Recent content by montana_messer

  1. M

    Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack

    Re: Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack Came across this on my iPod the other day (not sure if it's been posted already!), I feel it really sums up their feelings in a couple of situations - Danny, when Lindsay is in Montana; and Lindsay after her relationship with Danny breaks down. To me, this just...
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    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    i'm going seriously nuts over here - us poor people in the UK won't see series 5 until the new year, so we have even longer to wait for any D/L scenes!! I'm still seriously annoyed at the lack of scenes in series 4 - all the flirting in series 3, then Snow Day and then nothing until she...
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    Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack

    Re: Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack not sure if this has been posted before, but i figured this would be the perfect song for Lindsay finding out about Danny's involvement with Rikki: NO DOUBT - DON'T SPEAK You and me We used to be together Everyday together always I really feel That I'm...
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    Caption Game #2 - Shipper Central Style

    Eric: Now that's a position that hasn't been tried yet. Horatio: Yes, I see that. I believe that we may, (puts sunnies on), we may have to try that one. (not great but best I could come up with!)
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    Are You Watching the NY Reruns This Summer?

    I caught most of them this summer. I currently get to see seasons 2+3 on Sunday nights 8-10, season 1 Friday at 9 and season 4 Tuesday at 10. Its a big ol NY mish-mash of episodes but I love it!!
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    Beta Volunteers

    Hey Got way too much free time on my hands so decided to offer up my services as a beta. I mainly do NY, but occasionally Miami. Any ship - not fussed. I mainly look for the technical stuff e.g. spelling and grammar but I can look for other things such as flow, characters, plot holes etc...
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    Hi all, Hazel here. I hail from Scotland, studying Forensic Investigation. My favourite CSI is NY, but I do love them all. So glad to be in the natural habitat of the fanatics lol!
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    High School Musical!!!!!!

    When the movie was first shown, I didn't mind it too much. Bit cheesy for my liking - I much prefer Grease. Then my elevn year-old little sister got it on DVD. And CD soundtrack. And now every song drives me insane. Ever since the advert for the third movie was shown in April or something...
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    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Seriously, the man is waay to hot for our own good!!! There should be a large health warning on all his pics - caution: may cause heart palpitations, fainting or extreme feelings of dizziness!!
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    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hey all, Hazel here. Nice to finally meet some other fanatics - some of my mates just don't get my obsession with the show. As you can probably tell from the name, my ultimate ship is Danny/Lindsay, but I do love myself a bit of Danny/Flack and some Flack/Stella. I'm studying Forensic...
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    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Ok, i'm pretty sure it's official - this man is waaaaaaay too hot for our own good!! i'm sure i'm not the only one that turns into a big pile o' mush looking through these pics - god the man is sexy!!
  12. M

    Drinking and Driving

    we have it strange here in the uk. we are legally allowed to get married and have children (16) before we can learn to drive (17), drink any alcohol or buy cigarettes (18). i don't think it really makes much difference whether you can drink or drive first. if people are going to drive while...