Recent content by Raven04

  1. R

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    I don't wish cancellation on any show. But, I always thought that the original would outlast the spinoffs. Even though their ratings are down, Vegas is still getting a healthy 14+ million viewers on a night that is very competitive. Plus, this season has been really good.
  2. R

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    On adam/stella: if adam/stella do "get together"..I am going to give it a chance..we all may say "eww" and "Its not right", but I'll wait to see what they put on TV.... But, other then that..can the show just start now? I mean, I can not wait anymore haha
  3. R

    "A Space Oddity" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I would not go that far...its a good episode, but not that good
  4. R

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Hey, I'm 22! young'n here! Well I was looking around the internet and found a pic of actor aaron paul (from breaking bad), who really looks like a young Carmine, I could be wrong, but they do look similar, plus, it gives us something to talk about...
  5. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    Actually CSI has consistently been on top on close to it...It does not help that American Idol is on like every night...every show is losing viewers
  6. R

    Should Danny and Lindsay really be getting married?

    Hell no, they should not be married...the only person for Danny is Flack :)
  7. R

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    I want to see Lindsay leave, so my HoYay fantasy can come true- Flack comforting Danny, and realizing they were meant to be will never happen, but a girl can dream right?
  8. R

    "Turn, Turn, Turn" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I read an article that said Taylor was really good...I forgot where it is, but they really liked her performance.
  9. R

    "Disarmed & Dangerous" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    well right now the ratings were great for this gained like 3 million viewers from last week(got around 20 million viewers) I do want more Greg, but what can you do? We can complain all we want...but they'll do what they think is best for ratings.. But, from what I saw of Greg, he...
  10. R

    "Disarmed & Dangerous" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I like how they are writing Langston..I was worried that after one episode of learning from Nick, that in the next episodes Langston would be perfect, but I was happy to see him still learning the basics--like cleaning a gun for evidence and learning from Catherine.
  11. R

    "Disarmed & Dangerous" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    See, I did not mind Langston in all those scenes. I guess it did not feel like he was commanding the episode.. I did like the little smackdown Langston had with Hodges, although it was gently. It was a weird episode, but I liked it a lot.
  12. R

    "Disarmed & Dangerous" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Really loved the episode... Is it just me or does Riley still bug anyone? I always see her with an attitude...maybe its just me. I love seeing Greggo in a sweater vest...mmmm:drool:
  13. R

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

    Such a cute pic of Taylor and George from Taylor's myspace:
  14. R

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Is Lindsay going to use the excuse "I'm pregnant" every time she wants something? Just wondering...
  15. R

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple yeah, their perfect for each other