Natalia Boa Vista poll: KEEP HER or LOSE HER???


I wanna see which way the wind is blowing in this group concerning Natalia Boa Vista. So I'm starting this poll. I'll tell you right now I'm voting KEEP HER.
*ducks from objects thrown by Natalia haters*
*now runs and hides behind Horatio*
The reason I'm voting KEEP HER is I'm beginning to like her.
Now, without further's the poll:
I'll obviously be voting to keep her.

My guess is that my vote won't be on the "winning side," judging by the large amount of Natalia hate here. And while I'm oh-so-tempted to go into this whole big speech on why everyone should give her a second chance because TPTB really screwed up the character in season four with the mole storyline and the love triangle and an overload of bubbles but this season could be really different now that those two storylines have disappeared and she's a CSI, I'll spare you all.

(But... ya know... I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try giving Natalia a second chance...)
I voted to keep her.

I might not like what the writers have done with her character, but I feel she could be potentially promising as a CSI, and I just love Eva. At first, I didn't like her much and as we all know it was upsetting to see her in the opening credits so soon, (seeing as Boti hasn't even been added) but I want to give her a second chance.

I know a lot of people dislike her character, and that's fine but since she's obviously here to stay, we can either give her a second chance, or we can simply tolerate her. I prefer the latter. (Well hey you don't have to tolerate her either, I won't tell you what to do)

So yes, I vote to keep her. You never know what could happen with this show, and I've decided to remain optimistic about Boa Vista. :D
Lose her. Not because I hate her but because the character adds nothing to the show, and I'm being as objective as I can when I say that.

I feel adding a new character to an already moving train is always tricky. Basically, you add a new character when you wanna set up a new perspective, let the audience see the stories unfold through the eyes of a new alter whose views are nothing like the rest of the characters', and thus giving you an opportunity to consider situations from new angles. But what is Natalia's perspective, anyway? She doesn't seem to care about the cases, she doesn't seem to care about the evidence, she isn't moved by the job... all she does is get romantically involved with her co-workers and disperse as much personal drama as she can.

I guess they had the opportunity to set her up as a newbie, maybe show us what the process of becoming a CSI is REALLY like, from the moment you make that decision until you graduate (and it takes years of schooling, not a summer), but the writers failed at that by turning her into a CSI overnight and for absolutely no reason whatsoever. When I first heard La Rue was joining the show, judging by the actress's age, I assumed she would become a new boss, much like Horatio, to give him a foil. I got really excited because Miami is severely lacking women in real power, and I miss the role Megan used to fill. Instead, they make her a DNA analyst, but we don't know why, really, with a hidden agenda and lots and lots of money to renovate the lab. I was looking for a powerful woman who would come in and really go head to head with Horatio and show us what it's like being female and powerful, hard assed and a bit nurturing at times (think Lisa Cuddy). Instead, they gave us this Lifetime stereotype who is perpetually stuck in her adolescence and whose main goal seems to be to jump from penis to penis while achieving massive amounts of drama. As a woman, I can't say I'm very impressed with that.

Like I said, Natalia seems completely irrelevant to the job. We've never really seen her being passionate about it, she doesn't seem to have an expertise, hell, we don't even know why she became a CSI. Calleigh has her guns, Eric has his wetsuit, Alexx molests corpses and Ryan has his shifty eye... what exactly does Natalia have? What moves her? This show is about crime scene investigators, and yet I don't really know why she is one, because as a scientist, she makes no sense.

The character is surrounded by contradictions upon contradictions. Here's someone who betrayed the lab, and instead of getting fired like she should have, the higher ups trust her with more information by making her a CSI. Becoming a CSI doesn't take three months; it takes years. One day she's saying she's very serious and virtuous and hasn't been with anyone since her divorce; the next episode she's stringing Ryan along to spite Eric (not to mention the fact that she slept with Eric without even knowing him). What is that? I don't find that very respectable or even mature. She looks like she's pushing 40 and yet acts like a 15 year old.

I feel the character has contributed to the show becoming a huge soap opera, because her storylines revolve around love triangles, pregnancy scares, abusive husbands, and I'm not going to be surprised if some day we find out she had a baby and gave him/her up for adoption and they'll be re-united. Or an evil twin. These aren't the type of stories I want to see in a procedural drama, and so I think Natalia is hugely misplaced in this show. She seems much more suited for daytime drama, Grey's Anatomy, or ER. She's a huge, huge Mary Sue.

And so this is how I feel. Does the new character add a new angle to the show, is s/he imperative? If not, lose her. Natalia is not. We don't need her around because she adds nothing. She's basically wasting screen time.
im not totaly going to explain why i wanna keep her but i like her a lot and i like to have a b*** in the show its makes the more exating i love Eva as a person but Natalia as a character in miami so she doesnt have to leave so also have a great side in the show with feelings and emotions and i think she can grow out as a wonderfull csi member..
Just keep her..
At first I totally hated her, but I like Eva too much to want Natalia to leave, no matter how annoying she is. I want to keep her.
I was looking for a powerful woman who would come in and really go head to head with Horatio and show us what it's like being female and powerful, hard assed and a bit nurturing at times (think Lisa Cuddy).
What I would give to see a Lisa Cuddy type character on CSI:M! Now that would be an original idea for this show. I actually quite liked seeing a character like Rebecca Nevins in Season 3, although she was a little too hard-edged. At least she was a match for Horatio and their verbal exchanges were entertaining and well written in the main.

