CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Why do i have this feeling that theirs gonna be a baby enter the picture here, but its not gonna be Scott's ! Hmm Lori is playing with fire, and somebody is gonna get burned in the worst way.

I love Speed trying to be the voice of reason now days! He still needs to do something about Katie though! i hope he figures out what it is soon before she destroys Lori's life!

Great update Geni.
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Miami, club, midnight

Lori: *sits in booth*

Claire: Hey, I didn't think you'd come. Thought you were still pissed off at us for the tabloid thing.

Lori: *grabs beer, drinks*

Amanda: Riley just about fired us.

Lori: I guess she didn't.

Claire: What made you come around?

Lori: *grabs razor, cuts cocaine*

Claire: Wow, you're good at that.

Lori: You guys know what a speedball is?

Amanda: No.

Lori: Right. Any of you have a sedative?

Claire: I have some oxy.

Lori: That'll work.

Claire: *opens purse, places pills on table*

Lori: *smashes pills with fist*

Amanda: Are you feeling okay?

Lori: This'll speed you up and slow you down all in one.

Claire: Seriously? Is that safe?

Lori: *grabs straw, leans over table*

Amanda: *looks at Claire*

Claire: *drinks beer*

Lori: *sits up, wipes nose* What, you girls don't want to party anymore? What happened to 'this is fun'? *slams fist onto table* That's some good stuff!

Claire: Riley said she'd call the cops on us if she found out we were doing this.

Lori: You're still goin' on about Riley? *laughs* Do a line and shut up.

Claire: *looks down at table*

Street, 1am

Lori: *wipes nose, stumbles into lamp post* Whoa. *grabs lamp post*

Patrol car stops

Lori: *blinks*

Cop: *gets out of car, walks over* Ma'am.

Lori: *lifts head*

Cop: My name's Deputy Hanson. How are we doin' tonight?

Lori: I'm fine. *trips over rock*

Hanson: You don't have any shoes on. Is that normal for you?

Lori: The heels were too long. *looks around* I don't know where I put 'em.

Hanson: Where you comin' from tonight?

Lori: A club. *points backwards* Thataway.

Hanson: Okay. *takes Lori's arm* What's your name?

Lori: Um...*scratches head* Lori. Lori Finch.

Hanson: Have you had anything to drink tonight, Lori?

Lori: I had a beer.

Hanson: *lifts flashlight* Can you tilt your head up for me, please?

Lori: *lifts head*

Hanson: Alright. I'd like for you to step over to the car for me. *places hand on Lori's back*

Lori: *walks over to car*

Hanson: You ever been arrested before?

Lori: *nods*

Hanson: For what? *grabs radio*

Lori: *sigh* Posession, intent to distribute, solicitation, domestic violence and aggrevated battery.

Hanson: Recently?

Lori: *sniffs* I haven't been arrested in...3 years?

Hanson: Okay so you've been keeping out of trouble. Something change tonight? Because I can tell you're under the influence.

Lori: *closes eyes*

Hanson: Hey. What did you take?

Lori: *shakes head*

Hanson: Okay, I'm going to check out your information. *opens car door* Have a seat.

Lori: *slides down car*

Hanson: *picks up Lori* Sit in the car.

Lori: *grabs onto car* I can't get arrested.

Hanson: I didn't say you were arrested. I want you to sit in the car.

Lori: *pushes Hanson* NO!

Hanson: *pulls Lori onto ground*

Lori: *screams*

Hanson: *places knee against Lori's back* Stop resisting.

Lori: Let me go!

Hanson: That's not going to happen. *pulls out cuffs*

Lori: Ugh.

Hanson: *lifts Lori* Sit in the car.

Lori: *sits* Just let me go. I can walk home.

Hanson: You can't walk in a straight line, ma'am.

Lori: *lies forehead againt seat*

15 minutes later

Speed: *walks over* What's going on?

Hanson: Picked up this young woman a little while ago.

Speed: *looks into car*

Hanson: Saw your name in her file. She says you're her father.

Speed: Give us a minute.

Hanson: Sure. *walks away*

Speed: *opens car door, kneels*

Lori: *opens eyes*

Speed: Here we are again.

Lori: We all have our breaking points.

Speed: I agree. But it doesn't have to lead to this.

Lori: *lowers head*

Speed: I'm going to drive you home.

Lori: *lifts eyes* I'm not being arrested?

Speed: *takes Lori's arm* C'mon.


Speed: *unlocks handcuffs*

Lori: *staggers forward, grabs car* ...You can't take me home. Scott can't know.

Speed: I never said I was taking you to your home.

