Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

Presenting evidence to support a theory is vital. It can also be fun as well.

Here are just a few of the different scenes Gil is with Sofia and she has her long locks down.

(Not very good with artwork but gives you the idea, ha)

So lets pose new questions. Couldn't decide so let me give everyone a choice.

!. Do you think Gil prefers her as a C.S.I. or Cop/Detective?

2. What do you think would be their most treasured possession from one another?
Do you think Gil prefers her as a C.S.I. or Cop/Detective?

Nice long shots there LSB

Well it was obvious that he enjoyed all the cases they worked on when she was a CSI. He loved how she didn’t back down to him, how she challenged him and was a pleasure to be around. How many times have we seen Gil giggle while working on a case? Then as a CSI she worked in the same building which allowed them to see each other at least once a day during assignments.

But as a Detective, she now has this other quality that I think is right up Gil’s kinky alley. Seems to me over the years they have shown he is attracted to very strong and intelligent ladies. The type of women that knows how to raise the bar and keep raising it so he is never complacent.

Sofia has this quality as well as this whole thing of being in a man’s job and doing it kick-ass while still being feminine. She has this wild tiger aura going on that I see him wanting to tame, but loving that it is not going to happen unless she decides.

Plus those damn handcuffs has to remind him of Lady H and all her fine things in life that he was very interested in. Yep, I see these two playing cops & robber adult style and enjoying every single minute. Hey it’s the quiet ones that you have to watch. :lol:


edit cause I was not clear the first time - the Taz help desk is closed for good go look for favors someplace else
Good Morning all! Another bright and shiny spring day is ahead. The birds are singing the flowers are blooming. So naturally feelin all lovey dovey makes me think of Gil and Sofia.

Taz since you answered the first question so nicely thought I would opt to answer the second question.

What do you think would be their most treasured possession from one another?

A treasured possession is not always something tangible. If I had to chose something these two would value above all things my choice would be "Memories."

Memories.....the ties that bind two people stronger than any material object. Objects get tossed to the side or get lost. Memories rarely ever fade. Not to mention they are there whenever you need to feel close to someone. These two are building a mountain of moments.

Think of how many things could trigger Gil to think of his lady. Seeing the color red, standing in an elevator,(ha, know it sounds odd)passing Conrad Ecklie are all events that would awaken the fantastic evening he met Sofia. First impressions are lasting. Just think, everytime he sees a balcony when working a case, I am sure it brings up the image of her standing there in that long red dress smiling at him.

A smile. One of the most beautiful things a person can offer you. There are so many instances she has given him the pleasure of sharing the fact he makes her smile. My favorite one is in "Bodies of Motion". Her walking out and seeing him for the first time since she returned from Boulder is a smile that man will never forget. She floored him with saying his name and greeting him with a smile that could light up the darkest night.

Tazzer said: How many times have we seen Gil giggle while working on a case?

Just another memory he holds. Sitting at a table with her in close proximity, melding the sound of her giggle in his mind so he can replay it over and over. How pleasant is that to think about? Not to mention how they lean in toward one another would let him inhale her sweet scent. Now if I was a man, hell I would do it being a woman,finding out what her favorite scent is and making sure she never runs out of it. :D

Touch is the last thing that comes to my mind. I mean had to keep in thought all the new jewelry we have seen Sofia obtain this year. I don't know about other people but sometimes when I think of my hubby is when I am running my fingers over a piece of jewelry he gave me. Instant reminder of the special time he chose to give me the gift.

All the sights, scents, sounds are fantastic bonds to share.

Making Memories. Gofia is Love Forever Baby!

One last comment before I go to start my day. Ha, loved the
adult cops and robbers. Boy am I gonna have dreams about that one. :devil:
My goodness - it has been a long time, LSB - Well, for starters:

I think he most definitely prefers her hair down. It was that way the first time he saw her and I'm positive that image stays in his mind.

Long hair definitely suggests a more "relaxed" state, at any rate. lol.

And it seems to me that she realizes that as well - when she knows she's going to see him, since becoming a cop, her hair usually appears down. When working with the rest of the team, I believe you generally see it in a ponytail.

Tazzer said: How many times have we seen Gil giggle while working on a case?

That was the moment I became a Gofia shipper, though I wasn't totally aware of it - but it was so nice to see someone as overworked as Gil letting himself just enjoy himself with a woman who was clearly attracted to him and vice-versa.

I think that when you do the kind of job he does, and live the kind of life he does, when you come home at the end of the day, you don't need more angst or more problems - like Tazzer said, just a strong woman who makes you think, keeps you interested, and makes you laugh.