Better still, bring back Yelina, but develop her character more, so we see more of the strength of character and resolve that we know she possesses (Murder In A Flash, NTL, Whacked are fine examples).

Anyway, back to Natalia. I'm undecided, but I don't feel that she has added much to the show either - yet. I am prepared to give her a chance, but I am not about to be manipulated by the writers into loving her if they are about to pull the sympathy card.
Okay, I haven't seen much from her yet here in my country, but though I heard all the bad infos about the 'Snake Lady' I'm willing to 'keep her'.
Perhaps my words now are a bit weird (they often are ;) ) but maybe I compare her attendence a bit with the character of Hodges from Las Vegas: first he was a real a**hole, always wanted to incite the team against each other, but now I like him, he's so funny - though he's still a fool sometimes... so I'll give Natalia a chance, we'll see what happen, she could bring some new power in the show
I voted to Keep her, While I agree with Lucy about bringing back Yelina, she is part of the detectives. We only get to really see Alexx in scat scenes unless she is over a dead body talking to them. Otherwise on the CSI Side Calleigh is out there among three men, imo adding Natalia as a CSI in training is bringing back that bit of balance they had when Megan was on the show.

I also agree she brings a sort of freshness to the show, they started her out as a lab worker (Cold case & working current cases to help out the CSI's when they needed it), Now she wants to move out into the field, I think its a good switch. They show her character making mistakes, yay she is flawed I find that to be a good thing in so much as that while she is learning we are seeing some of what possibly the others went through.

How many of them might have goofed up with evidence, when the show first came on everyone wasn't really fresh they were seated in there as being past the newbie mistakes, when Ryan came in he was taking courses for this specific job, he watched them when he could on patrol, and he learned on the job. but they still had him knowing more of the don't do this, don't do that. Well they forgot the don't open mouth around press but thats another story.

Natalia is coming in using what she already knows, and learning the rest along the way, I wouldn't mind seeing her and Calleigh working a case together, like in the days of speed and delko. I don't see why having a personal storyline is such a big thing, they all have them, granted hers started right off while she is "new" but they ran through alot of the others, and they are introing some of Ryans.

As for women in a power situation, Calleigh moved up to the spot megan had she just isn't forced or pushed on people, I am sorry but thats how I felt that the megan character was. Natalia imo is a good addition to the team, and I look forward to seeing how she does, all her mistakes, all her learning and so on.

Granted Natalia was the so called "mole" a storyline I find really was a goofy who-is-it mystery, it didn't really settle a whole lot of anything. Why make it this big thing when they have been under investigation or close to it many times, they have had moles before, heck they apparently still do and its apparently not Natalia so then as I have mentioned many times, did they really get the right mole? probably not, Will they ever? lol probably not.

I personally moved past the "mole" storyline because it is in the past and it seems most of the characters are of the same mind, can't change the past so deal with the present, and it seems that Natalia is being given the chance by some co-workers even if there is a small amount of misgiving, I think IMO that those folks are past the mole thing, if only the rest would too.

Okay shutting up now, since this is so long. :D
I voted 'Lose her', but I will explain. At first, I liked her. She was pretty, kind of funny, and I liked her with Eric together, they were cute. Sorry to people who hate this ship.

Then the 'I'm late' storyline came, and slowly my interest in her started to fade away. THEN she went out with Ryan, which was a MAJOR turn off for me, since I'm a CaRWasher.

And then when turned out they didn't do anything else, I wanted to give her a second chance, and look: she's the mole. And she doesn't get fired? WTF?

So every time I gave her another chance, she screwed up. And I realize it's the writers who do this, but thanks to them I really don't like Natalia anymore, no matter what a pretty and talented actress Eva is.

IF the writers from now on make her a good person, without major screw ups and annoying scenes, start a poll again and I will vote keep her. But for now: "LOSE HER"!
Sorry - it's totally LOSE her for me! Useless, bimbette that I'm tired of seeing on-screen. The best shows are where she's not seen imo. She brings very little to the table. Looks aren't enough to make me want to care about this desperate woman.
Don't care about her and her ex! She obviously goes through men like disposable rags - uses them and loses them. I have zero sympathy for her. Would welcome a new strong/intelligent woman who brought something to the show.
More Boti - more Yelina ---- get rid of the man eating snake!
I agree that the show needs more women... but does it have to be her? I realize that there are people out there who like her, but I can't stand her. She brings nothing to the show, except perhaps looks, and Miami has enough of that without her. I don't care who she sleeps with or dates, or if she doesn't. I just find her completely useless. And I liked the sets better before.

Edit: I really like what Midnight_Tiptoes said, and completely agree with her.
i voted get lose her, she's too melodramatic look at me im perfect ive been thru so much pity me...all the other characters have viable [i think thats how you spell it] but she is brought in and betrays everyone and then everyone trusts her except ryan he's still pretty iffy on least he hasnt given in to her charms again...i would've like it if the writers would've done something like they did with greg on csi:lv that way we would've seen her going thru the process and ppl accepting her gradually maybe she would've been more acceptable in that case...