Lori: *looks back*

Speed: *opens car door*

Lori: *turns around, hugs Speed*

Speed: *blinks*


Speed: *opens bedroom door* You can crash here.

Lori: *grabs onto wall*

Speed: I know it's not as luxurious as you're used to.

Lori: *wipes forehead* It's fine. What are you going to tell Scott?

Speed: I'm not going to tell Scott anything. That's your responsibility and I hope you don't lie.

Lori: He'll leave me.

Speed: Well that was your decision, I guess.

Lori: *staggers over to bed, trips over bed*

Speed: *walks in*

Lori: *falls onto floor, rolls into dresser* Ow. *crawls forward* Your furniture keeps movin'.

Speed: *takes Lori's arm*

Lori: *stands*

Speed: What's all of this about?

Lori: Everything. This 'n that 'n all around.

Speed: *places thumb on Lori's cheek* You're way off the planet.

Lori: It's not fun, Daddy.

Speed: No, I imagine it isn't.

Lori: *sigh*

Speed: Get some sleep.

Lori: *nods*

Katie: *walks in* What the hell is she doing here?

Lori: *looks at Katie, frowns*

Katie: Are you high?

Lori: *sticks out tongue*

Speed: She's just staying the night.

Katie: No she isn't. I want her out.

Speed: She made one mistake, Katie.

Katie: And that'll lead to a crapload more. I don't want to get sucked down by her again. *looks at Lori* I don't care what problems you have. Stop dragging us with you.

Lori: *stumbles forward, grabs Katie by the hair* GET OUT!

Katie: *shoves Lori* Get off of me!

Lori: *swings fist*

Katie: *ducks*

Lori: *screams, tackles Katie*

Katie: *falls backwards* AH!

Lori: *scratching at Katie's face* I HATE YOU!


Speed: *grabs Lori*

Lori: *screaming, kicking*

Katie: *wipes cheek, looks down at hand*

Speed: Lori, relax.

Lori: *crying*

Speed: *looks at Katie* You alright?

Katie: *stands* I want her out.

Speed: *nods*

Poor Lori...she's got so much yet, nothing. I wish she could learn how to TALK things out instead of acting poorly. Face it, she made bad choices from the moment she told Scott she was going out. She just did a face plant to a brick wall, and now, she's going to have to deal with it. The truth is what works here, and admit that she has a problem, and maybe Scott will be able to understand - if he doesn't then who will, right? * sigh* She needs coping skills, and she needs them NOW!

Before it's too late. :(

Awesome update
Oh this is so not good! i'm not sure how Scott is gonna take this, now the shoes on the other foot. I can understand Katie's point, but she has played a part in this also by badgering Lori relentlessly about her past life and not trying to trust her! Now shes drove her to the brink! I just hope Speed can talk some since into her before its to late!

great Update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 4am

Scott: *staring at Lori*

Lori: *sips coffee*

Scott: *opens purse, dumps it*

Pills bounce onto table

Scott: What are these?

Lori: Oxycontin.

Scott: Where did you get them?

Lori: Co-workers.

Scott: Some co-workers they are.

Lori: Are you mad?

Scott: Yes. You want to lose the kids? Because I already don't have custody of them.

Lori: *lowers eyes*

Scott: You want to prove everyone right, keep doing what you're doing. But if you want to help me save some semblance of 'family' so our children don't grow up to hate us, I would appreciate it if you got rid of this stuff.

Lori: *grabs pills, tosses them into trash*

Scott: Now take out the garbage.

Lori: *frowns, stands*

10 minutes later

Lori: *walks over* I'm going to bed.

Scott: No you're not. *stands* You're going to clean this house top to bottom.

Lori: Excuse me?

Scott: And then you're going to write a 500-word essay explaining why you chose drugs over your children.

Lori: I'm not doing that.

Scott: 1000 words.

Lori: *frowns* It's 4am.

Scott: Which means you have plenty of time before the kids get up.

Lori: Scott, this isn't rehab. You're being ridiculous.

Scott: I find it ridiculous that you lied to me, almost got arrested and had to be dragged home by your father after attacking your mother.

Lori: She's a bitch!

Scott: 1500 words.

Lori: No. And you know what? You're a hypocrite. I didn't make you write a bunch of garbage down when you screwed around.

Scott: Okay. If you can write 1500 words, I'll double it.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: You wanted to make bad decisions, so you're going to have consequences and I'm going to suffer the same.

Lori: This is stupid.

Scott: *hands mop to Lori*

Lori: *glares, snatches mop*

Table, 6am

Scott: *writing*

Tom: *walks in* Hey! Anyone home?

Scott: In here.

Tom: *walks over* Lori's not here, is she?

Scott: She's outside cleaning the gutters.

