Recent content by lizzbet

  1. L

    Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up? *SPOILERS*

    Re: Will the REAL Horatio Caine Please Stand Up? Y'all have said it so perfectly that I can only add my agreement. I've just about given up watching, and this was My Show! I am tired of H as Angsty Emo-Boy. I am tired of the dark shirts. (I can't believe how excited I got to see a bright...
  2. L

    ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/DC!'~

    Re: ~The David Caruso 'Coolness of Red' Thread # 2 aka 'HC/D I'm lovin' all the pics, ladies. My contribution is my take on that one from "Hell Night".
  3. L

    The Horatio Caine/David Caruso Appreciation Thread

    Re: HC/DC Yummy, yummy pictures! I'm gonna need to quit my job and devote all my time to making fan art from these! ;)
  4. L

    The Horatio Caine/David Caruso Appreciation Thread

    Re: HC/DC Y'all have posted some lovely pics. I need to get busy on my artwork. The man is an inspiration!
  5. L

    The Horatio Caine/David Caruso Appreciation Thread

    Re: The Horatio Caine Appreachiation Thread I couldn't resist working with those wounded puppy-dog pics a bit. (getting into the "Hug H" queue) (If I should post this in "Fan Art", let me know!)
  6. L

    Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

    Thanks for all the good wishes, y'all! Here's what I did with coolcat's pic. And I have a color version of the b&w one she posted. Enjoy! I sure have been! ;)
  7. L

    Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

    coolcat, thanks for posting that picture! If I ever recover from looking at it ;) , I'm going to see what I can do with it for an avatar or something. Definitely faint-worthy!
  8. L

    Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

    I'm glad y'all liked the picture. I really enjoyed making it. I must have made over 100 screencaps of that bit! ;)
  9. L

    *So convincing!!*

    I'm different, too - David, David, Adam. :cool:
  10. L

    Horatio and Calleigh Wallpapers

    Those are yummy! Thanks for sharing!
  11. L

    Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

    All this talk about showers and such reminded me of a little artwork I did some time back. It's from either ep 4 or 6 of NYPD:Blue, but shouldn't break the PG-13ometer... Simply Red
  12. L

    *So convincing!!*

    Always, always, always... David.
  13. L

    *So convincing!!*

    Like I could say anyone but David?! ;)
  14. L

    Horatio Caine/DC...does anyone else find him hot?

    Re: Horatio Caine...does anyone else find him hot? Y'all, only 11? ;) I third it!
  15. L

    Sofia Milos To Leave 'CSI: Miami'

    Oooh, good point. We ought to be getting lots of angsty H moments when he has to deal with this! Yum! :cool: