If You Were A CSI, What Would You Have "Issues" With?

The smell of dead bodies and whatever else, like ThumpyG42 said, I just wouldn't be able to handle dealing with vomit. I wouldn't mind digging through garbage that much...I'd rather not, but it's better than some things. I don't get why people are such wimps about bugs...I'm like Grissom, I <3 bugs.
blackflag said:
I watched a neighbors house burn to the ground and re-light after the fire department left when I was about 4 years old. So fire has always affected me. Guess you could say that I wouldn't be much good on an arson case.
I would also have issues with fire cases. When I was younger there was a house fire down our road and I remember walking past it a few days after and the smell was horrendous. It freaked me out. I couldn’t go into a house after a fire.
None of the really horrid bits would really bother me that much, but I cannot bear maggots, just the thought of them makes me feel a bit ill. :lol: Blood, vomit, weird odours, not a problem.

I have no issue at all with fires. My Dad was in the Fire service for 25 years and I always used to know when he had been called out to a fire overnight because our whole house would reek from the smell of his clothes. I love that smell, probably because it reminds me of my childhood. :)
Cases to do with children, domestic violence, rape, cannibalism, guts and gore. Basically, I don't think I could ever do this job! I'd get too emotionally envolved and end up wanting to either A. break down and cry or B. punch a suspects lights out! Nope, not a wise carear more for me lol.

I think i'd also find the accidental death one's a problem too, like in LV when that kid killed his best friend when they were both high. That'd bum me out big time.
I think I would have a problem with anything dealing with children. They are completely innocent. It is hard to imagine anyone hurting or doing anything to a child. The only plus side will getting to be the one who locks the bastards up. That would be very rewarding.
My problem would be any dead animals for starters. Like, no offense to George-lovers but in Grave danger I was like "SCREW NICK! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT DOG?"

And also probably vomit, and snot. I'm a snot-hater. XP
blood, gore, bodily fluids, i don't care. bring it on. but any body thats been underwater or drowned freaks me out. i have a huge phobia of drowning and seeing it or thinking about it almost sends me into a panic attack. so i doubt i would be able to handle that very well. i barely made it through the episode 'pirated' on miami.

but other than that, i think i'd be alright.
I think I would have BIG Issues with fire and small spaces . I'm afraid of fire since my best friend made an stupid joke and burned my hand . and I am claustrophobic !
Other than that I think I'll handle it . And I am not afraid of dead bodies ! ( I even made dissections !)
Like I can handle blood, semen (haha) any of that. and its not the odor that would bother me, like sure, it would hit me pretty hard the first time, but I'm okay with all that. I think I can handle vomit, but not when people describe to me what they think it looks like. I have this friend, Tamara, and someone sneezed in a waterfountain in the gym, and it was gross enough as is, but then she has to go off and describe what bodily fluids combined it looked like.

Lost my lunch in the nearest trash can. =(
Give me bugs, give me blood, give me guts and stuff like that. But I could never, ever, see a dead body as it is; it just creeps me out to no end. So I could basically handle the murder weapon, just not the murder victim.
Vomit would bother me, just because it's disgusting.. I have a huge blood problem, like if someone's bleeding I feel like vommiting.

I could deal with domestic abuse, children, semen, and bodies. The abuse and kids would push me to do well. Semen and stuff would intrigue(sp?) me.