Tom: Great. Steph's birthday's tomorrow, right?

Scott: Yeah.

Tom: *places box on table* Give this to her for me.

Scott: *looks at box* ...No problem. What is it?

Tom: It's uh...one of those big stuffed bears.

Scott: The one she wants from that store downtown?

Tom: Yeah. You didn't already get her one, did you?

Scott: No.

Tom: *nods* Good.

Scott: I'm sure she'll love it.

Tom: *looks at paper* ...What are you writing?

Scott: An essay.

Tom: Is that part of your job description?

Scott: No, this is for me. Lori and I are commiting ourselves to our sobriety.

Tom: ...Right. How'd this idea come about?

Scott: Lori went out and got high last night.

Tom: *blinks* Lori.

Scott: Yeah. So each punishment she gets, I have to do it too.

Tom: Lori got high.

Scott: You seem surprised.

Tom: *sits* No, I'm just...disappointed. She seemed bummed out last night, maybe if I had driven her home instead of letting her g-

Scott: She saw you last night?

Tom: *looks at Scott* ...She didn't tell you that part.

Scott: No.

Tom: I feel another essay coming on.

Scott: *sigh*

Tom: It wasn't a big deal. We talked for a few minutes and then she split. Apparently, to get high.

Scott: This is exactly why Lori and I shouldn't be having more children. We're white-knuckling it just to take care of the ones we do have.

Tom: She wants more kids?

Scott: Yeah.

Tom: Something about that picture seems off.

Scott: Lori's been a little 'off' lately.

Scream is heard

Tom: *looks at backyard*

Scott: *stands, walks away*


Lori: *staring up at sky*

Scott: *walks over* What happened?

Lori: I fell off the ladder.

Scott: You okay?

Lori: *stands, rubs bottom* I hate you, you know that? I haven't eaten, I haven't slept and I think a bug flew into my mouth.

Scott: Buck up and keep going.

Lori: *wipes arms* You're only doing this to get back at me for being bossy.

Scott: I'm doing this to help us.

Lori: How is cleaning a gutter going to help me?

Scott: Think of drugs as a big smelly pile of rotten leaves and sobriety as a clean home.

Lori: What now, your majesty?

Scott: The lawn needs to be mowed.

Lori: *looks around* Fine. I can do that.

Scott: With this. *drags rusty machine over*

Lori: *looks at mower* ...What the hell is that?

Scott: Manual reel mower.

Lori: What happened to the electric one?

Scott: I'm letting the neighbors borrow it in exchange for theirs.

Lori: And they own this piddly piece of shit.

Scott: *smiles* Happy mowing. I'll be cleaning all the windows inside.

Lori: I hope you fall through one.

Scott: Now now, the more you complain, the faster the lawn is growing under your feet. *walks away*

Lori: Bastard.

Inside house, 8am

Tom: *staring outside, drinks iced tea*

Scott: *sips iced tea*

Tom: Finished the windows?

Scott: Yeah.

Tom: Lori's still working on the lawn.

Scott: Excellent.

Tom: I didn't realize one could make up so may new curse words. Oh, watch out for the hose. Nope, she got tangled.

Scott: Looks like her blades need to be sharpened.

Tom: There go the sprinklers.

Scott: 8:00am on the dot.

Tom: And there goes the mower across the lawn.

Scott: *drinks iced tea*

Lori: *walks in, stops*

Tom: Howdy.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: You're doing really great.

Lori: *frowning*

Scott: *lifts hand, pulls grass from Lori's hair*

Lori: I'm going to murder you.

Scott: Make sure you pull the weeds first.

Lori: You're not doing anything.

Scott: On the contrary. Making sure you do what needs to be done is a large part of my punishment.

Lori: That's bullshit.

Scott: It's becoming more of a challenge already.

Lori: I'm not pulling weeds.

Scott: *sigh* I guess we're both writing another essay tonight entitled "Why Lori refused to pull the weeds."

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: *looks at Tom* What are you smirking at? Your wife's a dictator.

Tom: My wife looks amazing when she's covered in mud. You look like you fell off the farmer's wagon.

Lori: *slaps Tom's arm*

Tom: *smiles*

Scott: *looks at watch* Your break isn't for another 3 hours. You'd better get going, there's a lot more to do. *lifts head* Oh, that reminds me. Would you prefer Bourbon-glazed salmon or Rotini and cheese with brocoli and ham for lunch?

Lori: ...What?

Scott: All this hard work deserves a good meal. I wouldn't want you to pass out.

