
I discovered the show like 2 weeks ago and Ive seen all episodes aired so far during last week

I love it. it is so different and funny and the characters are just awesome - Jack and Taggart are my faorites, and Fargo too. I dont like Nathan much but his scenes with Jack are hilarious

I have a serious crush on Colin Ferguson, he is awesome and hot and funny and all kinds of wonderful

Im glad there is a S2 and Im really curious what Henry is up to and what will happen with Kevin

as for ships - I like Carter/Allison but they are putting too much obstacles and too little moments for them in it. I agree that Allison should really decide what she wants otherwisw it will end up annoying instead of interesting, though she was really cute what she was jelaous in 2.03

the last scene of 2.03 with Jack standing alone on the dancefloor almost broke my heart he was looking really hot but oh so lonely, pobrecito

do you know wheter they are keeping Abby in it? cause I dont like her one bit
Well, I'll try to keep this relatively spoiler free, but I just watched the episode E-MC...? and the guy who plays Zane Donovan(yay, he has a bunch more eppies!!) is so incredibly hot its not even funny. Jack on the other hand, is still funny :D

All in all its a great season. I like Eureka because it's light, not a whole lot of common sense, not a whole lot of real science (as far as I can tell), but very funny to watch. (Don't get me wrong, I love Stargate and all, but the light funny stuff has its place too :) )
Im glad they are keeping Zane there, he was fun

and Jack was great in E-MC...?

I love Noche de sueňos, that was one funny episode
Yeah, I watched them out of order, so I just watched that one! I loved Fargo in that one though, the whole suing thing.... And his crush on Jo :D I think those two make a great pair, and clearly Jo thinks so too ;)

Jack is always great, though is it me or is he a little more serious this season?
maybe a little. but I love him with Stark. they are really funny

I just watched the 2.09 epi and I loved the guy with Zoe. he was really sweet. I hope they keep him around

I missed Zane though but he is going to be in the next ep. and I cant decide who I like more with Jo - Zane or Fargo

I think they finally called it a quit for the Allison/Carter thing which is a pity. they were great in S1

I just love the show. is definitely one of the best there is. I hope there is a S3