Recent content by Shipwrecked

  1. Shipwrecked

    Grissom and Sara #36 A Love Story

    Just got nostalgic and thought I'd pop in. I've got some buds at Gallifrey base and even tumblr, and then I remember my humble start on these boards. I learned a lot about video production and conflict of interest in the workplace. I made a lot of friends here. Hope you all are doing well. :)
  2. Shipwrecked

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    I wasn't sure if you had been fed this: Ladies and gentlemen it has been a wonderful run. And there are 5 hours and approximately 15 minutes between me and the new episode. I'm gonna piss my pants.
  3. Shipwrecked

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    Holy crap I love that promo picture. It's almost as good as the last TV Guide spread we had. Actually, I like it better. Read my signature. Oh, so I was just thinking. Remember Butterflied, when Grissom was talking about how he didn't want to get his heart broken? Well, he did. Other than...
  4. Shipwrecked

    Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

    It has been a while... I don't really have a life anymore. Cross Country ate it. It also ate my GSR time, which I miss tons and I do miss this board, because it's where I got my start at fandom. Anyway, I just came back to see how everyone was and to tell people I hadn't given up on GSR...
  5. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart I feel like telling all antis to suck it. Seriously, that is exactly how I answered the question when i was posting on the ytdaw board. Her picture was on the freaking fridge. geez.
  6. Shipwrecked

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    That's not tacky! Naww, he looks like Jesus. He's got the beard, the robe, and the sandals of desert treking for forty days and forty nights. And the tissue, because he's amazing.
  7. Shipwrecked

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but the first picture of catherine near the fridge, there's a note on the fridge that's signed from Sara. and hello obvious photoshop... wow.
  8. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart *coughcough* Um, I would keep some things in spoiler boxes... just a suggestion. But I'm pumped for April 3rd. Sure, there may not be GSR straight up in it, but I'll hope for any hints at all.
  9. Shipwrecked

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    I'm so ready for this episode! I'm guessing the flu thing is coming from the fact that the vaccine wasn't that effective this year. I can't imagine working with the flu. ugh.
  10. Shipwrecked

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    And maybe Ausiello has sources that have never watched CSI in their life. I don't know. Grissom being sick sounds like a predictable CSI thing that could be coming up, but considering that it's coming from Ausiello, I don't believe it...
  11. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    They're back... You don't realize what I've been missing out on in my life. I just wanted to comment on that. Holy Crap I'm so happy the little invisible blue boxes are BACK!! Okay, so here's my theatre textbook translation of what's going on in the little blue boxes...
  12. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    So was Sara being kidnapped by the MCSK. It turns out CSI isn't as unpredictable as we thought it was. So let's wish for something good. I haven't been here in a while. Once all the new episodes stopped, I got a life. It was nice but I need a break now. So how bout that GSR...
  13. Shipwrecked

    Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

    I make a GSR video with a beautiful Switchfoot song called Let Your Love Be Strong Hope you like it. Peace.
  14. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    yay for a new gsr thread. wow. 32. i'm impressed. okay, happy new year. and i hope our GSR (or lack of) will resume when the writers end the strike. you know what, they should just start hiring fans to write the show. GSR fans. we'll bring sara back in a heartbeat.
  15. Shipwrecked

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    I know I'm not allowed to add one (shoot me), but I just wanted to put the possibility out there for I Love You, I Always Will