Recent content by Missing

  1. Missing

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Contagion....lets just say it wont be contagious :(
  2. Missing

    The Mentalist

    Thanks for that link ladybronco! I thought they were going to end with the bang bang bang but when the camera pulled back to revel Jane with the smoking gun....OMG:eek: I couldnt believe it. I cannot wait for fall.
  3. Missing


    Going to miss Medium. Was such a good show. Such a sad episode but good to know that they will be together forever in the afterlife. The kids and Alison all made their lives fullfilling so life is what you make it to be so make it a good one. Did anyone else think that since the show was...
  4. Missing


    got to cbs to watch episode
  5. Missing


    I tell you the one big thing I love about this show is Allison and Joe and their relationship. They get mad but seem to work it out in a way that isn't too cheesy. If more married couples would take a cue to try to work it out other than running the divorce rate wouldnt be that high.
  6. Missing

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    My two friends and I went and my one friend who sat in the middle of us had the best time laughing at us as we were like trying to cover our eyes and then would jump.
  7. Missing


    Hey Desertwind ..long time no see :) So are they going to actually end the show with some respect or just end it? Anyone know any news? Because now their doing this storyline with Joe getting fed up with having a wife like her.
  8. Missing

    Private Practice

    I don't know about you but I am really looking forward to THurs episode. Charlotte has been my favorite character and I think Kadee will knock this episode and storyline out of the park. Shonda has such a good writing style and tries to stay true to the line. The previews are killing...
  9. Missing

    The Mentalist

    Ok was anyone else as confused as I was with this season finale...I really had no idea what the heck was going on...anyone want to put there two cents to help me understand? The poem and why was he smiling?
  10. Missing


    I have to agree, I hope next season is the last and they end it well and not beat it to death.
  11. Missing

    Miami Medical

    I too wish they would give shows a chance...there was nothing wrong with this show, other than no strong lead in (I love Medium but most people dont) and if CSI was its lead in it might have done better and also its on Friday night when most people are out.
  12. Missing

    V - The Visitors Are Among Us

    It just goes to show you that they are like us...Anna started screaming when the eggs died and her whole plan to take over the world...kinda like Hitler. Not so different from us and heck there are people out there who seem to have no emotion (scary I know). Curious to see how this show goes......
  13. Missing


    I am glad to hear that Grissom Rules. The finale was an interesting take on Ariels acceptance to Darthmouth U ...Allison dies and takes control of Ariels life by having her do what she (allison) has done while alive and in doing that kills Ariels life and happiness, and she then turns to...
  14. Missing

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Shrek Forvever After ....again awesome...and Puss in Boots funny as hell :)
  15. Missing

    LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

    So maybe it was all Jacks idea/dream/death.