^^ I love this idea. Freakin awesome. I think Riley would keep them in line at certain times and also know when to let them have some alone time in their office. Not much LOVE action last night. But I did notice the boys make extra long eye contact in the scene when they were using the moon to...
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back
Great wallpaper SheShotSherlock made me all teary. Sammy great moments you quoted. I just saw Invisible Evidence the other day. Makes me laugh then sad cause we will never see that kind of interaction again. Watching new episode...
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2
So last night. I liked how they put Griss's reaction to finding the funeral program in his office. I think is showed how important Warrick was to him and the team.
Wow I've been gone from the WARD wayyyyy to long. I can't belive I missed the start of a new thread. Congrats on the win Princess. Hope fully I will be around for the next theme. :lol:
^^ Me too. I have always seen them together forever. But I can see how many events that have happened in the show could lead to a break up or bring them closer together. Like Greggo in the lab explosion would make Nicky way more protective of him and make him even more worried about him outside...
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back
^^ I know we will. We better. I mean after all these years. All the flirting, moments and eye sex. It would be cruel of the writers to just let it go like that after eight years of build up. I watched The Happy Place yesterday. I...
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2
^^ So was I. After For Gedda, I kept hoping and hoping that he was alive. That one of the team would find him in time and he would live. But after For Warrick, I knew it was all over. I also think no matter how many times I watch For Warrick I...
^^ Agreed. I know I have said this before, but if the boys got together in season two they would still be in the honeymoon period in season three. Just the way they can't take there eyes a off each other at all times makes me giggle. We see as time goes on they tend to be less showy about...
Re: Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back
Season six rough and great for YOBLING. Warrick tells Cath hes married in the first episode of the season yet we get her confession to him about her feelings for him. I always get kinda teary eyed when I see this scene.
Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2
^^ I agree. Although I will never stop watching CSI as long a its one. But I would love to have the whole original team back. I watch older episodes and it still makes me kinda sad. Great piccys Desertwind.
alienor most agreed best duet ever. So...