the writers of csi:miami

I heard it, but on this forum. :lol:
Anyways, I like the show (excuse me, LOVE it) but recently I've missed some characteristics of out favorite characters *cough H cough* and I've been sort of let down with the new episodes, but overall, it's better than last season and maybe, just maybe, it'll go uphill from here. (I'm so optimistic :D)
Honestly. I'm tired of Horatio. DON'T GET ME WRONG. Horatio is great. Really. But he's always saving the day. Its like the other characters don't know how to shoot a gun, and its like Horatio has superman speed and can get from point A to point B in two nano seconds regardless of where he was in the first place.

I'd like to see Calleigh, Eric, or Ryan be the hero for once. And have Eric be the hero specifically so that he can prove to himself and to everyone else that he can do his job. I don't like the whole suffering from memory loss :(
^ See, in 21 and 2, H was sweet and kind and caring and not just a superhero but a loving guy who would save kids, talk to them, confort them, and console victims and those left behind. A good example- 'Hurricane Anthony' when he sat with marty while he died. That was so amazing and so sad and SO the H I miss.

Then in s4 he changed. He got selfish and a bit...weird. Just not our H we know and love. He didn't console anyone, he didn't run into many more kids, and he wasn't as sweet. AND NO MORE LAB! Why can't he do anymore lab work?

Well this season they're bringing back the old H. He's not completely there, but I see a change and all I can do is hope that by the the end of the season he'll be his old, s4 self. Maybe he was just trying to be macho for Marisol. Who knows.

So we'll see how the rest of the season plays out. And pray that TPTB like us. :D
i think Horatio needs to get injured involving a lot of blood but no more gun shots it wouldnt be original anymore. maybe he should get stabbed or something or u know get hit by shrapnel(sry i cant spell i ment those things from a bomb that gets blown off and hits people in the way) i think if he did get hit and they showed his blood the viewer would see that hes human and i also agree that he sould get a woman that wouldnt end up dieing or at least not by a tragic accident or getting shot(again!!) anyways thats just my opinion again lol
Happilyhappy said:
Honestly. I'm tired of Horatio. DON'T GET ME WRONG. Horatio is great. Really. But he's always saving the day. Its like the other characters don't know how to shoot a gun, and its like Horatio has superman speed and can get from point A to point B in two nano seconds regardless of where he was in the first place.

I'd like to see Calleigh, Eric, or Ryan be the hero for once. And have Eric be the hero specifically so that he can prove to himself and to everyone else that he can do his job. I don't like the whole suffering from memory loss :(

I agree I like Horatio's character without a doubt, but why does he always have to save the day?, can't the let one of the other csi's do it?. and have you always noticed that Horatio always finishes a case at the end of every episode even if the other team members have done all of the work?
If CSI Miami is going up to S10, we can be pretty sure that there's gonna be ALOT more stuff between Horatio and Yelina. ;)

But i do agree, we should focus the episodes more onto other chars. Now like 'Lost' though, where each episode COMPLETELY focuses in one specific char, it'll get annoying. But you know how Horatio always ends the episode with walking off into the distance or something? Maybe, we should get other chars to do that too. But really, i'm completely satisfied with the stotyline so far.
Guys, just a reminder that there is an established Horatio thread that is touching on this subject already. This thread however is mainly for the discussion of the writers/storylines/characters as a whole. ;) I'm not saying y'all can't discuss Horatio, but let's try not to make it the entire focus. :)
i agree the story lines and cases have been goog which is a great job by the writers on that end but i also think that they gotta focus on the other characters other than just horatio and by focus on othe characters i dont mean shootings them and giving them memory loss -_-'
i want more calleigh and more eric...their characters are very interesting...but the writers are,in my opinion to focus to H.character.
i want see more about the other.....i want see...more calleigh!!!!!!!!
I think that what the characters need is to be a little more three dimensional. Horatio doesn't seem to be nearly as Empathetic anymore, he doesn't get as involved with the witnesses and the people as he did in the earlier seasons. Calliegh has been able to show a wide range of emotions, but she deserves a chance to be the big hero, to go and maybe save Horatio (he needs to be the Damsle in Distress sometimes) and I would love to see her get the chance to be a woman above a cop. Like in Vegas when Ecklie was appointed director and Grissom and Catherine had to dress up, I would love an episode like that for Miami so that we can see Calliegh in a full dress. I think the Writers need to put in some moment of absolute brilliance for Eric so that he can prove to the others that he is still the man he was before the shooting. I would also like to see Ryan be a little less of a screw up and a little more the brilliant and ambitious CSI he was the first time we met him. He walked in with this 'I own the world' attitude, and recently he's been more of a social light and he's been screwing up quite a few times and that bothers me. Not that he's screwing up, but that he's lost that need to double and triple check for screw ups. Eric stated he was OCD, he should show that a little more. As for the other Characters, I would love it if the writers let Tripp have the last line for once (especially since Horatio's have been getting worse over the last couple seasons). I would also like to see Alexx's family once in a while. I don't know why, but I would like to see her family.
Now I bring my long winded rant to a close and go to bed. so without further audie (sp?), I bid you, farwell.

This season SUCKS. The writing is terrible. There's little to no continuity. Research would be a good place to start: people with OCD are not bumbling idiots. They are very precise and deliberate. The ones I know do not go around picking fights with people, either.

This show should change the title to CSI:Boa Vista. HOW did this investigative team ever thrive for X-amount of years without her? (SARCASM)

There are viewers out here who actually HAVE working brains. I can get entertainment out of "Bones" than I've gotten from CSIM this season. It's a shame that the actors/actresses prior to LaRue have now got to sit back and watch her skanky ass take over the friggin' show. CSIM is not a crime drama - it's a soap opera.

This is my LAST season of CSIM. And I will NOT be buying this season's DVD set, either. The writers and those who approve of the crap they've handed out this year should be ashamed of themselves for driving away an up-to-now loyal audience. Garbage in, viewers out.

I'm done. Period.