loved the inclusion of Johnny Cash and George Jones songs. Shooter Jennings is ok, but can't compare to his dad.

I loved the way the guys would get all squeamish when discussing the bovine reproduction/information stories. (Wendy with Nick & Greg, and Brass with Nancy)

I also liked Cath & Doc's banter with the first autopsy - Doc likening himself to the cowboy, being held together by lots of "hardware", and Cath's mention of previously dating a bull rider. Did anyone else think of Fur & Loathing (reference to Dutch, the Detroit Lions mascot as a previous boyfriend) when she mentioned that?

And were Cath & Hodges flirting again?!? That's a bit creepy.

When Nick & Greg discover the pickup by following the antifreeze leak, did they have authority to search the vehicle the way they did? (finding the registration)

Hodges "more cowbell" had me roaring with laughter, as did the tying-up-the-balls convo with Gil & Nancy.

Warrick's brief appearance confused me a bit.

Other than way too many cowboy one-liner jokes/quips, this was fun to watch. And does anyone else think this episode would have been a perfect fit to have Sofia back? the toothpick, the swagger...
Okay, so I like the original version of "Rusty Cage" better - I'm just a Soundgarden nut. Johnny Cash's version is pretty damn cool.

I LOVED the skeletal graphics in the one recreation sequence. Sick, but interesting.

Wendy. TMI. Just sayin'. :D

Great BBM reference, even if you could see it coming as soon as they found the "batter spatter" on the cowboy's jeans...

Nick did a primo job talking Troy down - nicely done. I would have liked to see more between him and Warrick, though. They're best friends, at the very least I would have expected a fun bout of smartassery...

I am NOT a country music fan, but the band was pretty decent, just gotta say. :cool:

Annnnndddddd...unless the warring factions make nice real fast, the season ends with an asterisk. Let's hope if nothing else that Alliance/Atlantis and Bruckheimer can pull a Worldwide Pants and reach an accord with the WGA on their own.

I give it a 7.5 or 8.