Perhaps I'm being overzealous, but I heard a rumor that after Brass was shot, Grissom would take a woman home with him. Well, Sofia and Brass grew extremely close after ABRTI and needless to say I think that other than Grissom, she's probably the only other woman on the cast who could claim that kind of closeness with Brass. So it would make sense, to me, for them to want to console one-another. But again - just a spoiler, and probably blown out of proportion.
heey everyone!! i'm a Grissom/Lady Heather shipper but i have to say that i like him with Sofia a bit too :) if i had to choose i would have to say that she fits him a lot more than Sara does. So if Lady H is not around, I'm pretty much on Sofia's side :D besides i think he is REALLY more loosened up and comfortable in her company than in Sara's. they are able to normally FLIRT, not just look and don't know what to say :lol:
Adzix said: they are able to normally FLIRT, not just look and don't know what to say :lol:
:lol: :lol: thats true!Yeah i'm on sofia's side too.It makes more sense than bringing someone that you cant eased up with home.Cath would also make a good choice but im assuming she will be caught up with some other stuffduring that episode :D
Taz using your great welcome artwork to give a big Gofia howdy to Adzix.

Sofia_Willows, Arturtle glad to see ya back. I had to comment on the spoiler. Your not being over zealous in my opinion.

I also thought this snipet of info was very interesting. "Sofia goes to see Grissom to complain about Ellie asking about Brass's pension. She tells Grissom that everyone's pulling for Brass and he doesn't need this." That right there also helps prove the closeness that Sofia feels toward Brass. It is only logical that Sofia would be the person standing by Gil and Brass's side in this tramatic time. If Gil is gonna be responsible for Brass, then I would think Gil is gonna stay with him or vica versa during his hard recovery. Sofia would love to come in and help the guys out. Gil would adore having the lady he loves at this side for support. This is going to be tough on Gil emotionally. Sofia will be a brick wall for him. The one you love is always by your side during hard times.
wow! thanks for the warm welcome LSB!! :) well i have to admit that i really like sofia. she is not apearing as frequently as the other girls on the show, but when she finally does, you can be sure that something unusual will happen. and ... she appears more often than Lady H :lol: i hope the jelousy game between her and sara will go on :lol: or maybe the spoilerish gossip mentioned above will actually happen and mean something more. i hope ;)
I agree - I mean, in the promo it said One of His CSI Officers, but that may have been misdirection - after all, she used to be a CSI, and she's now an OFFICER - so maybe it was, in fact, a double entendre. In either case - I think that it's incredibly likely that both will be with Brass at this time, so if he's going to turn to anyone for support, why not the woman that he turned to during the staff changes? I can see them both leaving the hospital after visiting hours and just kind of looking at one-another and him subtly suggesting that perhaps they should go back to his place... and... you know. lol
Since I can no longer edit...

KUDOS goes to Tazzer for being the first to recognize that Gil loves to see a beautiful woman in jewelery. Did you notice his eyes flickering to what the bride was wearing? Perhaps taking a mental note for future Sofia gifts? lol.

At any rate - that immediately made me think of this thread.

Sofia was great tonight in her small spot. No Gofia interaction this week, but I have my fingers crossed for what's looking to be a VERY heated finale and the rather interesting puzzle found on the bar stool in the promo picture.
sofia is in tonight's episode?yay cant wait to see the episode since i've heard great reviews about it :D.*rushes to get the episode*
Thanks for the kudos Sofia W nice to know some people remember the good things about me and rather then the bad.

Besides the obvious Gil checking out the bride’s earring, lips, blue eyes, blonde hair, chest, ring on left hand, back to the lips and eyes, he ends with staring at her necklace that dips down her chest and stops as a teardrop pearl. Ahh enough hints of him imagining what Sofia would look like with new jewelry or as his bride?

Okay mark this down as another freaky parallel right after my Ernie the Fly/Big Middle opening – Gil noticing the Ladybug on the rose – my symbol for the Gofia love affair that dates back to last year and the 'Parley' story, hmmm.

He is off in dreamland while the bride talks to him and then they cut to Sofia for the next scene. Enough hints? Really there was no need for a ladybug on that rose since there were no aphids for it to eat, a bee would have been more appropriate since bees are looking for pollen and ladybugs are not.

High Five for LadyBug Love

Great points about last nights episode Taz and Sofia_Willows.

So we all agree he was into the whole wedding issue.

