NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

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Palm, the guy with Tony's girlfriend in the picture was the cop Tony had just become buddies with during the ep who had just blown it with his girlfriend, etc. He & Tony became friends right away because they were so much alike...and then the guy got shot in the end. (I'm assuming that's who it was supposed to be, right? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong). Tony mentioned to his girlfriend that he and the ex "must be alot alike", and she sort of denied it, but not completely. I did see it coming pretty much from the beginning, the "Tony's new buddy is his girlfriend's ex boyfriend", but it was still a fun twist, nevertheless. And I didn't expect the guy to get killed in the end.

Loved the scene with McGee as the Superstar Novelist with his sexy entourage! And Tony's comment "I gotta write a novel", but I loved what Gibbs shot back to him: "You have to read one, first..." *snort* :lol:
I loved last nights ep but am wondering what Tony meant when John asked him about getting married & he said"I can't live a lie" Still makes me wondering if sshe's being investigated for something or what? McGee looked sooooooo cool going into the club. Tony making the comment about writing a novel & Gibbs telling him he'd have to read one. LOL That was just tooooooo cute. I hate they killed John off. Was hoping for a trianglr there of some sorts. LOL All in all I loved it. Also loved the Ilove you on the slushie. Was wishing it was me. LOL
I think it refers to when Tony told his girlfriend he was a detective or something. I mean, he's not... but then again, with NCIS, it could be something highly destructive like Kat mentioned.

I enjoy how I didn't know that. Thank you SO MBGrissom :3
I loved last nights episode. I thought it was so cute of Gibbs to give Abby the stuffed "I love you" heart thing. Tony's relationship with Jean is getting interesting. I , for some reason, have the impression that she doesn't know what he does for a living. I don't know why, I just don't think she knows. The look on Gibbs' face at the end there was so sad, like he was wondering why he had come back.
MBGrissom said:
Palm, the guy with Tony's girlfriend in the picture was the cop Tony had just become buddies with during the ep who had just blown it with his girlfriend, etc. He & Tony became friends right away because they were so much alike...and then the guy got shot in the end. (I'm assuming that's who it was supposed to be, right? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong). Tony mentioned to his girlfriend that he and the ex "must be alot alike", and she sort of denied it, but not completely. I did see it coming pretty much from the beginning, the "Tony's new buddy is his girlfriend's ex boyfriend", but it was still a fun twist, nevertheless. And I didn't expect the guy to get killed in the end.

I think you and I share a brain, MBGrissom! You posted exactly what I was going to say. I was going to add that during the last phone call between Tony/girlfriend the camera panned over to John listening in, and that little camera pan confirmed what we knew. It sort of ruined the moment for me. :(

I'm on board with those who think Tony's girlfriend is part of some larger investigation. Something's "hinky," as Gibbs would say. :lol:

By the way, did anyone else think Tony was a tiny bit protective of Ziva when John was talking to her during the interrogation observation? It was like he could have a girlfriend but don't even think about hitting on my co-worker. :rolleyes: "It's like shooting fish in a pond. Don't you mean a barrel? Why would fish be in a barrel?" :lol:

Also, TV sweeps are going on right now in February. Sweeps will also be May and November. That's why the best episodes are shown then. :)
PrettyEyes, I noticed Tony's hackles rising too, in the elevator when John was kind of flirting in the beginning with Ziva. I thought WTF?? Tony can sneak out of work to go have sex with his girlfriend, but poor little Ziva can't get some innocent on-the-job flirting in? :lol:

I also agree about the girlfriend being hinky. Don't know what it'll be, but something's going to happen. Poor Tony...
This was the worst possible week for the space on my tape to be full and only record the first five minutes, but I waited until midnight for it to appear on Innertube.

I have to say that it was an amazing episode.

At first I really didn't like Jeanne, but since she is in every episode lately, I've started to warm up to her. I really had no idea until the final scene with Jeanne checking her email that John was the that I've seen it again, there were clues. I just didn't see them as usual.

For those who saw it on tv, was there a promo for next week?
^ Yeah there was. SQUEE. So, I assume there WILL be a new episode next week.
Unless CBS goes kamikaze on it.
I really liked the gift Tony's girlfriend got him. It fit their relationship. And I like that she wasn't upset when he said 'your gift is still at the store'. I didn't see John's death coming. ;)
What would have been a pretty freaky scenario is, instead of John dying, he and Ziva hit it off and went out on a date (unbeknownst to Tony), ran into Tony & Jeanne out somewhere, and...well, I just think that would have made for some fun fireworks ;) I don't know what I would have enjoyed seeing more... Tony getting all protective of Ziva out on a date, even though it's with his new buddy? Or Tony hitting up his new buddy for an inside "scoop" on what Ziva is like on a date? Ziva getting protective of Tony out on a date? Jeanne freaking out seeing her ex on a date? And with Tony's co-worker, yet? And finally, poor John (if he were still alive) freaking out when he sees his new buddy Tony out on a date with his old girlfriend Jeanne? Man, I shoulda been a writer for NCIS... that would have been a fun scene. And to top it off... Ta Daaaa! The night ends with Abby & McGee walking in together on a date... :lol: Major Drama!
I think it refers to when Tony told his girlfriend he was a detective or something. I mean, he's not... but then again, with NCIS, it could be something highly destructive like Kat mentioned.

I don't remember Tony telling Jeanne anything of what he does. He's referred to his Boss a few times but I don't recall any specifics. But then, I find the whole Jeanne 'secret' to be the most boring plot ever and I'm mentally tuning out whenever she shows up on screen, and wishing they'd just kill her already or something.

PrettyEyes, I noticed Tony's hackles rising too, in the elevator when John was kind of flirting in the beginning with Ziva. I thought WTF?? Tony can sneak out of work to go have sex with his girlfriend, but poor little Ziva can't get some innocent on-the-job flirting in?

Heh, I thought it was more a case of Tony starting to like John and was concerned that Ziva would make mincemeat of him, lol!
PrettyEyes said:
MBGrissom said:
Palm, the guy with Tony's girlfriend in the picture was the cop Tony had just become buddies with during the ep who had just blown it with his girlfriend, etc. He & Tony became friends right away because they were so much alike...and then the guy got shot in the end. (I'm assuming that's who it was supposed to be, right? Anyone correct me if I'm wrong). Tony mentioned to his girlfriend that he and the ex "must be alot alike", and she sort of denied it, but not completely. I did see it coming pretty much from the beginning, the "Tony's new buddy is his girlfriend's ex boyfriend", but it was still a fun twist, nevertheless. And I didn't expect the guy to get killed in the end.

I think you and I share a brain, MBGrissom! You posted exactly what I was going to say. I was going to add that during the last phone call between Tony/girlfriend the camera panned over to John listening in, and that little camera pan confirmed what we knew. It sort of ruined the moment for me. :(

I'm on board with those who think Tony's girlfriend is part of some larger investigation. Something's "hinky," as Gibbs would say. :lol:

By the way, did anyone else think Tony was a tiny bit protective of Ziva when John was talking to her during the interrogation observation? It was like he could have a girlfriend but don't even think about hitting on my co-worker. :rolleyes: "It's like shooting fish in a pond. Don't you mean a barrel? Why would fish be in a barrel?" :lol:

Also, TV sweeps are going on right now in February. Sweeps will also be May and November. That's why the best episodes are shown then. :)

Maybe it's because I don't live in the US, but I don't get the whole sweeps thing. May Sweeps I get: end of the season of course. November Sweeps: Okay, just before almost no more episodes in December, could get it. But February Sweeps? I totally don't get it. Many shows even hardly have any episodes in February.
If memory serves, Sweeps are used for determining what advertisers get charged for advertising during a particular show. The higher the show scores during Sweeps, the more the network can charge advertisers. I think it also helps determine what shows stay and what shows get dropped. Have you noticed that some shows get dropped in late November/ early Decmber, with us getting repeats until they get a midseason replacement?
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