Flack & Aiden #2 - Benzosothyazolonal Lovin'

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It's excellent. :lol: My cup of coffee - angst.

Which means that my mucho angst one is coming up soon. Though some may not want to read unless they know every single spoiler. :x
DoreenCSI said:
tanglewood14, I can't see your background cos my monitor won't let me see it. But I'm sure it's awesome! :)

:lol: Yay! Update! Which reminds me, I should really get cracking on a Flack/Aiden fanfic.

Hope you've seen it before May 08, coz I just changed it an hour ago (now, I have Rey Mysterio as BG), but if you missed it, here's the BG: BG ... okay, so maybe that wasn't the actual BG, but it will soon be! But, here's a Friendster Profile that I handle which has it: CSI NY
Oooh, I'm so going to write a Flack/Aiden fic.

Seriously, all these news about Aiden is really taking a toll on my little Flack/Aiden heart.
Today I had my exams and I finished my paper fast. I got bored and started playing random Flack/Aiden porn in my head which involed lots of whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a pair of fluffy handcuffs :devil:

Good thing you did on your exams... sometimes my imagination runs wild when my teachers are having a LESSON... and I'm not just imagining Flack and Aiden... oh, no...

Random; but I had this little daydream - Flack and Aiden going to Hawaii for their honeymoon! Flack would get distracted by the hula girls though, so Aiden has to lock him up in the hotel room where they'll have a little tumble-in-the-sheets.
I come with gifts people:


No idea which episode they are from, sorry.
DoreenCSI said:
Thanks for the pics! :)


They're just... perfect. Just perfect.

Yeh, they are. :p
I'm in complete denial about the episode Hereos. In my mind, it never happened. :)
Me too. That's the good thing about fanfics and in my own little CSI:NY world Flack and Aiden are together and very, very happy.

Hey, we're already on page 16; which means in 4 or 5 pages more we'd need a new Flack/Aiden thread. Any ideas for a new thread name?
hey everyone ::waves:: I'm back.. :) I missed this place. I was in depression mode after "Heroes", and now I'm in "oh my god" mode about this Wednesdays episode. Yay, we're almost onto a new thread.. we need some names, which I'm not good at, I'm good at voting, but not making a decision.. :)
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