Recent content by WP_Rocks_MY_World

  1. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Everyone! Happy 2015! Yes I'm late saying Happy New least its still January! I can't get use to watching CSI on Sunday nights? My bad I haven't been watching. Gosh I don't even know what Melinda is up to these days either? Well, i thought I'd stop by to say Hello...
  2. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Everyone! OMG its been awhile since i last posted! :eek: I've stop by a few times but didn't Login....Im still loving my Lady! :lol: Hope all is well with Melinda & her fans! :thumbsup: I can't believe Halloween is just around the corner! Later my friends! -----------------------
  3. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Melinda fans! :) Can't believe the new year is just around the corner! :eek: First of all I want to wish Melinda Clarke a very Merry Christmas! And to All...hope Santa comes down your chimney...Merry Christmas! May we all have a wonderful time with Family & Friends!! Take care...
  4. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Everyone! Im still here... still loving Melinda Clarke too! :thumbsup: Hope you All had a fun and safe Halloween? I did! :drool: Patiently waiting for Melinda and Nikita. Sadly I don't watch the CW channel. It's just not on my radar! :lol: Of course I am Loving Grimm!!!! :drool...
  5. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice summer. Hope Melinda had a nice summer too! Im just waiting for Nikita to return i guess next year? Also waiting for the return of Grimm I would love to see Melinda in that show. That would be cool. Anyway just thought I'd check in....yay Halloween is just...
  6. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello everyone! Hope you are surviving the HOT summer! I wish it was Fall already! Yay I heard Nikita is returning for another season even though it will be a short season and probably it's last? I don't know about you guys, I've enjoyed evil Amanda! :devil: Melinda just makes evil so fun and...
  7. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Everyone! :) Finally Nikita is on tonight and Amanda will return Yay! :thumbsup: I do wish they would change the time!!! Touch with Kiefer just started and it's on the same time as Nikita! Then next month Grimm returns too...I believe the same time ugh! :scream: As for Lady H and...
  8. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Everyone! :) Hope 2013 is treating you well! Finally Nikita returns tonight! Works out for me because Grimm wont return til March. These two shows come on at the same time and I always choose Grimm. :) Not sure if Melinda will be a part of the ep tonight but I look forward to watching...
  9. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Melinda Clarke fans! Just dropping in quickly...... Wishing Melinda Clarke and all her fans a wonderful Merry Christmas! Hope to see Melinda on tv in January. :) Merry Christmas Everyone! :thumbsup: ------------------
  10. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hey Melinda fans! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :thumbsup: Cant believe Christmas is just around the corner? :eek: And I miss Nikita...i just don't like the fact that Nikita is on the CW network! :scream: Sadly that station isn't on my radar these days! :( Anyway i hope Melinda...
  11. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Crusader! Welcome! :) Lady Heather is by far my favorite character of All-time on CSI! Yes, the Lady has Class! She stood out the moment Fans met her for the first time in SOLV! Hello Ninja! I totally agree with you! Not only did she understood Grissom but Grissom totally understood her...
  12. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    Hello WP Fans! First of all thanks for posting the pics of Mr. Petersen jafox! Love his curly white hair. And he looks so happy! :) He makes me want to be a Cubs fan but I love my Rockies! :thumbsup: Losers they may be this year lol :lol: I do enjoy watch old eps of CSI with Grissom in it...
  13. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Melinda Fans! :) It's been awhile hasn't it? Yes I'm still around and to be honest I still haven't watch the Season finale of Nikita! :eek: If it weren't for Melinda being on the show the CW wouldn't exist to me. Anyway, just drop by to say "Hi!" Yay Fall is finally here! ------------------
  14. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Hello Melinda/Lady H fans! First of all I gotta say....Happy Belated Birthday Melinda Clarke! I forgot to post yesterday April 24! Yes, I baked cupcakes too! :lol: Ever since the CW network changed Nikita's air-time from 7pm to 8pm on Fridays I have not kept up with the show.:( I love...
  15. WP_Rocks_MY_World

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    Hey Jimihendrix! :) Hey WP fans! A belated Happy Birthday William! :thumbsup: I was too busy celebrating Mardi Gras but I did make cupcakes for his Bday. :lol: That may sound weird but I really do as well as Melinda Clarke's birthday which is in April! :drool: -------------------------