Lori: You are never getting laid again. *turns around, walks away*

Door slams

Scott: *stares outside*

Tom: I could go for some salmon.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

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:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: Lori doing punishment...LOL I haven't written a punishment essay in ages! My step mom had me do them one summer, and lo and behold, she didn't figure that I'd love writing...LOL, I digress... I think this is good, it instills in her the desire NOT to do anything stupid. I think it's cool that Scotty did all the punishment that she did. I think it's awesome that Scotty's all about taking responsibility for their actions!

Awesome update!
Poor Lori... Although, maybe this will make her think twice before she decides to fall off the wagon again...

I know that Anni isn't a huge fan of Tom and Lori hanging out, but I also think she really needs to let them continue being friends. If Anni is still allowed to see Scott, why can't Tom see Lori?

*hugs Lori* I'm glad that Speed was still willing to take care of her, though.

Awesome update! :)
HAHAHAHA! too funny ! now maybe they will end up writing a book together called rehab for dummies ! they could lay out there plan for sobering punishments and how not to get high because you may have to give a boring book report on War & Peace or somethings utterly stupid and boring like you own dull life! lol!

Tom being there and over see this cleansing possess is just to funny, then he orders his own lunch! all he thinks about is food. Maybe he should have married Scott just for the cooking alone! him and Scott have such a funny Bro-mance going on!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Gables Estates, house, den, 8pm

Lori: *writing*

Scott: *leans back on couch*

Lori: Done. *hands over papers*

Scott: *grabs paper, puts on glasses*

Lori: *bites nails*

Scott: *lifts eyes* You didn't indent your paragraphs.

Lori: So?

Scott: So that's the proper format.

Lori: *frowns*

Scott: *looks down at paper* ...You spelled Dominick's name wrong.

Lori: It's been a long day.

Scott: Who's 'That Yankee Bastard'?

Lori: *smiles* That would be you, my Yankee bastard husband.

Scott: I see. *looks down at page*

Lori: *grabs water from table, drinks*

Scott: ...Lori, I don't appreciate your off-color doodles.

Lori: Does that count as one word or two?

Scott: *flips page* Some of this is in Spanish.

Lori: Yeah. Good luck reading it.

Scott: *lifts head* You're not taking this seriously.

Lori: I did what you asked. I wrote the bazillion gerbillion words, okay? I want to take a bath and go to bed now. *stands*

Scott: *takes Lori's hand* Sit.

Lori: *sits* What now?

Scott: This family depends on you a great deal. We can't lose you.

Lori: I know.

Scott: Promise me you won't do it again.

Lori: Fine, I promise. But you have to promise me you won't try to hang yourself again. I can't lose you either.

Scott: *nods* I promise.

Lori: Great. *stands* Bath time. *walks away*

Scott: *sigh*

Bedroom, 10pm

Scott: *reading book*

Lori: *walks out of bathroom* I've had a taste of Boss Scott and I don't like him.

Scott: *flips page*

Lori: *takes off housecoat* I hope you didn't work your employees that hard.

Scott: I had certain expec-*lifts eyes*...tations.

Lori: *tosses housecoat onto couch, opens drawer* Did any of 'em ever back-talk?

Scott: *stares at Lori* Back hot not talk.

Lori: *looks at Scott* What?

Scott: *blinks* ...What?

Lori: Is your brain having trouble coordinating with your mouth?

Scott: *looks down at book* My employees didn't always like what I had to say but they did their jobs for the most part.

Lori: *nods slowly*

Scott: *flips page*

Lori: *pulls clothes from drawer* What was Tom doing here, anyway? I thought he was the Forbidden Fruit.

Scott: He dropped off a birthday present for Stephanie.

Lori: *turns around* Stephanie's birthday was today?

Scott: Tomorrow.

Lori: *stares at Scott* Why didn't you tell me? I need to throw her a party or something.

Scott: I took care of it while you were washing the truck.

Lori: *sigh* Whew, thanks. Wait, did you get her presents?

Scott: Like I said, I took care of it.

Lori: I'm a horrible mother.

Scott: No, just a disjointed one. And the fact that you consider Tom a 'Forbidden Fruit' doesn't speak to your commitment to keep away from him.

Lori: Fine, he's a disgusting Forbidden Fruit. Like a...a banana.

Scott: ...You love bananas.

Lori: Squashed banana.

Scott: If Tom's a squashed banana, what am I?

Lori: ...New York cheesecake.

Scott: Cheesecake's not a fruit.

Lori: Yeah but I love cheesecake. *crawls onto bed* What do you consider Anni?

Scott: Are we talking fruit or cake?

Lori: Fruit.

Scott: Watermelon.

Lori: *laughs* Anni's a watermelon? Could you get any more insulting? You're basically calling her big and full of water.

