Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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CSI Level One
We were so close to a new thread so I decided to go ahead and open a new one. I'm in a BIG hurry because my mom's about to leave for work so...

Here's the link to the new thread

And my opening pic

Pic creds of JTO's gallery, can't get the link right now as of the fact my mom just yelled at me and I have to go to my mamaw's right now. (Parents. :rolleyes:) Happy posting.

~Miss in a rush~

ETA: As always we have to have our 'Helpful Suggestions' posted at the beginning of each new thread:

inge's Suggestions for viewing Jonathan Togo pics:

1. Always remember: breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

2. Don't eat or drink while you are watching the pics. Otherwise you're in danger.

3. Tell someone what you are doing and this person should check on you every five minutes or so. Note: This person should be able to call 911.

4. Be sure that in case of fading or fainting that you have a cozy place to land. Place some pillows on the floor, for example, or tie yourself to the chair.

life_style's Guide to 'The Togo Fan's Proper Techniques For Viewing CSI: Miami':

1. It is also important to add that someone should be present while you watch CSI Miami, but that it is illegal for them to talk during Togo's parts. Preferably a doctor of some kind, so that he or she could regularly check your breathing etc.

2. Bring a bucket or some tissues, because there will be major drooling going on when you watch an eppy or some pics. You don't want to ruin your clothes, or the floor or something.

edited by Thumpy to add in Helpful Suggestions. ;)
*Throws more confetti* WOOOT *slips*

I gotta go to bed now so a more filled post will come tomorrow, I only want to say: YAY my thread title suggestion got used for once!
*WOOOTT!* Shinny new Togo thread! :D This is so exciting. :p And it's just in time for a brand new 'Togo-filled' Miami episode!! :) I love the thread title. Good suggestion Nikki. ;)

*Helps Nikki up* :lol:

Ryan with gun!!! :D
wow that was fast.
congrats to the new thread. *throws confetti*

I wanted to enter a post in the old thread, but the opening of this thread was faster.
I liked Thumpy's suggestion too. :D

Happy Birthday Twiz!
hope you have a good one and that you're husband have a nice present for you. *cough* jewellery *cough*
here's my present:

oh no, I have to work today and can't visit Twiz
I'll send Twiz a CSI kit, I hope she likes it

credit: CSI Miami Style

hm, maybe you'r right and his parents didn't have much time for him and his sibling(s), but I think that they care about them and love them. They worked so hard to give the kids everything they want and so allow them to live the life they deserved.

I saw 'Silencer' today.
awww, poor Ryan, he was so sad and pissed as he saw Eric with Natalia. He wanted to say something to Eric, but he didn't and turned away. :(
I thought it was mean from Eric as he said, you wanted to go out with her?
He's cute and funny and handsome.
why shouldn't he have some dates? :rolleyes:
Yuppi!!finally we have opened the new thread about ryan,and szamanda,your picture is so beautiful (like ryan :rolleyes:)!!!

free vent to our madness!!! :D
Hey new thread already...wow I had no idea it was so close.
Throws confetti and does togo dance...
Thanks To Everyone...so many I can't remember or list but ALL of you are great for the Birthday wishes to me and the awesome pics and pictures storyies, I love it all and it made my day coming and seeing it all, thanks so much I love you all...here hugs for everyone....

Since I have stupid aol dial up it will take me forever to look at all the pics everyone out up for my but I will get them all. Thanks again Togoholics rule..their the best. Jon has the best fans ever...
OMG!!! New thread!!! I can't believe it!!! :D

I missed the opening :( well I think I'll be here mor often than I was in the previous one.

Pic for tonight's episode to celebrate: handsome
Hooray for the new thread! its amazing just how many Ive been here for.
And the new name certainly gives me good thoughts! :D
I love that pic, btw. Though his hair is a little Patrick Swayze...but I certainly can't complain about the jeans. I love the tighty jeans. :devil:
AHHH!! *wordy-durd* I forgot!!
*logs into her myspace*

Oh, and does anyone want to be my psychic and tell me why I am having dreams of being in a movie with Jon? :eek: I have been thinking of that all day and I have been a bit worried, because three other guys are involved in this. (And it's a war movie, in case you were wondering.)

Sneeze, sneeze, cough, cough. I have had an idea for a remake of a song by Bowling For Soup, and I heard a song by Adam Sandler about Jews and Hannukah and the first thing that popped (teehee) into my mind was "Jon's song!!" :p very funny.
Inge, I liked Thumpy's suggestion too and I'm sorry Jen, we didn't get a voting so maybe half the thread hates the new thread title. :( Next time, how about we start a poll, like, 5 pages before the end, just in case we get stuck in another big discussion. :lol:

*is up* Gee thanks Katie, I was starting to think I had to stay on the floor.

Sue, you already got your present from me, but if you don't mind (and if you do I'll still do it :p) I bring it here as my gift for the new thread. YES people I made it myself and YES I am new to PSP. It was my bd present for Twiz.


Inge, he has dates...with Erica. :rolleyes: (no offence to Erica likers) You're so right, I mean, come on, the guy is not able to describe with human words ao perfect and somehow every woman on this show seems to be interested only in either Horatio or Eric. (I will keep shippy comments in another thread. Wait Dutchie doesn't wanna make a shippy comment, am I sick? :eek: Well, yeah, I am.)

Neelie, maybe because we talked about Ryan in the army last thread? Could be...seems a logical reason... :D
Wheeee! New thread! *throws confetti* I like this title too, Dutchie . Now we just have to actually make those buttons pop. Is there any way to send him a shirt with self-popping buttons? :devil:

I have a thread-warming gift. These are the same pics that I posted yesterday on the old thread, but they're so pretty they deserve a little more air-time. As does Ryan.

tiiiiiight t-shirt *drools* :p
sexy man with gun

I still can't believe how quickly we got through the last thread. :eek: Oh, well, got to go to work now. Boo!
You know guys, if you all generally like the thread name, then that's great! but if you'd rather do the votes on a new thread name in here, the title could always be edited. Keep in mind, not everyone would agree with the title anyway. :)

Just something to think about, as there's still plenty of time to decide. ;)

Congrats on the new thread btw, things are looking great in here. :D
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