Love Hurts (CaRWash - sequel to Match Maker)


Prime Suspect
* 7 months later*
*At Calleigh's place*
Ryan: Cal! Hurry up its just mini golf!
Calleigh: You want me to look good for you?!?
Ryan: Actually.....
*Calleigh comes out of the bathroom*
Calleigh: Don't finish that. Let's go.

*2 hours and 1 game later*
Ryan: I won!
Calleigh: No you didn't, Ryan. You just don't know how to keep score correctly.
Ryan: You're just jealous that I won and you lost.
Calleigh: You're such a child.

*2 weeks later*
*At Ryan's place*
Calleigh: Ryan, hurry up. And tell me you're not cleaning again.
Ryan: Fine, I'm through.
Calliegh: Good, let's go, I am looking foward to going to a club and hopefully I'll enjoy it this time.
Ryan: Wait, you have never enjoyed yourself at a club before? It's pretty hard not to.
Calliegh: Not with you. No. The only fun I had was dragging a drunk you home.
Ryan: Have you ever drank vodka before?
Calliegh: No, why does this apply to me never enjoying being at a club before?
Ryan: Because someone has to stay sober enough to drive home.
Calleigh: Oh no, Wolfe, you are not getting drunk again. Although you were fun to mess with.
Ryan: What'd you do to me the last time I was drunk?
Calleigh: Nothing. So not too much tonight, okay?
Ryan: Okay. I wonder what Horatio is like drunk.
Calleigh: Now that's a sight I don't want to see.

*at the club*

Calliegh: Now Ryan remember try to lay off the drinks because last time I couldn't even have one because I would be too drunk to take you to the car.
Ryan: Fine,fine, I won't how about we dance first then?
Calleigh: This oughta be fun.

*3 hours, barely any drinks later*
Ryan: I need alcohol, Calleigh.
Calleigh: No, you don't. Why don't we go over to my place? Find something to do there.
Ryan:Okay, let's go, but can I have one drink please?
Calliegh: No! Your staying sober!
Ryan:Fine. let's go
*At Calliegh's house*
Calleigh: What do you want to do?
Ryan: Something you won't let me.
Calleigh: Gosh, you're so immature sometimes, Ryan.
Ryan: Yet you still love me.
chapter 2

*3 months later*
*At Calliegh's house*
*Phone rings*
Calliegh: Duquense.
Peter Elliott: Hey Calliegh.
Calliegh: Peter?!
Petere Elliott: Yeah. Hey Cal. How have you been?
Calleigh: I've been good. What about you? And why are you calling me?
Peter Elliott: Just wanted to talk.
Calleigh: Oh well I can't talk for long.
Elliott: Why?
Calliegh: I have a date with Ryan
Elliott: Oooh, new boyfriend?
Calliegh: As a matter of fact yes, so tell me why you called I know you well enough to know its not nothing
Elliott: My wife left me, okay.
Calliegh: Ouch

*Doorbell rings*

Calliegh: Well, that is Ryan, I will call you tommrrow bye,

*hangs up phone then opens door*

Ryan: Hey.You sounded like you were on the phone. Did I interrupt you?
Calleigh: No. No, I was just getting off when you got here.
Ryan: Oh okay.
Calleigh: So you ready to go?
Ryan: Yeah but first I want to talk.
Calleigh: Talk? About what?
Ryan: Well, we have been dating for seven months, and I was wondering, if you would like to move in with me?
Calliegh: Wow, that is a serious step, I will think about it and tell you at the end of our date, now I really want to go bowling!
Ryan: Fair enough and you call me a kid?
Calleigh: You act more like a baby than a kid.
Ryan: Point taken. Let's go.

*at the bowling place*
Ryan: I'm bored.
Calleigh: You're only saying that because you're losing, Wolfe.
Ryan: Maybe so, Duquense.

*the next day*
Calleigh: So, Ryan, I've been thinking about your offer.
Calliegh: I would love too and I think its a great idea!
Ryan:Really that is great!
Calliegh: So when can I move in?
Ryan: As soon as you get your stuff together.
Calleigh: Wow, That's great.
Ryan: I know. I love you too.
chapter 3

*the next day*
*Ryan's place - moving*
Ryan: Ow. Ow.Ow. Heavy box.
Calleigh: That's the lighest one.
Ryan: What do you keep in these things? Lead?
Calleigh: Possibly. I'm not entirely sure.

