LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity - Final Results Up

Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

07-- The black and white of Lindsay and keeping her lips pink makes her appear a bit odd.
05-- Greg is a bit blurry and the colors appear a bit washed-out. A bit more contrast would have helped.
06-- I love this idea, but Lindsay in the square looks a bit odd because her face is cut off too much.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

07 - i don't know how to explain it but the contrast of the red lips and the grey face makes lindsay look kinda strange.

05 - i really like the idea but somehow the icon seems a bit 'empty' because of the white space. a texture might have been good, rather than those blue and green parts.

04 - Lindsay's eyes look a bit weird, they are almost the same colour as her face which makes it hard to really 'see' them.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

7 - The contrasts of the bright red to the grey pulls all the focus to that one point. Eyes don't follow around the rest of the icon.

8 - Catherine is quit blurry in contrast to the background.

9 - Greg is blurry and hard to pick out from the busy background.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

7. I think there could be more contrast in the black/white part. It looks a bit dark to me. Also, I don't think leaving the red there really fits it.

8. Very blurry. A bit of sharpening could help. Also, the red is too heavy that the top of Catherine's head and her collar bone just don't look right.

9. There isn't enough contrast between the subject and the background. Also, three small squares is too many to me. They seem to make the icon look crowded.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Um guys - only 5 votes so far! :eek: Where is everyone! We definitely need more votes then this!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

07: The image seems a little dark. The red takes the attention away from the rest of the icon.

09: The icon is a little blurred.

08: The image is a litte blurred.

Gret icons everyone!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

7 - red lips on b/w face doesn't look too good
9 - the red in the corner does not match the colors on the icon
5 - the squares are distracting
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

7.The red lips in the B/W face don't work that well and make Linds look kind of strange.

5.The background takes the attention away from Greg.

9.The picture isn't very clear, especially the little squares. Also, you can barely see that there is black and white there (it looks kind of redish but that could be my computer colours maybe :confused:)

Wow, it is really getting harder to vote. Good work everyone ;)
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

This is tough, all the icons are great but here it goes:

8-Good idea but it's a little bit blurry and the colar bone looks as Cath was hurt, oversaturated.
9-Maybe got a lack of contrat, the colours are a little washed out.
7-The idea is good but it doesn't work fine, Lindsay's red lips look weird and out of place.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

07: I see what you were going for, but it doesn't work. The effect makes Lindsay look kind of washed out and odd.

09: It's a bit blurry.

05: Not enough Greggo!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

3-the placement of the mirrored image is a little awkward
7: In Theory, the idea was good, it just didn't work
8-Catherine looks blurry, and the red at the top of her head makes it look like She has bad roots.
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

I am going to leave voting open a few more days. I will close it Wednesday Oct 31 at 12:00 pm EST. Vote if you ahvn't already!!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

07 - The lips look odd in the b/w
01 - Oversharpened and dull colouring
04 - Weird colouring and placement of it, it makes lindsay's eyes look weird
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Just a reminder - voting will close at 12:00 pm EST tomorrow!
Re: LIMS #4 - The Ultimate Test of Creativity

Well results are up! Time for 2 more very talented icon makers to go.
by Roosey and
by Cathwillows

I'm very sorry to see you both go, and I do hope you stick around and vote for the coming rounds. Thanks for participating!

I am not sure yet who will be doing the next round - but the next round should be up w/i a few days!