Scott: Actually, watermelons are considered to be natural viagra.

Lori: *smile fades* What?

Scott: *looks back at book*

Lori: *frowns, slaps Scott's arm* I made Tom into a squished banana and Anni's viagra?

Scott: Then make Tom something else.

Lori: Fine. He's an unsquished banana. A really really really big banana.

Scott: That's not childish at all.

Lori: *crosses arms, leans back on pillow* Yeah well you're just a pile of cheesecake. With chocolate sauce.

Scott: You don't like chocolate sauce?

Lori: *looks at Scott* What? No, I love chocolate. Especially white chocolate.

Scott: So I'm New York cheesecake with white chocolate.

Lori: *smiles* And a strawberry drizzle.

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: I'm hungry.

Scott: For cheesecake?

Lori: Watermelon.

Miami Lab, 11pm

Katie: Can we go now?

Horatio: No. Nobody leaves until I learn how to work the DVR.

Anni: We've been here for 7 hours.

Horatio: *looks down at remote* Which one of these buttons turns the machine on?

Katie: The 'on' button.

Horatio: *presses button*

Television lights up

Horatio: Excellent. *sits on table, opens manual* Okay...one of these buttons should take me to the channel I want to record.

Anni: No, you have t-

Horatio: Why is there a schedule up there? How do I get that thing off the screen? When do I put the tape in?

Tom: *walks over* What are you still doing here?

Katie: Horatio wants to learn how to DVR.

Horatio: How come the instructions are in Mandarin?

Anni: You have the wrong page. You have to start at the beginning.

Horatio: Beginning of what?

Katie: The manual.

Horatio: It doesn't tell me when to put in the tape.

Tom: Nobody uses tapes anymore. This is the 21st century.

Horatio: Thomas, you're not helping.

Katie: Give me the remote, I'll do it. *snatches remote*

Anni: Katie, you're about as inept as he is.

Katie: Who, Thomas?

Anni: *frowns* Horatio.

Katie: Horatio's not inept. He's just old.

Horatio: Hey.

Anni: Speed's old.

Katie: *frowns* Yeah, compared to the men you're interested in. If you're not careful, the next fling will still be in his freshmen year of college.

Anni: Isn't that how old you were when Speed found you?

Katie: HA! *smiles* No. I was in my senior year of highschool.

Everyone: *stare at Katie*

Katie: Wait...*counts on fingers* ...that can't be right.

Tom: How many times did you repeat your senior year?

Katie: *punches Tom in the gut*

Tom: Ow.

Anni: Katie, give me the remote. I can program anything.

Katie: I'm the computer whiz.

Anni: That's a television, not a computer.

Tom: *sits on couch* Why do we need a DVR in the lab?

Horatio: I need to record Desperate Housewives.

Anni: Hey that's the name on Katie's labcoat.

Katie: *slaps Anni* I'm not a desperate housewife. You're the cougar. We should stitch that on your labcoat.

Anni: Fine but then Speed gets...wait, Speed already has a nickname.

Tom: Yeah and I don't think 'commitment issues' is going to fit in the allotted space.

Katie: I want something sexy. OH! THE JIGGLER!

Tom: That's not sexy.

Katie: ...Heather Locklear?

Tom: That's even worse.

Katie: We need to figure out what your coat will say.

Tom: It already says Cardoza. I have no idea why.

Horatio: Oh that was meant for someone else but he never showed. I think we he went on to pursue a career in firefighting.

Katie: Firefighters are hot.

Anni: Yeah. *sigh*

Katie: That explains why you went after Scott.

Anni: *looks at Katie* Scott's not a firefighter.

Katie: I thought he was.

Anni: He's a data analyst.

Katie: What the hell is that?

Anni: He...analyses data.

Katie: That sounds boring. *looks at Tom* What do you do for a living?

Tom: I'm a cop. Remember?

Katie: I thought you were a firefighter.

Tom: Not everyone is a firefighter!

Katie: Everyone should be! We'd have a lot less fires!

Anni: I can't believe Katie has a degree.

Tom: She has a degree?

Anni: *nods*

Tom: *looks at Katie* You have a degree.

Katie: Yeah. Database Analysis.

Tom: *blinks* ...You're a data analyst.

Katie: No. Database analyst.

Tom: You do realize that's the same thing.

Katie: I have Scott's job? *gasp* Lori married ME! Wait, does this mean I'm as smart as Scott?

Anni: HA.

Katie: *looks at Anni*

Anni: I mean...*pats Katie on the head*

Katie: *frowns* I'm not stupid, you know. Tom, tell her.

Tom: Katie's...intelligent.

Katie: See?

Anni: He said intelligent, not smart.

