Recent content by prokaryote

  1. P

    Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

    Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers Shirt off your back Here's that scene. You have to wait until the end, though.
  2. P


    Give me some more Larry/Megan, pweese :D
  3. P

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: Ahhhh my car is back :p Down: Every day I have to deal w/ my immature bitchy mom. I dunno: Doing this project on adoption is bringing up things I don't want to deal with emotionally.
  4. P


    I read that and laughed :lol: Nice change from the usual someone killing someone type story. Is Diane's pregnancy being written into the show? That would be awesome, but the way the Meghan/Larry ship is going, that's a stretch. Also, Yeah, I miss the credits :( I was looking...
  5. P

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". Last ep my sister was eating something when the rat started chewing Ezra's lip. Then this week I was eating dinner and the lady came to the clinic with her poop, then Adam threw up. Yeah, I don't think we should eat during House anymore :p
  6. P

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: May be getting my car back from the shop sooner than expected :) Up: Feelin' good today! :D Down: I don't have my car :( Down: Major cramming for stats test tomorrow :p
  7. P

    What did you do today??

    Work! I filtered Dissolved Organic Carbon water samples and washed tons of glassware. I also annoyed the hell out of my coworkers during my sugar high and drank tons of water. Now I have to go study for my Stats test which is tomorrow at 10am. Grr. :p Oh, and I'm going to watch CSI and The...
  8. P


    Heh. I like to say TFA (Totally F-ing Awesome) :D
  9. P

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    I'm being forced to take Intro to Communications and we are studying groups this week. One of the major points our professor wanted to drive home was that a lot of times "difficult" group members don't realize they're being difficult and no one wants to confront them so their behavior continues.
  10. P

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    to a guy who i shouldnt like: aaahhhh why did you have to be shirtless? that's just wrong :devil: i can't help it but i'm attracted to you :p to anyone: i caused that car crash cus i was high and f-d up :mad: :( i dont like myself and im way more boring than you think it's been two years...
  11. P

    Gas..How Much are you paying???

    update :D I actually looked at the sign and it said $2.05 I was looking at my diary entries from last year when I had to commute really far to school and I can't believe I paid 3-something a gallon and I had to fill up almost every day on a 14 gallon tank at about 28mpg :p
  12. P

    Gas..How Much are you paying???

    I don't even look anymore b/c I have to buy it anyway. But, I think I paid $2.12/gal today in southern MD.
  13. P

    Top Ten Rated Shows

    I'm not surprised, I don't watch GA but I found House (ep 3) and Numb3rs (ep 1) to be better than the CSI premeire this week. Oh well :p
  14. P

    From the Mouth of High School

    That sounds like something we would do here in Washington....DC (hee, im lame) :lol:
  15. P

    What did you do today??

    i went to work and subsampled water samples! woo! :p then i came home and im staying home b/c it's rainy and depressing outside and im online looking at cars b/c i might have to get a new one