Ryan: Ha, ha very funny, seriously what do you keep in these boxes?
Calliegh: Give it to me you big baby
*Takes it and carries it into to the Hummer with no problem*
Ryan: How did you get so strong?
Calliegh: Shopping.
Ryan: Mybe I should try that.
Calleigh: Please don't.

*2 hours and 40 boxes later*
Ryan: I can't feel my arms. Or my legs. Or any part of my body for that matter.
Calleigh: Oh shut up. Go to bed if you're that tired.
Ryan: Only if you come with me.

*phone rings*
*both look at their phones*
Calliegh: It's me. Duquense. Oh hey. Can you call me back I am moving. To Ryan's. K bye.
Ryan: Who was that?
Calliegh: Elliott, his wife just left him so he is kind of upset, now let's go to your place so we can unload these boxes.
*Ryan groans*
Calleigh: The faster we get done, the faster you can sit down.
Ryan: Great...

*1 hour 30 minutes later*
Ryan: Do not expect me to help unpack all of your 100 boxes, Calleigh.
Calleigh: I'm not. Now go. I'll finish.
Ryan: Thank you.

* Calleigh's phone rings---again*
Calleigh: Stalker.
Elliott: I'm not. I just want to talk to you.
Calleigh: Okay shoot.
Elliott: You know I've been thinking about some stuff.
Calliegh: What kind of stuff?
Elliott: You and I.
Calliegh: What do you mean their never was an us.
Elliott: I know, but I always noticed you liked me and I felt like we had chemistry.
Calleigh: Yeah, I liked you, Peter. But not anymore. I'm happy with Ryan now.
Elliott: I assume you mean Ryan Wolfe. The guy you used to hate. Right?
Calleigh: People change.
Elliott: I always loved you, Cal. Even back then.
Calleigh: Yet you got engaged and married and didn't so much as tell me. That just about shouts love right there.
Elliott: In your words, people change.
Calliegh: I know, but like I said I am happy with Ryan, I have to go finsh moving all these boxes
Elliott: Okay, but if you change your mind call me.
*hangs up*
Calliegh(to herself): Like that will ever happen I love Ryan too much to leave him. Don't I?
Ryan: Calliegh you okay!?
Calleigh: Yeah, why?
Ryan: You were..umm.. talking to youself.
Calleigh: Yeah I was bored. No one to talk to.
Ryan: Here I'll help.
Calleigh: I thought you were tired.
Ryan: Yeah but I don't want you going all mental on me.
chapter 4

*the next day at the lab*
*in the morgue*

Calleigh: Alexx, you in here?
Alexx: Yeah, sweetie. I'm over here.
Calleigh: Hey, can I talk to you?
Alexx: Sure. About what?
Calliegh: Peter called me yesterday, wanting to get back with me because his wife left him, now I am doubting my relationship with Ryan.
Alexx: Well, that could definantly be a problem there. Listen, I can't tell you who to chose but I can tell you this, Why do you love Ryan?
Calliegh: Because, everytime I am with him I feel like I am a kid again, and he is nice, funny, and not to mention hot,
Alexx: Okay why do you like Peter?
Calleigh: Well he's nice. He's easy to be around but not extremely childish just good company. He is very genuine.
Alexx: Like I said, I can't make this decision for you. But I will tell you this: if you do choose Peter, Ryan's gonna get his heart broken badly. Personally, I think Peter's bad news for you and this lab. But it's your decision to make, not mine.
Calleigh: Okay, thanks Alexx.
: Alexx: Oh and Calliegh, follow your heart.
Calliegh: Thanks.

*Phone rings*
Calliegh: Why are you stalking me?
Elliott: Ha ha very funny, so how have you been doing?
Calliegh: Good if you would stop calling me.
Elliott: How about I treat you out to Starbucks for lunch, not a date or anything just lunch between two colleagues.
Calliegh: Sounds fine,
Elliott: I'll meet you there in 10?
Calleigh: Okay.

*at Starbuck's*
Elliott: So have you thought about what I told you?
Calleigh: Yes. I think that it's safe to give this relationship a chance being that we both care about each other.
Elliott: And you're sure about this? I mean what are you going to tell Ryan?
Calleigh: Yes, I'm sure. And I'll think of something.
Elliott: Great.
WHAT!!!! OMG r u serious! WHY'd she do that! OMg... sorry im freaking a little

the only thing is there a little OOC but this story is so awsome i dont even care!