Katie: They aren't the same thing?

Horatio: Hey, hey! I got it working!

Tom: *looks at television* Congrats, H. We can all rest easy now that the lab can record up to 2 shows at the same time for less than 99 dollars a month.

Katie: Which other show did you record?

Horatio: Desperate Housewives.

Katie: ...But what's the other show?

Horatio: Desperate Housewives.

Tom: You recorded the same episode twice?

Horatio: I thought that's what it was for. You miss the one recording, you can watch the backup.

Tom: *rubs eyes* And you're in charge here.

OMG! lol! i'm about to get DVR boxes next week I hope I don't need to call Horatio to help me with them! I don't think he can help to well!

Katie and he nicknames Lol! jiggly ! hahaha! that so funny!

Great update Geni.
OO Horatio and DVR. Something's so not right...I'm glad he was able to...record the same show...twice. Hmmm...and they allow him to have a gun? Interesting.

I think Lori got something out of all the work, even if she's not letting on. I loved their discussion, however, of the perks of fruit. I never knew that watermelon was so...reactive:guffaw: . Hmmm...interesting...lol.

I find it cute that Scotty and Lori had such a cute conversation:)

Awesome update!
Oy, vey. Horatio truly lives at that lab, huh? :lol:

*imagines Jesse as a firefighter* *comes back* What'd I miss? :lol:

I think it's good that Scott and Lori got it out there. I hope they end up in a better place because of it. :)

Awesome update! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D Hee!


Condo, 1am

Katie: *rolls over*

Speed: *eyes closed*

Katie: Remember when you used to be fun?

Speed: *opens eyes*

Katie: Oh good, you're alive. You were just layin' there like a big ol' log.

Speed: *looks at watch, squints* Did you need something?

Katie: Yes. You.

Speed: Why?

Katie: I want to stay up and talk all night.

Speed: ...Why.

Katie: Because we're soul mates.

Speed: Katie, I have work in the morning.

Katie: ...You work the nightshift.

Speed: Figure of speech. Steph's birthday party is tomorrow.

Katie: So?

Speed: So I'd like to be awake for a good 30% of it.

Katie: *sits up* Stop acting like you're old.

Speed: I am old.

Katie: No you're not. *grabs Speed's arm* Sit up.

Speed: *sits up*

Katie: And take off that stupid shirt. I don't like my men with clothes on.

Speed: *rubs eyes* I like wearing clothes. It's what separates us from the animals.

Katie: *rips Speed's shirt*

Speed: *lowers head* What did you do that for?

Katie: Be who you were 20 years ago.

Speed: ...Mauled?

Katie: No. Fun.

Speed: I don't think I was ever fun.

Katie: Sure you were. At the beginning of our relationship. Remember when I was excited about CSI:pensacola season 2 being on the television in the Hummercraft and I kissed you out of the blue? That was FUN!

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: And AND we acted out the entire movie Titanic in the Hummerboat. We made Anni's character mop the floors while we made out in the back of that vintage car.

Speed: She didn't like that very much.

Katie: Exactly. We were the power couple. But then you got into drugs and alcohol and became violent yadda yadda yadda. Now you're sober again and the fun went KERPLUTZ.

Speed: We got older, Katie.

Katie: So? That doesn't mean we have to lie around wait to die.

Speed: This isn't just about fun, is it. This is about us not being as close as everyone else.

Katie: *lowers head* Well...we aren't. *fiddles with sheets* I feel like you've been ignoring me. That you don't love me.

Speed: ...Katie, I've always loved you.

Katie: *lifts eyes*

Speed: *leans over* ...*kisses Katie's cheek*

Katie: *closes eyes*

Speed: *lies forehead against Katie*

Katie: ...You're not falling asleep, are you?

Speed: *smirks* I'm not that old.

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: *wraps arms around Katie*

Katie: I love you.

Speed: *kisses Katie's neck*

Katie: *pushes Speed* Okay, we can sleep now. *lies down*

Speed: *stares blankly*

Katie: *turns out light*

Biscayne Park, house, 7am

Tayla: Daddy, I want syrup.

Tom: Okay. *pours syrup onto pancakes*

Anni: *walks over* You going to Steph's birthday?

Tom: *looks at Anni* ...No.

Anni: Why? *fastens earring*

Tom: Because Lori will be there.

Anni: It'll be fun for the kids. I'm taking Tayla, Speed's bringing Brook.

Tom: And you think this is a good idea.

Anni: Why wouldn't it be? It's not about us, it's about Steph.

Tom: Right.

Tayla: *munches pancakes, mumbles*

Tom: *smiles* Sweetie, you need to swallow first. *smile fades* ...I am never saying that again.

