Grade Season 9

Discussion in 'CSI: Miami' started by Finch, May 29, 2011.


Favourite Episode

  1. Fallen

    0 vote(s)
  2. Sudden Death

    0 vote(s)
  3. See No Evil

    0 vote(s)
  4. Manhunt

    0 vote(s)
  5. Sleepless in Miami

    8 vote(s)
  6. Reality Kills

    0 vote(s)
  7. Blood Sugar

    0 vote(s)
  8. On the Hook

    0 vote(s)
  9. Happy Birthday

    1 vote(s)
  10. Match Made in Hell

    2 vote(s)
  11. F-T-F

    0 vote(s)
  12. Wheels Up

    0 vote(s)
  13. Last Stand

    0 vote(s)
  14. Stoned Cold

    2 vote(s)
  15. Blood Lust

    0 vote(s)
  16. Hunting Ground

    10 vote(s)
  17. Special Delivery

    0 vote(s)
  18. About Face

    1 vote(s)
  19. Caged

    0 vote(s)
  20. Paint it Black

    0 vote(s)
  21. G.O.

    0 vote(s)
  22. Mayday

    4 vote(s)
  1. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Figured since we're in for the long haul until September, I'd ask how the season went for the audience. I'll also add a poll so you can pick your favourite episode, and please explain why! If you wish, you can also add what your least favourite episode was and why.

    So on a scale of 1-10, or A+-F, how do you rate CSI:Miami season 9?

    Also, if you can't quite remember what an episode was about, feel free to visit the CSI:Miami Episode Guide for a brief description of each episode.
  2. city hunter

    city hunter Rookie

    Nov 14, 2009
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    I loved this season, almost every episode was good, there were a few that weren't great, but for the most part season 9 was very enjoyable.
    Rating 8/10

    My favorite episode is "Sleepess in Miami". I thought it was well done and well acted. The beginning scene was awesome, one of the best beginning scene in the entire serie! I loved the team interaction and especially all the scenes with Ryan and Natalia
  3. daisymay

    daisymay Police Officer

    Jul 18, 2010
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    9/10 - too much Natalia and not enough H, otherwise it could have had 10.

    I chose Mayday for its last 5 minutes, because that was so powerful I can't leave it alone, and it won't leave me alone. (Not felt like that for a long time.)
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  4. Court

    Court Prime Suspect

    Feb 4, 2010
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    8.5/10: I agree that it needed more H, and by that, I mean more of the H we all know and respect and less of the darkside H - I really hate that they failed to tie that lovely little loose end up.

    I loved the stories (with the exception of Jesse dying - I mean would it really have been so hard for the writers just to send him back to LA? And I could've lived happily without the Marisol recap - AGAIN.)

    Great action, LOADS of great teamwork. Still, even with the little things here and there, this was by far the best season in a REALLY long time, IMO. :thumbsup:
  5. greatfan

    greatfan Captain

    May 2, 2008
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    Really liked season 9 for the team work, it was great and I hope it continues for season 10.
    "Sleepless in Miami" was also one of my favorites,but the season itself had a lot of scenes I enjoyed.
    I also liked "Hunting Ground' It was a good first effort by Adam.
    Would have liked a little more Ryan towards the end of the season,but overall,not bad. Enjoyed that Natalia was featured more this season.
    I would grade the season 8.5/10
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  6. rissarose

    rissarose Rookie

    Apr 3, 2008
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    9/10. Excluding the obvious lack of Calleigh (which is understandable, considering Emily was pregnant), this season was nearly perfect. I was very satisfied with everyone's screen time, I LOVED the team interaction, and there was quite a bit of hilarity to be had throughout the season thanks to the characters Ryan, Walter, Frank, and Tom. I do have to say that most of the cases weren't very memorable for me, but considering the show is on its ninth year of murders and there's only so many ways someone can die... they're doing a pretty good job. (Not to mention, for me personally, I'm more interested in the show now for the characters than I am the cases.)

    I truly, truly hope they continue the good amounts of screen time for each character into season ten. Also, I want to see plenty of team interaction as well. Natalia/Calleigh scenes would be AWESOME, too... after all, when was the last time we had a one-on-one scene with the only two women of MDPD CSI? Jonathan, Rex, Omar, and Christian are wonderful comedic actors; I hope TPTB continue to use that talent to bring us some laughter each week!
  7. silentdisco

    silentdisco Police Officer

    Dec 13, 2008
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    I give it a 3/10. Worst season since Season 4, which I like to pretend never happened. I'd kind of like to pretend this season never happened either.