The thing that also fascinated me was when he was talking to the catering man. You could just see him taking mental notes about the cake, food, the rigid schedule. Guarantee you, he was thinking Sofia is not going for a strict schedule on the wedding day. See her being much more the elope kinda gal or simple wedding. Maybe wedding on the beach. Course, I am a hopeless romantic.

Anyways back to the cake. If you notice later when Hodges visits Gil, he knows exactly what kind of icing was on that wedding cake. Butter cream, knows the ingredients. Think he might be wanting to recreate a cake for his love? You know Sofia would be the type at their wedding to dip her finger in the icing and sneak a taste. Sure he was invisioning feeding his bride a yummy piece of cake, then kissing the icing off her lips. (You can stop me from rambling anytime now, ha, its just so fun.)

Here is my other thought about last night. Gofia is just running all in my brain today. Great distraction. Sofia shows up after Gil has talked to everyone about Nick's truck being stolen. You know makes me wonder if they hadn't been together having breakfast prior to all this event. Sofia did arrive with a cup of coffee in her hand. Not only that, he surely passed her on his way to leave to go back to the lab. She evidently had been looking for evidence (she mumbles about skidmarks). Sure he stopped to help her just to get to spend time in her glorious presence. We all know he loves to watch her at work. A woman in uniform is just irresistible.

Taz, last night when I saw the ladybug first thing that popped in my brain was "OH MY GOSH!" Gofia symbol. Talking about TPTB reading some of this stuff. How much more obvious can they be? I was all excited. I agree Lady Bug Love Rocks! :D
Besides the obvious Gil checking out the bride’s earring, lips, blue eyes, blonde hair, chest, ring on left hand, back to the lips and eyes, he ends with staring at her necklace that dips down her chest and stops as a teardrop pearl. Ahh enough hints of him imagining what Sofia would look like with new jewelry or as his bride?

Precisely - beautiful blonde woman, plenty of nice jewelery - not to mention his appreciation of the real flowers at the wedding itself, how poetic he was...

Just like Tazz said that jewelery on a woman was an indication of a new relationship, I think that that sort of behavior from a man is an indication as well.

Okay mark this down as another freaky parallel right after my Ernie the Fly/Big Middle opening – Gil noticing the Ladybug on the rose – my symbol for the Gofia love affair that dates back to last year and the 'Parley' story, hmmm.

I definitely caught that. Which is especially odd seeing as butterflies are his usual favorite insect, and yet he's waxing poetic, admiring the blonde bride's jewelery and then we get the wink at the ladybug? Maybe you're just psychic, Tazz. lol.

He is off in dreamland while the bride talks to him and then they cut to Sofia for the next scene. Enough hints? Really there was no need for a ladybug on that rose since there were no aphids for it to eat, a bee would have been more appropriate since bees are looking for pollen and ladybugs are not.

I loved the cut to Sofia as well - wasn't that the "You're too pretty to be a cop" scene?

The thing that also fascinated me was when he was talking to the catering man. You could just see him taking mental notes about the cake, food, the rigid schedule. Guarantee you, he was thinking Sofia is not going for a strict schedule on the wedding day. See her being much more the elope kinda gal or simple wedding. Maybe wedding on the beach. Course, I am a hopeless romantic.

I think that beneath her tough exterior, Sofia is clearly very vulnerable, and not in a bad way. Like in ABRTI, it was very nice to see that side of her. So likewise, I think she probably has a romantic streak in her as well. After all - how was the schedule of the wedding necessary? Shouldn't he have just cut him off?

Sofia shows up after Gil has talked to everyone about Nick's truck being stolen. You know makes me wonder if they hadn't been together having breakfast prior to all this event.

I was thinking that as well - they had both worked the case and yet neither are anywhere to be seen while the others are having breakfast at the usual cafe?
Ya’know, I was thinking about Gil and the cater dude telling him all about exact time schedule for the wedding. You are right Sofia W he could have cut him off like he does to people, but he did not.

Gil seemed very interested in this well-thought out plan and its execution this guy makes a living at.

Let’s go back to Shooting Stars and how we saw how Sofia is very precise and organized with her list she gives to Nick. I think Gil was like ‘hey give me your business card’ he knows Sofia would appreciate a cater who is not half-ass at his job if they decide to go the wedding reception route rather than elope. He sure knows his woman.

And did you see him really checking out the food, the finger food LSB to go with licking the frosting off of each other’s fingers. I bet he tasted that butter cream frosting before he left.


Viva Ladybug Love = Gil & Sofia Baby!