Anni: *places hand on Tom's chest*

Tayla: We gonna party?

Tom: That's right. It's Stephie's birthday.

Tayla: YAY!

Tom: *smiles*

Gables Estates, house, 9am

Lori: *runs downstairs* Dominick! Get your ass over here NOW!

Dominick: *running*

Scott: *swings Dominick into arms* Bath. Now.

Dominick: NO.

Scott: Yes. Otherwise Mom's going to kick your little ass.

Dominick: NO!

Lori: *walks over* Don't you test my patience today, young man. I am not in the mood.

Dominick: *lowers head*

Lori: If I go upstairs and I don't find you in the tub, you are going to be sorry.

Dominick: *struggles*

Scott: *places Dominick on floor*

Dominick: *runs upstairs*

Lori: Could you please find Stephanie? I have to set things up out back.

Scott: Sure.

Lori: *walks away*

Upstairs, master bedroom

Scott: *steps in*

Steph: *lifts head*

Scott: *crosses arms* You found your presents already?

Steph: *lowers eyes*

Scott: I thought it'd take you at least another half hour.

Steph: *smirks, lifts eyes*

Scott: *smiles* Put those back.

Steph: *shoves boxes under bed*

Scott: C'mere.

Steph: *runs over* How many pressies do I get?

Scott: Uh, that's confidential.

Steph: *places hands on hips* More than 2?

Scott: Maybe, maybe not. Depends how good you are this afternoon and *wraps arms around Steph* how long you stay away from the presents. *tickles Steph*

Steph: *giggles*

Scott: *kisses Steph's cheek* Go get dressed and stay out.

Steph: One more peek?

Scott: No more peeks. Move it.

Steph: *runs*


Lori: *drapes tablecloth over table*

Anni: *runs over* Hey!

Lori: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *wraps arms around Lori* Happy Steph's birthday!

Lori: Are you feeling okay?

Anni: Absolutely. *lets go* How are you?

Lori: Stressed.

Anni: Well don't worry because I'm here to help. What do you want me to do? Cooking? Cleaning? Child wrangling?

Lori: Why don't you help Scott with the cake. He's decorating it.

Anni: He did the cake himself?

Lori: Yeah.

Anni: I'll have to check him out--check it out. Check the cake out. *walks away*

Lori: *narrows eyes*


Scott: *lifts icing*

Anni: *steps over* HI.

Scott: *squirts icing*

Anni: Oops.

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: I hope you can fix that.

Scott: *looks at cake* ...Morning.

Anni: *smiles* You look great today.

Scott: Thank you.

Anni: What colors are you putting on the cake?

Scott: Pinks and purples. Steph's favourite colors.

Anni: *leans over cake* Make sure you spell everything right. You wouldn't believe how many cakes go out with a direct insult to the English language.

Scott: *smirks* Hopefully that doesn't happen.

Anni: Need any help?

Scott: Sure. If you wouldn't mind, the cake needs those flowers over there for a border.

Anni: *grabs bowl* Are these fresh?

Scott: Mhm.

Anni: Does Lori know how artistic you are?

Scott: I'm not really much of an artist. It's just a hobby.

Anni: *smiles* I think there's a bit of a Picasso inside that businessman body.

Scott: *clears throat* That's...sweet of you.

Anni: Are you okay? *places flowers around cake*

Scott: A little uncomfortable.

Anni: *looks at Scott* Why? ...Was it something I said?

Scott: *sigh*

Anni: I'm coming on a little strong.

Scott: It's okay.

Anni: *places hand on Scott's arm* I'm sorry, I'll...I'm doing it again. *pulls hand away* Geez.

Scott: Maybe Lori needs some help.

Anni: She sent me here.

Scott: *nods* That seems like something Lori would do.

Anni: What, you think she's testing us?

Scott: Yeah and I'm pretty sure you failed.

Anni: She's in the backyard. She can't even see us.

Scott: That doesn't mean she isn't watching us.

Anni: You're a little paranoid.

Scott: Maybe.

Anni: *looks around*

Scott: *stirs icing*

Anni: *dips finger into icing, pokes Scott's nose*

Scott: *blinks*

Anni: *smiles*

Scott: *wipes nose*

Anni: You can't have a little fun while you work?

Scott: *looks at Anni* No.

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *smiles*

Anni: *smirks*

Scott: Flowers.

Anni: Right.

Backyard, near pool

Steph: And THEN the teacher gave me a yellow star sticker because I did so good.

Tom: I see.

Steph: Yup. I'm gonna be an artist when I'm grown up.

Tom: I thought you were going to be a cop.

Steph: I'm gonna be both.