    Calleigh is my favorite character, so I missed her this season, but I decided it wasn't fair to take that into account with my grading. Even so, I still can't bring myself to give it anything above a mediocre score.

    I found this season to more or less boring at best, and annoying at worst. I watched every single episode, and for most of them, can hardly remember a thing about it. I look at the episode titles and everything is a blur. I see episode titles from literally every other season, and for almost all of them, I at least have a vague memory of what the episode was about. Not the case with this season.

    First of all, the writing: BAD. BAD. BAD. There was a distinct lack of creativity, and I found most episodes rather boring. The only ones that stood out to any degree were "Fallen" (good team interaction, really came together to mourn Jesse), "See No Evil" (creative idea), "Happy Birthday" (Calleigh was awesome), "Wheels Up" (roller derby as the setting for a crime- pretty interesting, and the investigation was too), "Blood Lust" (guest star Alicia Witt can take credit for making this one good), "Hunting Ground" (creative idea, great team interaction, and even distribution of screen time), and "About Face" (Eric really made that one for me). I felt that the best was "Hunting Ground", which was written by Adam, who has never written before. How is it that a newbie writer is able to make "professional" writers look like juvenile authors of disjointed fanfic? They suck at coming up with original ideas, as evidenced by the amount of boring episodes. They even suck at "ripped from the headlines/taking on pop culture". "Reality Kills", their take on "Jersey Shore", was a snoozefest. If they can't come up with original ideas, the least they can do is make the episodes with non-original ideas somewhat interesting, perhaps well-written.

    The writers also failed miserably at dealing with Emily's pregnancy when it came to the Eric/Calleigh relationship. It made no sense for them to apparently break up and Calleigh to tell Eric she loves him "like family". All they had to do was maybe put one extra scene in one or two episodes in which either Calleigh or Eric made a tiny reference to their home life- something as simple as a "see you at home" would do. In fact, they don't even have to have an entire extra scene for that- they could've just tacked a line or two onto the end of an existing scene. Bam. Done. And last time I checked, Emily's lower body wasn't essential to a line like "see you at home", or any line, really. They could've kept her pregnant belly hidden for something like that.

    Another thing? Making Natalia the resident Damsel In Distress (tm). Seriously, WHY? I don't even like Natalia all that much, but even so, I still don't see why she has to be the one in trouble all the time. Personally, I feel that Natalia is better as a background character, but I don't expect everyone to share that opinion. So it wasn't the fact that she took a more prominent role this season that especially bothered me- it was the fact that that role was always the same- "Horatio and the boys need to save me! I'm in trouble!" Drugged, kidnapped, locked in the trunk of a sinking car...ENOUGH ALREADY. Give the girl a chance to be an empowering individual, or the one who really cracks a case, for goodness' sake!

    And finally, the continuing character assassination of Horatio Caine. You know, I used to like him. He wasn't perfect, but his head and his heart were in the right place. He didn't cross the line as often, and when he did, it was more justified. But sometime around Season 5 (I guess it really began with going to Brazil), H became less interested in justice and more in vengeance. Not only that, but they've turned him into an invincible character- he rarely confronts suspects with any backup- especially SWAT when they need it most. He's become a caricature of himself. It wasn't until the season finale that they actually had him get hurt for once. And of course, he patronizes female victims. They always need his help and he never allows them to be empowered on their own. It's always "you need me to rescue you!". Thanks, but no thanks. Victims of crime are not wounded puppies that need to be nursed back to health. It is possible to be supportive and caring without looking like a giant douche.
  8. gsugirl

    gsugirl Victim

    Mar 9, 2011
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    I gave this season a 2/10. I agree that Season 4 was a little bit worse for me. The episodes just didn't hold my interest with the car/foot chases, police brutality, absurd storylines, lack of creativity, and major characters acting like children's cartoon characters rather than CSI/Police Officers. I don't mind exagerration in television as it is entertainment, but this is supposed to be a Crime Drama set in a major US city. Where was the mere mention of court cases/court dates, attorneys (defense and prosecutors), IAB, search warrants, and police protocol in making arrests/detaining suspects? These things were mentioned in many episodes in Season 1-3, but have disappeared from the Judicial System in Miami since Season 4. How in the world can the Supervisor of a Crime Lab throw a suspect out of a window and it never be mentioned or questioned by anyone? The writers drop storylines too frequently and the characters have little or no continuity from one season to the next. I feel that this is having a major effect on the credibility of this show.