Keep up the great work
First Calleigh goes mental on the show, and now in the stories too! *runs screaming* just kidding...good work, but please let her realize who's good for her. *begs* Pretty please?
chapter 5

* 1 hour later*
Calliegh: Shoot! Look at the time, I am supposed to meet Ryan in 10 minutes he wants to show me something specail
Elliott: So what are you going to tell him exactly?
Calliegh: Listen, I haven't made up my mind for sure yet, I am going to tell him that I am just hanging out with some old friends and over the week slowly break- up with him.
Elliott: Okay, I would be mad but this wasn't a date and we aren't going out yet so it's all good.
Calliegh: Thank you so much for everything, bye!
*back at the lab*
Ryan: Where is she?
Delko: You act she's missing or something, man. Sit down you're making me dizzy.
Ryan: Well she promised to meet me here like 10 minutes ago.
Delko: Maybe there was traffic.
Ryan: Yeah maybe.
*Calliegh walks in*
Calliegh: Sorry I am late got stuck in traffic
Delko: I tried to tell Wolfe that but he didn't listen
Ryan: Let's go
Calliegh: So what did you want to show me?
Ryan: You'll see
*at Ryan's place*
Calleigh: What did you want to show me, Ryan?
Ryan: This. *points to a plant* This is a plant.
Calleigh: Wow you're smart.
Ryan: I wasn't done, thank you. Anyway, this is a plant to symbolize our relationship. Our love will die only when every petal of this plant dies so we must water it everyday to keep it strong and growing.
Calleigh: Ryan, why is the plant moving?
Ryan: Oh. That's our new puppy. Her name is Rosebud.
Calleigh: We have a puppy now?
Ryan: What? Don't you like it?
Calleigh: Oh I love it.
*mumbles to herself* What did I do?
Ryan: What was that?
Calliegh: How romantic are you?
Ryan: Thank you. But that isn't all
Calliegh: It isn't?
Ryan: Nope, I got reservations at your favorite restruant which we will be going to tonight.
Calleigh: Oh wow Ryan. You didn't have to do all this you know.
Ryan: Yeah I know. But I wanted to.

*later that night at dinner*
Ryan: Calleigh, what's wrong? You seem a little distant.
Calleigh: Oh it's nothing Ryan. Don't worry.
Ryan: Okay.

*next day at the lab*
Calleigh: Alexx!
Alexx: Yes?
Calleigh: I need help.
Alexx: What now?
Calliegh: Trouble with Ryan.
Alexx: What did he do to you?
Calliegh: Nothing, except make this decsion even harder on me. He bought me a love plant, a dog and reservations at my favorite restruant.
Alexx: Well, I can see where that would make you decsion harder, but what is your heart saying?
Calleigh: I don't know and that's the problem. I love Ryan yet I love Peter.
Alexx: Calleigh, you're going to have to pick one.
Calleigh: I told Peter I'd break it off with Ryan.
Alexx: Well you can't just keep stringing Ryan along like that.
Calleigh: I know but he'll be crushed when I tell him.
Alexx: Then break it off with Peter.
Calleigh: But Alexx, I can't. I think I love them both.
Alexx: Well, then, I don't know what to tell you which ever one you choose the other one is going to be sad.
Calliegh: Thanks Alexx.
*Cell phone rings*
Calliegh: Duquense
Elliott: Hey, how about we spend sometime alone tonight and go on a real first date?
Calleigh: I don't know,Peter.
Elliott: Well what's up?
Calleigh: Okay I'll go but what am I going to tell Ryan?
Elliott: I don't know. Make something up.
Calleigh: You're not helping.
Elliott: Just tell him that your meeting some of you college friends
Calliegh: Fine, but I really need a better excuse than that next time
Elliott: Next time? I thought you were breaking up with him soon.
Calleigh: We'll see.
Elliott: Oh so you're not going to pick between us. You're just going to date us both at once, is that it?
Calleigh: No. No of course not. I'll do it tonight, okay?
Elliott: Thank you. I'll see you tonight.
Calleigh: Okay, bye.
Alexx: Good luck explaning things to Ryan.
Calleigh: Don't remind me