Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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yeah Thumpy, privileged! :p/// i'd get on in my room, but my parents said i'd have to pay for, so bleh! i'll just watch the one in their room or downstairs...
I voted 'No'. I'm thinking of getting a small one where it could be suspended on the wall. Pretty awesome. Well anyway, Lucky Jen :p.
YES!!! I couldn't live without having a tv in my bedroom - I wouldn't be able to watch CSI :eek: I've only just managed to get my parents interested in Prison Break, and it is at the end of the series, so I wouldn't have been able to watch that!
Basically, my life is tv and if I didn't have one in my bedroom then I would be the biggest bore - that makes me sound like SUCH a couch potato!
I have a 20" tv in my bedroom but it doesn't have cable. Instead I'll watch my DVD's on it like all my seasons of Seinfeld.
Hey I missed 2 polls! First one damn...can't vote coz I have what...black colored eyes??? They're so dark I can't call it dark brown even...what to do, me a typical Asian.

2nd poll. Nope, no TV in room, feng shui master said it's bad chi...:lol: oh wait I have a laptop in my room...but that's not TV.
I have a tv in my room, but I hardley ever watch it, cause i'm normally on the computer, so watch the downstairs tv.
I voted yes, I do have a TV in my room. We have one in the lounge, which is controlled by my Dad, so no one can ever watch what they want to watch, if you do, he moans all the way through the program! :eek: So I brought a small one a few years ago for my room. :D
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