Recent content by Sandersgal4lyfe

  1. S

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Well, personally I'm not too keen to Jeanne. But, I don't see how they can have the secrets wrapped up and Jeanne being ''offed''. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. On another note, I cannot believe CBS scheduled the CMA's for this Tuesday. Seriously, leaving us a week in-between a...
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    New Spoilers for the Season Finale "Angel of Death" Credits to The Futon Critic,, and Enjoy. ...and... ...and... The promo for "Angel of Death" is not up yet separately on innertube, but it's on at the very end of "Trojan Horse", if you have 45...
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Hey guys, here's spoilers for this Tuesday's episode, In The Dark (credits due to, and the paragraphs indicate updates on the website ;) ) You can also find more spoilers for NCIS's upcoming episodes Trojan Horse and the season finale Angel of Death on that website as...
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Did anybody catch that article in Australian TV Week? I only heard about it online, but can't find it anywhere. Can someone post in on here if they come across it?
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Just a there a new eppy tonight or do we have to wait a few more weeks?
  6. S

    CBS Innertube CSI shows

    I have a mac, and innertube is confusing and really aggrivating. Usually when I click on any full-length shows on innertube, it doesn't work. I just go back and first click on something else, usually a 'behind the scenes' segment, check that that's working, then go back and click on the...
  7. S

    ¿What is your favorite movie of ALL TIME?

    Ah, gee. There's too many to count. But I guess if I had to choose, I'd say Titanic and The Notebook. Just definately not The Wizard of Oz. Those flying... 'things' scare the crap outta me. :p
  8. S

    "Post Mortem" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Is he the coroner at the inquest instead of Doc. Robbins? Could it be that Doc couldn't testify, maybe because of personal connections, there may be speculations that he could flaw the evidence. But sense Nick and Sofia are testifying that may not be it, but then why would there need to be...
  9. S

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Oh yes. Same here, hitchhiker42. Eric's eyes are so mesmerising. He has the most beautiful eyes in the world!! Thank-you, Wojo for the awesome pics. I love them all. Whew! Eric's such a hottie with a body!
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    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I'd also like to say thank you! to that wrestler!! No one beats up Greg like that and gets away with it! Hah, Karma. Love it. :p
  11. S

    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread :( New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle was killed in the plane crash. I wrote about it in the "I can't believe thread." You can also read about it here.. Rest In Peace Cory Lidle, and all others who have died today because of this tragic...
  12. S

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    Hate to ruin the mood here, guys, but... I can't believe a small plane crashed into a building in NYC! :eek: It's nothing even close to what happened 5 years and a month ago, but.... You can read more here. EDIT! This just in... New York Yankee's pitcher Cory Lidle was on the plane...
  13. S

    Extrem Makeover: Home Edition

    Re: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Do we know the actual song titles/artists for either of the theme songs? I'm always trying to find them...and I just hate it when it's not an actual song I can buy from iTunes! The '05-'06 song is one that I just love, and I'd like to get it. :D
  14. S

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    I would actually like to see Eric cut his hair again. We've seen this long, curl cut for a while, and I like it. I do! I have no problem with his hair right now, actually I think it's really really cute! ..But I just loved his hair circa seasons 3-4. Hah, I'm such a sucker for a guy with...