Holly Gribbs.


CSI Level Two
Apparently she was cut out of CSI because the fans didn't like her. I don't see why people didn't like her, think she woulda made an interesting addition to the team. Did you guys like her? Would you like to have seen more of her? I would've, it's a shame she was killed off so early. Saying that we got Sara in her place lol. :lol:
I don't know her, and I won't judge her. The audrience didn't connect with her, because she doesn't fit well with them. No chemistry with them. I can't remember why they let her go. Maybe someone can explained it better then I do.
I liked her with Grissom, I know they only had a few scenes together but I think they coulda worked well. I think they connected really well. She had some nice 'motherly' scenes with Catherine too.

I find it a real shame that her character never really got the chance to mature.
I think the reason that the test audience didn't like Holly to begin with is that she didn't really want to be there as a CSI. She mentioned to Catherine during their little break that the job wasn't really for her, and her mom pushed her into it. That was a real contrast to the rest of the team at that point where they all really loved their job. There's nothing worse than working with someone that really doesn't want to be there. Where could they have gone with that storyline other than have her come to like the job?
I can't remember why they let her go.
You mean the character or the actress? I dont know why the Actress was let go, maybe it was a one episode stint or something.....but I know that Holly was killed on the job after Warrick left her alone at a crime scene when he was supposed to be shadowing her. :) . I actually did like her, I have a bunch of caps of her :lol: I really did like her, it was a shame they killed her.. :p
I don't think it was that fans didn't like her (It wouldn't have matter all that much, they had filmed 5 or 6 episodes before the show aired I believe) but that they were beginning the story arc of: Warrick's gambling problem, bringing Sara into the show, Brass being demoted or something, and so on and so forth.

However, I didn't like Holly Gribbs :p
I don't think the fans had an affect on it, because she was only supposed to be in one episode, and she died in that one. They didn't film and then wait for the fan's reactions, they couldn't have...
Like most shows, I believe they made the pilot, then showed it to various test-audiences before the show was picked up by the network. It's my understanding that it was these test audiences that didn't care for the Holly character.
^^ Kaylyne, thats what I read. I really liked her, she was vunerable and I think she woulda grown into a nice character.

Good point you made before aswel, about working with someone who wasn't really into it. I think it woulda grown on her possibly. Maybe lol I dunno. Guess we'll never know.
Oh. Well, I like that the storyline played out as it did anyway. I took an immediate dislike to her when I first saw the pilot, cuz I didn't see it until after I had already seen most of season 2 and I was already used to Sara, so I don't know how my reaction would've been had I seen the pilot first...
^The same happened for me. I also found her a bit up herself. (don't hate me *winces*) You know with the whole thing that happened in Brass' office. I'm surrounded by people like her and they irritate me, lol.

I'm not so sure about her being a love interest for Grissom. I don't think she was right for him. I never really saw it.

All in all, I'm glad Sara came onto the show. She's awesome. :D
All I'm saying is that we didn't have enough time to get to know her, so I think most of us can't really decide whether or not they liked her.

Personally, I had no problem with her. Who wouldn't behave like a noob on their first workday?
eggbe4thechicken said:
^The same happened for me. I also found her a bit up herself. (don't hate me *winces*) You know with the whole thing that happened in Brass' office. I'm surrounded by people like her and they irritate me, lol.

I'm not so sure about her being a love interest for Grissom. I don't think she was right for him. I never really saw it.

All in all, I'm glad Sara came onto the show. She's awesome. :D

No hating here, but I can't say that I wouldn't have reacted the same way if Brass was tearing me a new one for no real reason other than who my mother was. Personally, I liked Holly and would have liked to see her character grow. It certainly isn't easy being new to a job. But at the same time, I wouldn't trade Sara for her.
Well, since Sara came on the show to replace her, and I like Sara better, maybe I am glad they killed her off. But, I didn't really like Sara at first. So I think if they gave Holly more time on the show, I , and other viewers, could have grown to love her. Again, at first Sara wasnt the nicest character, but people have grown to love her.

Plus, I wouldn't mind sharing my name with a character on CSI. :D
Since she was written out and Sara came in I'd say I like the way things went. But she would have been good in the team as well but they still had to bring Sara in :) I just wonder how the writers could see fans didn't like her.. she has been in only that one episode..

@ hollie I loved Sara from the first second I saw her