Tom: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *smirks, places plates on table*

Tom: If anyone can do it, Steph, it's you.

Steph: *smiles*

Lori: Steph, go change your clothes. You're not sitting at the table with dirt all over your dress.

Steph: *stands, runs*

Tom: *stands* She's more and more like you everyday.

Lori: I never wanted to be an artist or a cop.

Tom: It's a compliment, just take it.

Lori: *nods*

Tom: How are you on hypothetical scenarios? *sits on table*

Lori: *pulls cups from package* What scenarios?

Tom: Well Anni had that alternate universe life with Scott.

Lori: She told you about that?

Tom: Yeah. I mean, if things had turned out differently...you think you and I would have ended up together?

Lori: Like if I hadn't met Scott.

Tom: Let's say I was at that rehab instead. Maybe Scott had died.

Lori: Ouch.

Tom: Yeah, it's tragic. So you think we would have hit it off?

Lori: ...Why did Scott die?

Tom: He didn't run fast enough.

Lori: Thomas.

Tom: What?

Lori: I'm not sure I want to hit it off with you now.

Tom: Just forget about Scott. You never met him so you wouldn't miss him.

Lori: Fine.

Tom: Now, you and I are in rehab together. Do we get along?

Lori: Depends. Are you heroin Tom or hero Tom?

Tom: *smiles* You decide.

Lori: *sits on table* Hmm...we'll say there was an evolution that took place. So maybe a bit of both.

Tom: Excellent.

Lori: Would you have liked me?

Tom: Probably not at first. But we would have warmed to each other.

Lori: Now you realize I left treatment first. So I was living in Miami afterward.

Tom: Right, I probably went back to Jersey.

Lori: *smiles* Then I guess we never saw each other again.

Tom: That's not true. See, I happen to love Miami. I come back every year for the winter just like geese.

Lori: *laughs*

Tom: *smiling*

Lori: Alright, so we bumped into each other at some point. Maybe the beach?

Tom: Nah, it would definitely be the condiment aisle at the grocery store. I put barbeque sauce on everything.

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: And from there we get to talking, which eventually leads to dinner, which eventually leads to-

Lori: You making a pass at me and a swift slap to the face.

Tom: Of course.

Lori: I'm hard to get.

Tom: Naturally.

Lori: But you have a way of disarming me so I might let you in. Maybe a few months down the road.

Tom: A few months?

Lori: Yeah, we have this long-distance friendship. It's sweet and only ours. My family thinks I made you up.

Tom: And I don't have a family. I'm a rogue. Very dangerous.

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: Maybe I bring you out to Jersey in the summer.

Lori: Or I surprise you.

Tom: I like surprises.

Lori: And then we take a tour of New York?

Tom: Lori, you're not finding no damned Finch on any wall. He's dead. Let him go.

Lori: *smirks* Okay but we do take a walk through Central Park. And then you tell me how much you love me.

Tom: And you slap me in the face again?

Lori: *smiles* Nah, I'd plant one on ya.

Tom: I'd ask you to marry me.

Lori: *smile fades* You would?

Tom: Oh definitely. See, at that point, you're the only woman I've ever loved.

Lori: *nods*

Tom: Would you have said yes?

Lori: *lowers eyes* ...No.

Tom: *blinks*

Lori: I'd been playing you like a fiddle the whole time. I left you there.

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: And I got away with thousands of dollars.

Tom: Why? Why would you do that?

Lori: It's an alternate universe. You couldn't have changed me the way Scott did. *stands, walks away*

Tom: *stares blankly*

Could this fare out better? A birthday party for Steph sure seems like a good gathering, fun, kids, ...cake. So far, nothing's happened...So far. I sure hope no one screws up Steph's b-day. She deserves the world. Petty adult problems need not apply...

I found Tom's scenario a bit...disturbing, but possible. It's obvious that he's got a torch for her still but Lori's torch has been smoldered. All these alternate universes...

Finally, Katie admited to the fact that she has...feelings. It's refreshing to know that she wants Speed...Maybe this is the first step to her becoming...less annoying perhaps? Remains to be seen...

Awesome update!
Note to Katie: Please stop baring your sensitive side to Speed and getting him all worked up an then roll over and turn out the light on him! hell you wanted him to be fun again, but then you cut him off just as you got his motor running in the right direction! Geez!

I'm not sure I like how this party is starting out! we have two couples who can't seem to quit playing swinger ville now in the same Vincenty with each other again! Why do I feel as though people will be sneaking away from the party and into a near by broom closet with each other ! Meanwhile Speed and Katie will be left wondering where the hell everyone went to all of a sudden!

wait have i walk in to wisteria lane ?

Great update Geni!