Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Glad you liked it Sil and I'm happy it made you feel better. Sorry to hear your down too, I see your life is hectic.

Yeah I thought about that too and I just couldn't see ryan really going there to hang out and do that stuff, especially the way he acted to that rich chic and the dude. The peeps there just didn't seem like his types of peeps to hang with. Maybe he went there just to check it out and left. I think he's an angel because...cause I want him to be. Also it doesn't seem like he got anywhere with the reporter or boa..I think he if was experienced he would have um had them both and we would have at least know a little about it..like maybe they would have said.." I had fun with you last night." I hope they never make him turn out like Delko...womanizer.
As for x mas presents I think Greg would buy ryan some crazy t shirt that says something on it like " I have issues" (my son has one) just as a gag gift. Ryan would probably buy greg some nice shirts he would like to see him wear. Maybe greg would buy a toy for the bedroom hehe..keeping it 13..
As for the q's above about bringing someone else into the...um room I couldn't see ryan being comfortable with that or letting it happen but if it did i'd say a woman and no one they know...some hottie from a bar.
I'd like to know if Ryan is jewish too, but seeing we haven't got much background on him at all I dont see the TPTB giving us that.

I remember that Katie but I dont think ryan is a bad boy...he has ocd so he is predictable.
Lets not forget him asking calleigh if she had ever "pushed the dinner plates aside to get some." Fainted when he said that. But once again I couldn't see him doing that but when he said it he kind of sounded like he was saying it from experience....his ocd must have went away or it's really a slight case. I think if he had pushed plates off the table half way through getting some he would have to stop and clean it up.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: I remember! The way he said it *thud* oh you're so right, Katie. For all we know, Ryan could've had a dark side we don't know of :devil: I mean, we know so little about him. God knows what he does in his free time... :rolleyes: :p

Or... could he have spoken from experience? Maybe he's met a bad boy before... the one that's tempting, mysterious, and unpredictable... :devil: :devil:

Hehehe Twiz I'm loving your devil-angel idea... :D

Hmm talking about latex... Maybe Greg could paint Ryan in latex Santa outfit :lol: Greg could be Rudolph :rolleyes: :D ...err nevermind. I'm sleep-depraved :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

greg could be santa and ryan could be one of his little elves...his little helper.
OMG I saw this x mas boxers at K-Mart and now I'm picturing ryan and greg wearing them...oh nice thoughts.
They were like santa's suit..red with white fuzzy trim.
I could see them wearing those while they decorate their little 3 foot tree. They would have their own decorations on it. Ryan would have like a matching color, say all gold things, and greg would have funny things like cartoon characters like the simpsons or something ...or he would have band ones...like a marlyn manson and his fav bands. Then they would try to string popcorn but end up eating it. Ok i'm officially insane for these thoughts.

I'm thinking ryan could have a dark side..he gambled on the death poll and we knows he's visited such bad bars like in Legal, so who knows. If they do decide to give us a look into his life after work and he is a bad boy then they better show his tattoo, showing he is a real bad boy.

Maybe I should put devil horns on ryan too instead of a halo..hhmmm.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Maybe you could still put a halo and wings on him... but with a devil tail peeking from behind :devil: Meaning that he looks innocent but, who knows? :p

And I think Greg could be not as 'devil' as we expect... Sure, when he talks it seems like he knows a whole lot of things. Like liquid latex, and 'other' ways to take drugs, etc... But sometimes I think he's just saying it. Like he read it or heard it from someone and not actually 'knows' from experience. The way he says it. Different from Ryan's 'I've been here before' :devil: Now that has a whole different vibe...
But then again... who knows? :D

Anyway, I was watching Driven and just noticed that one of the suspect's name was Greg. I was like, why it was Horatio kept saying it, why not Ryan??? :D I wanna hear him say it, just to see how it would sound in his tongue... There was also a suspect named Sanders, in earlier episodes, if I'm not mistaken. Did Ryan say his name too? Hmm I need to record that... :lol: Hehe I'm crazy.

Haha x-mas boxers :lol: Hmm definitelly nice picture, Twiz :devil: Greg in Santa outfit huh?

Ryan: Santa Greg, what would I get for Christmas?
Santa Greg: You're not getting anything... You've been a bad boy.
Ryan: *pouts*


I'm gonna continue with 'You've been bad, Ryan. You should be punished' but the PG 13 bar would hunt and poke me with pointy sticks :lol: :devil: *PG 13 army guards approaching her* Err... I'm innocent. I swear!! *hiding devil tail behind her* :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Whoa 2nd page again..Gutterville has been deserted. SO I'm here to bring some holiday cheer to anyone that needs it. Shadow and Sil I know you guys are a bit down and Neelie I hope you like and Katie, you got it.
OK I haven't got this whole manipping thing down real good yet but I'm learning and last night I made this. Now warning it's not the best but after I looked at it I LOL. Here's my Christmas gift to all you guys.. I really need to work on my photoshop skills..Merry Christmas From Twiz and boys
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

:eek: Twiz I love it! :lol: OMG you just made my day... Hehehe it's SO hilarious. Greg's expression is so fit :lol: You're right. I was having a foul mood, tired, very sleep-depraved, coffee-overload, but coming here just cheered me up :)
Glad to see you're getting addicted to the maniping world too, Twiz... It's fun, eh? By the year 2007, you're gonna be tempted to start maniping Ryan and Greg making out in a supply closet :lol: :devil: Just watch... :devil:

Hmm Ryan in Santa outfit... Hey Neelie, didn't we talk about it before? :lol: I think Twiz just beat me to it...