    One episode that had potential for me was Stoned Cold. Being a teacher, I see the effects of bullying every day. I faced it as a student and deal with it as a teacher and it is serious folks! How hard would it have been for Horatio (a victim of child abuse himself) to have offered some support for the young people who were victimized? He seemed cold and indifferent to those kids and that marked a turning point for me and my respect for his character.

    Season 9 just didn't hold my attention and interest. I'll have to see how Season 10 goes.
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  9. luf100

    luf100 Coroner

    Mar 18, 2008
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    For me I'd give this season an 8, I think. Compared to season eight, in my opinion, season 9 was a huuuuuge improvement. I really didn't like season eight and I'm glad that they were able to pull the show back together after that awful season. The one thing that could have made it better was more Calleigh (if Emily wasn't pregnant), but not TOO much more Calleigh. I happen to really like Natalia and although she could've been used more as a hero maybe, instead of a damsel, I still loved all the screen time she got which I'm sorry to say, I believe she wouldn't have gotten if Calleigh was around a whole lot more. But just a tad more Calleigh would've been nice, IF Emily wasn't pregnant. I don't want to blame the writers for her absence when I know it was probably Emily's choice.

    Although Ryan didn't get an episode dedicated to himself, he was awesome this whole season. So, so much better than the Ryan of last season, and being the Ryan fan I am, this matters a lot to me. :lol: I loved him this season.

    So, I liked it. Eric, Horatio, Walter and Frank were all awesome when we saw them. I'm glad to say I didn't find there to be too much Eric and Horatio like in most other seasons. Walter/Omar fits in really well with the team/cast, imo. I really like him and hope he sticks around for however many seasons Miami has left.
  10. Grissom rules

    Grissom rules CSI Level Two

    Apr 16, 2010
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    I really liked season 9....I think it was much better than season 8!!
    I loved the increased screen time of Natalia(Sleepless in Miami was my favorite episode) and my favorite character in the show Ryan!!
    I give season 9 a B+!!
    My least favorite episodes were Manhunt and G.O.
  11. Hardline Pro

    Hardline Pro Lab Technician

    Jan 28, 2011
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    This season had a lot of action, the team felt like a team this season, unlike in Season 8. Glad Eric was back full time. I agree, we could have had some more Calleigh to balance it out but she was pregnant, what are you going to do? Also, I really liked the bad side of H this season.

    My favorite episodes would have to be "Happy Birthday" and "Mayday".
  12. kala79

    kala79 Lab Technician

    Nov 7, 2009
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    I'm not sure i should even grade this season since I've seen only few episodes...and definitely will not see more, not on tv, not on dvd. This season didn't hold my interest at all and it all started from episode 9.02 and unexplainable break up of Eric and Calleigh. It was a very bad writing and a very wtf moment and even though CSI Miami is 'the comic version of the franchise', it was more like science-fiction this whole season...from what I've seen it was too much chasings, bombs, Natalia in danger, unpredictable and weird behaving Horatio and no word about Jesse(but he could have been mentioned in the episodes I haven't seen, of course). Also Memmo is a very boring villain and I didn't like references to the worst CSI's season, that is season 4.
    Overall - can't wait for season 10.
  13. D&Daddict

    D&Daddict Police Officer

    May 5, 2009
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    Can't grade the season since I only watched 2 episodes.
    Calleigh's the main reason I started watching CSIM. No Calleigh, no CSIM for me...
  14. Raveyn Zayra

    Raveyn Zayra Witness

    Jun 21, 2009
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    Pretty average, like the past few seasons. I liked that there was less Eric/Calleigh, and I'm not looking forward to that coming back in Season 10.

    On the other hand, I didn't like Horatio's "dark side." Yeah, sure, he was supposedly mourning his "beloved wife" *gag/splorf*, but that's no reason to add police brutality into an already tumultuous mix. Also, the writing it getting really lazy. I like action as much as the next person, but the whole "all action, all the time" thing is getting tiresome.

    My favorite episodes were Sleepless in Miami, F-T-F, Hunting Ground, and Mayday, mainly because they were some of the best written episodes this season, in my opinion.
  15. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    I'll admit, I didn't see the final 3 or so episodes (including the finale :eek:) so my rating probably isn't representative of the entire season.

    That being said, my favourite episode was Adam's writing/directing debut 'Hunting Ground' mostly because of its creativeness and use of the characters. I thought it was really well-done for his first episode, so it was the highlight of the season for me.

    I'd give it a 5/10 from what I saw. Some interesting episodes, some great character moments, but I felt that the season fell a little flat and tired compared to last year, which seemed more refreshed.

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