csi miami weird wonders

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by csinickhill, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. csinickhill

    csinickhill Civilian

    Feb 11, 2007
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    hope you enjoy im new so be gentle

    C.S.I Miami

    Alex Tripp and Haratio are standing over a little girls body, the girl is lying in a pool of blood, next to a sand pit.

    Alex: H something’s wrong here, this girl has no wounds this is not her blood.
    Tripp: what?
    Haratio: ok Alex get the girl back to the morgue find out how she died!
    Tripp: H there’s like 5 pints of blood here. Haratio takes of his shades

    Haratio: then I guess - haratio puts his shades back onI know where missing a body

    Music wont get fooled again

    At the park, as Haratio just picked up a blue fibre from the sand pit, Delko arrives at the scene.

    Delko: is it true H this isn’t are vic’s blood?
    Haratio: that’s correct Eric, we need this whole park procesed because were missing a body.
    Delko: ok I’m on it.

    Haratio hears a noise in the bushes goes over to have a look and see’s a women with blood coming from her head, struggling to breath.

    Haratio: get me a medic!!!
    Eric we may loose her, we need any evidence off her clothes fast.
    Delko: ok H, get a medic now!!!
    Haratio: mam - mam was you here with your daughter?

    Lady nods her head say’s yeah under her breath.

    Delko: she’s gone- she’s gone H god dam it we lost her.
    Haratio: then I guess I gunner get this guy for murder --- TWICE

    In a wrestling ring at an empty arena Ryan and caliegh are asking a promtor questions.

    Ryan: so what was going on, why were they in here?
    Promoter: well the champ who you see there dead was practising major spots for there match tonight, well all of a sudden bang he’s shot, but there’s no one here.
    Caleigh: well someone was and I’m gonna find out who

    Ryan and caleigh go over to the body.

    Caleigh: boy this was execution style Ryan he has been shot right in between the eyes. Who ever did this was skilled.
    Ryan: ok well I guess I’ll take I’ll take the stairs and seating area, you take entrance and ring.
    Caleigh: you got a deal

    At the morgue
    Alexx and Haratio are with the mother and child.

    Haratio: ok lets start with the little girl.
    Alexx: ok, well her name is holly, she’s beautiful, two years old and died of exphixiation, and I found this fibre in her mouth.
    Haratio: that’s blue, I found one like that in the sandpit at the park, I’ll see if it matches. Ok what about the mother?
    Alexx: well her name is Sara, she died of blunt force drama to her head 13” inch wound across he forehead.
    Horatio: that a wedding ring Alex? So I need to find the husband. And see how he is!

    Back at the wrestling arena
    Calliegh finds nothing but blood splatter, so she goes to help Ryan.

    Calliegh: ok sweety, what have you found?
    Ryan: There’s that many people here at night, there’s loads of things, I’ve also found GSR on the entrance curtain and a bit of chewed tobacco which is soaked in DNA.
    Calliegh: ok let’s get it back to the lab.

    At the lab
    Horatio matches the two blue fibre, Eric walks down the hallway and H shouts him in.

    Haratio: we found this fibre in the little girls mouth, it matches the one we found in the sand pit.

    hope this is a good start to a story let me know if you want me to carry on
  2. sissi59100

    sissi59100 CSI Level Three

    Nov 8, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Keep writing ;) just one thing: it's Horatio not Haratio :)
  3. iluv_ryan

    iluv_ryan Witness

    Feb 14, 2007
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    hmm more Ryan!!! sorry hence the name iluv_ryan. lol :lol:
  4. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Hmm the Sara name has me suspicious. *hopes her last name isn't Sidle* But I'm anxious for more anyway :)

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