Grade 'Child's Play'

^^ Hey guys, I wasn't able to review last wednesday episode until yesterday night, so I didn't read any post yet because I like arriving to my own conclusions without being influenced.
So you can imagine my sourprise when I entered the board and saw those big comments of yours, which are great, btw. You really said many interestings things!

I loved the very first scene, you konow, just before the cigar explotes. I didn't expected the girl to find the fake glass, I mean, when the guy puted it in her glass, I thought he was going to drug her or something... so it was kind of funny.

I'm not trying to do such a big thing about it, so I'm just going to point it out. As guessed, there was no trace of the 333's case consequences neither on Mac nor the team.

Well, Danny's behaviour on Ruben's death would need a whole thesis, and since there is a new thread about this topic, I 'll leave that coment for later.

What bothered me the most was the fact that I didn't know what I was supoused to feel while seeing 'Child's play'. I mean, one case makes you cry and the other one is supoused to make you laugh. Moreover, I think the tone on Larry's case decreased the dramatism on Danny's one. However, Larry's case ended up being quite dramatic, too.


5. The blessing of the bikes. I've never heard any of this before! I mean, I know about animal blessing, but bikes?

4. The eye-tattoo. Again, another thing I have never heard of before!

3. Larry's character!! That guy was way lovely! He reminded me to my eldest uncle, who is the best guy on earth!

2. You said you wanted an early July 4th? So you got it with the warehouse's fireworks

1. Danny's face first time he sees Ruben's death body.



"I'm glad you stayed"
Ok, so I re-watched the episode, but I haven't done my 'take lotsa notes' thing yet. However, just wanted to point out something about the editing in the episode.

It's always funny to see outfits going back and forth. I think Lindsay's fug sweater helps to emphasize the fact that the editing was wonky and that they really needed the writers on hand to get the kinks out of the episode (I hope we don't see anything worse in the next few episodes, yikes).

Lindsay has on her purple fug sweater at the beginning, etc, and then she has it on when she goes into the morgue to see Danny before he leaves to see Rikki. Then she's got on a different shirt (black? Or am I wrong and it's just a jacket?) when they go to Laughing Larry's shop, implying that it's the next day (in my mind anyway). But then later on, she's walking down the hall with Stella, and that damn sweater is back again, but she's not wearing it again later on (and might even have a third shirt).

So yes, the editing is wacky. I think it could also account for the fact that it seemed like Danny had been gone with Ruben all day. I mean, we know it's 'nighttime' when Danny tells Rikki about Ruben because they show us nighttime stock footage of NYC, but it's possible that they originally intended it to be soon afterwards (but instead decided to spread it out through the episode)...

This is hurting my brainmeats. >.<

Also, I love Sid, Adam is adorable, Sheldon needs sexy theme music, and I want to have Flack's little ninja babies. :)

ETA: Oh, and in the preview for the next episode--I'm so gay for Angell, just sayin'. :D
Well I noticed that when Reuben was being brought in to the morge it was dark outside. So maybe they were out most of the morning untill lunch>> Danny works on case>>> Reuben's found>>>Danny tells mother!

I also noticed that in autopsy Lindsay said that they were going to meet Flack straight after but Rueben is brought in in between (autopsy and Laughing Larry's) so unless straight after to them means the next day [sarcasm/] then the editing was well and truly messed with!
Just feeling like pointing something out about last week episode.

I really loved Mac-Linds-Danny scene with Ruben's death body. Moreover, what I axactely liked was how the dialogue flowed between them. But what was just great is what they didn't say. It is, did you notice that afer Linds ends her conversation with Mac, instead of going back from where she came, goes just on Danny's direction? ;)



"I'm glad you stayed"
Aww my poor baby. *hugs Danny* I thought this was a great episode. All the more so because we got to see Flack in jeans (Didn't hurt!) :)
Ok, just going from memory, but I keep seeing people say that Lindsay went out after Danny--but did she? I seem to recall her walking at an angle to the way Danny went. Danny walked straight out to Mac's left, but Lindsay walked to Mac's left and back slightly. Unless she looped around or something, I don't see how she went 'after' him...

Danny walked off to Mac's left, Lindsay walked in, Danny waved his hand, so she hung back and spoke to Mac. Then she walked off to Mac's left, but it didn't look like she went in the same direction as Danny.

Who knows. *shrugs*

ETA: I stand corrected. I re-watched the scene and they did go in the same direction. However, looking at this screencap, where in the hell were they going? Is there even a door back there? :lol:
^Danny clearly went and hid in a morgue drawer and Lindsay had to get him out. :eek:
Well that is the weirdest thing, I've only just had a chance to watch the programme and, do you know, my youngest son has Osteogenesis Impefecta. I'd never heard of it until he was diagnosed with the condition and then hey-ho, up it pops on very odd.
Top41 said:
^Danny clearly went and hid in a morgue drawer and Lindsay had to get him out. :eek:

IF he went and hid a drawer Lindsey is clearly the one he was hiding from. ;)

That's got to be it. Lindsey scared him and he went to hide. :p
^Danny: Maybe if I hide in here, she'll never find me! And Sid has to open this drawer eventually...right?


Twinkletoes said:
Well that is the weirdest thing, I've only just had a chance to watch the programme and, do you know, my youngest son has Osteogenesis Impefecta. I'd never heard of it until he was diagnosed with the condition and then hey-ho, up it pops on very odd.

I'm sorry to hear your son has OI, Twinkletoes. :( I have to admit, after watching the ep I wasn't totally clear on what OI is--is it a softening of the bones of some sort?
According to Wikipedia (I can waste a whole day on there), Osteogenesis Imperfecta is also known as "Brittle Bone Disease", so I'd say you're almost right, Top. ;) It's a genetic disorder due to a collagen defiency, which leads to weak and fragile bones.

Link to Wikipedia page on OI

The type of OI mentioned on the show (discoloration of the whites of the eyes) is most probably Type III; where the condition is less severe.

See, Mom?! TV can be educational at times... :D