Recent content by Project DAY

  1. Project DAY

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    That first pic is him with Frances X. Paulo Huber, the CEO and president of Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden. And here's one more pic from the event: Carmine with fan attendees. If I'd have known sooner that he was going to be the guest of honor, I would've gone since I was...
  2. Project DAY

    Hockey Fans

    Yeah I was cheering as the scores were put up on the nhl site last night since I couldn't actually watch the game--I knew the Rangers would pull through and keep their lead! HA TO ALL OF THOSE WHO DOUBTED THEM IN LAST NIGHT'S GAME!!! :p hehe Here's hoping they keep it up! And geez the Devils...
  3. Project DAY

    Hockey Fans

    LETS GO RANGERS!!! GAME 4 BABY!!! :thumbsup: Here's hoping they keep their lead 'cause so far they're 2-1 (Hey, no harm and foul in hoping right? :D ) DOWN WITH THE CRAPITALS!!! -sigh- I wish my damn cable got the game coverage--I just gotta watch for the scores--better than nothing I suppose...
  4. Project DAY


    Well the procedure went well, not the most pleasant thing in the world at all, quite the opposite actually but I'm feeling alright-ish... The news gets worse from here though. I WILL NOT be around from this coming friday-tuesday at all. My grandmother passed away this morning so I'm taking a...
  5. Project DAY

    Hockey Fans

    Oh yeah, in case anyone's interested--Eddie Cahill is covering the Rangers progress in the Stanley Cup again (3rd year has a link to the Celeb blogs) He's already done 2 blogs. Lets go Rangers!!! Here's hoping they can keep their lead in the next game :D
  6. Project DAY

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    I actually happen to use for my graphic editing--very basic I know, but it is actually capable of a lot. I used to have Photoshop CS3 but when I last reformatted, I lost the backup and don't have the discs or anything. For the lighting effects, I just layered the different gradients I...
  7. Project DAY

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Oh and in case anyone was wondering about the tiny text within the streak of light on the 140x140 (that I'm currently wearing as my avvie)--it's actually lyrics from a song. "Don't you know that you are a shooting star? Don't you know?" from Bad Company's 'Shooting Star' - I was listening to...
  8. Project DAY

    Better off Ted

    Ahahaha--I love this show! Ted and Veronica kill me--especially Veronica...she's so clever and conceded--and kinda oblivious in some cases--she's great. I loved the wrapping paper contest--and the race to the elevator XD I thought the scene where Ted was tucking his daughter in for bed was...
  9. Project DAY

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Alright, I figured I'd kick-off the display of icons from the Danny icon challenge. Here were mine: And my 140x140 And two other variations I didn't enter
  10. Project DAY

    Who Said It & Which Episode? Think you know? Let's find out!

    I believe that's Angell from 4x13, All in the Family
  11. Project DAY

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Boy I'm behind--I'm backing up just a tad, to the pic Poppet posted. I love the hat! :p I don't know why, but I always love cool/odd/funky hats. I've always been a hat person--granted I don't wear caps like I used to :lol: Anyway, I've been disappointed with the lack of much 'character' in the...
  12. Project DAY

    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#35: Danny ~ Results!

    Oh, sweet third place ^.^ Thanks for the votes :thumbsup: Great work everybody and congrats to all the winners! :D
  13. Project DAY


    Not exactly sure if this is the appropriate thread for this but...I suppose here is better than no where. I just wanted to give a small apology for my lack of activity for the most part around here, I've been sick for a couple of weeks now. And also, I wanted to inform you all that my activity...
  14. Project DAY

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Hehe--thanks everybody and great banners to everyone as well :D
  15. Project DAY

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Here were my banners from the challenge!