Recent content by skyqueen

  1. S

    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! If she's the same one who's been stalking DC here on the internet (my understanding she's also from Austria), I hope she's stopped. She's done (or attempted to do) a horrific amount of damage to David and his family, has numerous...
  2. S

    Name The Episode #2

    Sorry, guys, I've been gone for awhile. Happily happy, you are correct. It was Eric in Grand Prix. You are up!!!!
  3. S

    Name The Episode #2

    Okay, let's try this one. X: "He's also missing in action".
  4. S

    Name The Episode #2

    "Just One Kiss"?
  5. S

    Name The Episode #2

    Is it from "Collison"?
  6. S

    Name The Episode #2

    :confused: :confused:Could it be "Fade Out"?
  7. S

    Who Said It? #3

    :rolleyes:I often have that same problem. Some of these quotes just escape me. :lol:Yep, it was Dresden to Calleigh in the parking garage. ;)You're up, Kit4na!
  8. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Nope, not Stetler. Okay, folks, this apparently has been too difficult. Last & Best Clue: From 'Under Suspicion'.
  9. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Nope, not Peter. :devil: Huge Hint: Horatio's nemesis! :devil:
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    Who Said It? #3

    Negative x2; not Yelina or Jake. Hints: Season 4, in respone (by recurring character) to Calleigh's question: "What should I have seen?"
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    Who Said It? #3

    No, not Erica, but you have the right idea.
  12. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Didn't intend to make this quite so hard, just a teaser. Another hint: Think recurring rather than regular.
  13. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Sorry, not Calleigh either.
  14. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Sorry, negative to Tripp, Cooper & Natalia. Small hint: Season 4
  15. S

    Who Said It? #3

    Nope x 4: no Delko, Horatio, Ryan or Speed.