The Gutterville is deserted :eek: I've been bad... I haven't gone here since... ages :rolleyes: *bows down to beg forgiveness* Maybe it's the cold weather that beats all the hotness? We seem to strive more in the summer :lol:

Oh great, 8.16. I have class at 9 *grunts* Well see you later all...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I think this would be an ideal situation for our two sexy men:
Ryan: Greggy, You know I love you.
Greg: No I will not do that dance again.
R:Go on please.
G:Alright then *Puts on Sexy Back and proceeds to do the dance he did in Table Stakes with the Head Dress*
R:Oh yeah!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hmm, yes I haven't posted here in a while. Sorry! I have to now since you posted that pic Twiz. When I saw it I was LMAO. :lol:

Gutterville needs to get into the Christmas spirit. *hangs up mistletoe everywhere Greg and Ryan will be* :devil: Oh wait, that won't work. *points to location* :devil: *laughs evily* Just kidding. I'll share him. :p ;)

GregForNick, nice senario! :lol:

Christmas boxers?? :eek: I'd like to see that. Muahaha
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

See... I promised I'd be good and so I come here again :D

GregForNick said:
I think this would be an ideal situation for our two sexy men:
Ryan: Greggy, You know I love you.
Greg: No I will not do that dance again.
R:Go on please.
G:Alright then *Puts on Sexy Back and proceeds to do the dance he did in Table Stakes with the Head Dress*
R:Oh yeah!
OMG I'd love to see that! :lol: Nice scenario :devil: Is it too weird of me that the image pops up in my mind is of Greg dancing on a table?? :eek: Among Ryan's dinner, if you like. And just a matter of time until Ryan starts to push the plates aside... :devil: :devil:

I'm bringing sexy back... Them other boys don't know how to act... Damn now that song just stuck in my head :eek: :lol: And I don't even like Justin!

Move over, sandersidle... Give our boys some space... :p :D
Hmm Christmas Spirit, eh? *hangs mistletoes in the supply closet and stuff Greg and Ryan in it* IN you go! :devil: :devil:

What, H? Ryan? No I don't know where he is... Greg? Don't know where either, Grissom... ;) :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

This is perfect, My friend and I wrote this last night when we were talking bout them. I was Greg she was Ryan.
Ryan:Greg what are you wearing?
Greg:My Rolling Stones top.
R:No what are those?
G:Oh my red boxers with Mistletoe.
R:Oh god, Ummm you know what they do to me.
G:I know but shame we got work.

~~~~At CSI Vegas~~~~

Grissom:Sara you seen Greg and Ryan they were supposed to be here over an hour ago.
Sara:They are here somewhere are you sure..... (Insert Groans and stuff like that)
Grissom:I think I know where they are.
Sara:Lets go.

~~~~~In the closet at CSI Vegas~~~~~

Greg:Ryan I hate it when you do that, Its not fair!
Ryan: What play with a Rubix cube in front of you.

lol, It was random.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Lovely manip, Twiz. It was hilarious :lol:

I can see Ryan coming home to Greg in a Santa outfit with presents. And after they've opened the presents they can.. um.. oh you know :devil:
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I know what you mean Life_Style ;). Can someone make me a manip of Greg and Ryan in CSI Vegas Lab? I can't do manips very well.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Silhouette posted a manip she made of Ryan and Greg in the lab on page 5. I'll repost it, if that's ok. :)


It just looks so realistic. :eek: :D

Irma said:
Move over, sandersidle... Give our boys some space... :p :D
Hmm Christmas Spirit, eh? *hangs mistletoes in the supply closet and stuff Greg and Ryan in it* IN you go! :devil: :devil:

:lol: I will gladly give them some space, or Greg can join Ryan and I under the mistletoe. :devil: Did I say that outloud? :eek: :p *helps push Greg and Ryan in closet* :devil: Merry Christmas!! Ho Ho Ho!!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Sweet manpanties, there's been much posting lately.Wait... OMG I've not been here for 10 days. :eek: :rolleyes: All the wonderfull manips! :)You guise are teh best, lolz! :lol: I'm off school till new year so I've time for photoshopings and writings if my comp is in a good mood. I think Greg might get Ryan music, or a shirt. :rolleyes: Ryan would get Greg... a game? :confused: Does anyone know what Ryan worked as before he was a CSI? Other than a patrol officer, I mean. bye, luvs! :D
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