Recent content by Zan1781

  1. Z

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Restrictions Beginners: 23, 4, 24 Advanced: 1, 3, 4 As always, I wish I could make stuff as good as all of yours!
  2. Z

    Icon Challenge #21: X-Men - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #21: X-Men 6 24 1 Nice!
  3. Z

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up! Beginner: 16 10 1 Advanced: 4 5 6
  4. Z

    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re:Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-Ch 13 Just Murdered ~ Join Now! 13 40 11 Awesome job!
  5. Z

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges! Now accepting entries! A: 1 B: 1 C: 2 D: 2 E: 1 nice!
  6. Z

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge: CSIs With Funny Faces - Now Up! Beginners: 2, 22, 30 Advanced: 24, 21, 16 nice job, everyone!
  7. Z

    "Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I didn't pull the occupation card. I said that this is what I do for a living, and this is what I know about what I do for a living. Just like I would respect opinions from other people, who have experience with what they do. And you need to remember that what happens in NYS (where I am) might...
  8. Z

    "Empty Eyes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Another opinion. I've been reading this debate from a distance, as I have been doing with most of the "discussions" on this board. I rarely get involved, because then I'll just get attaacked, as does everyone else who does not agree with a certain viewpoint. And in this case, I see value in...
  9. Z

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #9 Now Up! Beginners: 4 8 1 Advanced: 6 4 9 nice job, everyone!
  10. Z

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI's With Cellphones 1 3 2 Nice job everyone! I wish I could do that!
  11. Z

    Two Weeks, GSR (rated K)

    A/N: My mind is really unsettled right now, so I felt the need to write something. I don’t know if this will help me focus or not, but I figured that it was worth a try! This will be a twoshot. Thank you to those of you who stop on by to read it, and I hope you enjoy! ---------------...
  12. Z

    Vegetarian thread

    This post isn't to anyone in particular, so QTR, it isn't aimed at you. You were just the last person to say something before I posted. Actually, you know what? I'm not going to post what I was going to post, because I'm sure that I'll just end up getting attacked in the end. I think that this...
  13. Z

    Icon Challenge #18: Phantom Of The Opera - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #18: Phantom Of The Opera Beginner: 1 8 10 Advanced: 16 4 11 Nice job!
  14. Z

    To Catch a Killer (CSI:)

    Thanks, I appreciate that! And I'll try :).
  15. Z

    To Catch a Killer (CSI:)

    A/N: I really apologize for not updating this story sooner. I recently started taking meds for my OCD and anxiety, and I guess I must have been pouring a lot of my anxiety into my writing, because now I’m having a hard time writing (I’m just too calm!). In any event, I’ll try to keep updating on...