Recent content by k0mbain

  1. K

    Who's Hotter???

    I'd have to say Ryan. He isn't my current biggest on-screen crush for no reason now! But before Ryan came along I was madly in love with Speed. The episode where he died was heartbreaking and the first time I saw Ryan in CSI:M I hated him.. And then he grew onto me. So Speed gets second place...
  2. K

    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Ah, you guys have opened my eyes! For some reason I only saw Calleigh around and never considered anyone else to ship Ryan with. I mean, I never shipped him with Calleigh either. Calleigh is so.. Bland :( Sad to say it and sorry Calleigh-fans, but honestly. Ryan's got great stories and an...
  3. K

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    Oh that is perfect! Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply. But I will use this one :)
  4. K

    which CSI: Miami guy would you rather go on a date with?

    Re: which CSI: Miami guy would you rather go on a date with I'd have to say Ryan. I remember my first reaction, when I first saw Speed's replacement: 12:03:43 AM B: THAT NEW GUY IS NOT HOT >: ( 12:03:45 AM B: what the christ 12:03:46 AM B: THIS 12:03:53 AM B: is what they replaced Speed with...
  5. K

    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    Hey! So glad to see a huge Jon Togo thread :D I have to admit that Ryan Wolfe is the only reason I watch the show. But I love it for having him in it. I honestly think he is the most interesting character on it, what with his backstory and on-going storylines. I think the writers are doing a...
  6. K

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    Well, it's still small (Aw, Photobucket!) but at least the resolution is much more fitting! I saved it to my Jon Togo folder :D Thank you so much for giving it a try!
  7. K

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    I see some great wallpapers here! Great job, guys! But I have a problem. I'm wondering if any of you have any bigger wallpapers of Ryan? By bigger I mean 1680x1050+. The 1024x768 and under are really small for me :( And I'm a person who needs the whole screen filled, if it leaves edges it keeps...