Hello Everyone!
Happy 2015! Yes I'm late saying Happy New Year......at least its still January!
I can't get use to watching CSI on Sunday nights? My bad I haven't been watching. Gosh I don't even know what Melinda is up to these days either?
Well, i thought I'd stop by to say Hello...
Hello Everyone!
OMG its been awhile since i last posted! :eek:
I've stop by a few times but didn't Login....Im still loving my Lady! :lol:
Hope all is well with Melinda & her fans! :thumbsup:
I can't believe Halloween is just around the corner!
Later my friends!
Hello Melinda fans! :)
Can't believe the new year is just around the corner! :eek:
First of all I want to wish Melinda Clarke a very Merry Christmas!
And to All...hope Santa comes down your chimney...Merry Christmas!
May we all have a wonderful time with Family & Friends!!
Take care...
Hello Everyone!
Im still here... still loving Melinda Clarke too! :thumbsup:
Hope you All had a fun and safe Halloween? I did! :drool:
Patiently waiting for Melinda and Nikita. Sadly I don't watch the CW channel. It's just not on my radar! :lol:
Of course I am Loving Grimm!!!! :drool...
Hello everyone!
Hope you all had a nice summer. Hope Melinda had a nice summer too! Im just waiting for Nikita to return i guess next year? Also waiting for the return of Grimm I would love to see Melinda in that show. That would be cool.
Anyway just thought I'd check in....yay Halloween is just...
Hello everyone!
Hope you are surviving the HOT summer! I wish it was Fall already!
Yay I heard Nikita is returning for another season even though it will be a short season and probably it's last? I don't know about you guys, I've enjoyed evil Amanda! :devil:
Melinda just makes evil so fun and...
Hello Everyone! :)
Finally Nikita is on tonight and Amanda will return Yay! :thumbsup:
I do wish they would change the time!!! Touch with Kiefer just started and it's on the same time as Nikita! Then next month Grimm returns too...I believe the same time ugh! :scream:
As for Lady H and...
Hello Everyone! :)
Hope 2013 is treating you well!
Finally Nikita returns tonight! Works out for me because Grimm wont return til March. These two shows come on at the same time and I always choose Grimm. :)
Not sure if Melinda will be a part of the ep tonight but I look forward to watching...
Hello Melinda Clarke fans!
Just dropping in quickly......
Wishing Melinda Clarke and all her fans a wonderful Merry Christmas!
Hope to see Melinda on tv in January. :)
Merry Christmas Everyone! :thumbsup:
Hey Melinda fans!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! :thumbsup:
Cant believe Christmas is just around the corner? :eek: And I miss Nikita...i just don't like the fact that Nikita is on the CW network! :scream: Sadly that station isn't on my radar these days! :(
Anyway i hope Melinda...
Hello Crusader!
Welcome! :) Lady Heather is by far my favorite character of All-time on CSI! Yes, the Lady has Class! She stood out the moment Fans met her for the first time in SOLV!
Hello Ninja!
I totally agree with you! Not only did she understood Grissom but Grissom totally understood her...
Hello WP Fans!
First of all thanks for posting the pics of Mr. Petersen jafox!
Love his curly white hair. And he looks so happy! :)
He makes me want to be a Cubs fan but I love my Rockies! :thumbsup: Losers they may be this year lol :lol:
I do enjoy watch old eps of CSI with Grissom in it...
Hello Melinda Fans! :)
It's been awhile hasn't it? Yes I'm still around and to be honest I still haven't watch the Season finale of Nikita! :eek:
If it weren't for Melinda being on the show the CW wouldn't exist to me.
Anyway, just drop by to say "Hi!" Yay Fall is finally here!
Hello Melinda/Lady H fans!
First of all I gotta say....Happy Belated Birthday Melinda Clarke!
I forgot to post yesterday April 24! Yes, I baked cupcakes too! :lol:
Ever since the CW network changed Nikita's air-time from 7pm to 8pm on Fridays I have not kept up with the show.:(
I love...
Hey Jimihendrix! :)
Hey WP fans!
A belated Happy Birthday William! :thumbsup:
I was too busy celebrating Mardi Gras but I did make cupcakes for his Bday. :lol:
That may sound weird but I really do as well as Melinda Clarke's birthday which is in April! :drool: