Recent content by Hcrazy

  1. Hcrazy

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Yes. I am talking about about the H & Marisol scene and others as well. I do know for a fact it has happened in many episodes. So watch a few reruns and see if you get pleasantly surprised! ;) I bet you do! Have fun! HCrazy :cool:
  2. Hcrazy

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Hey, Sometimes they cut the scenes too! :rolleyes: I found here in New York, we lose a lot of scenes, and then I catch them on A&E when I watch the reruns. :eek: I always love new scenes too. A few of my friends verify it too and they live in other states and countries. It is my...
  3. Hcrazy

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Hey MiamiRocks! Thanks for the welcome back my friend. :p Well you said what I am hoping for... The new Stetler will be O'shay! :devil: I haven't changed a bit! :p Oh and still DuCaine too! :drool: Yes I am aware of the Eric, Calleigh fling. :guffaw: I love my Cal no matter who...
  4. Hcrazy

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Here! Here! Lus! :thumbsup: CSI:Miami Lives!!!! It will go on forever Lusiana. No worries my friend! :) I am also looking forward to this season and I am wondering about O'Shay. I think something deeper is going on here and Horatio is going to get a shocker! So I am told...
  5. Hcrazy

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    Yep! Over here on the East coast too! Arghhhhhhhhh! Hang in East coasters! Oh and hello again, everyone! Been a while eh. :D Still love DuCaine! :)
  6. Hcrazy

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    Hey Awesome Promo!!! Thanks for hooking it up Lus. I just hooked it up too for those not in the US!!! :D :D :D Enjoy and have fun! I Can't wait...
  7. Hcrazy

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    Hey guys, I can't remember where I read it or saw it, maybe You Tube Video with Emily, or CSI Files, but it did say that Adam signed a new contract. So I agree completely with DelkoLover... Eric is probably just off healing. ;) If anyone can recall where I read that...:lol: Let me know...
  8. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey Maybe they take it out and he forgets about Calleigh, :eek: and then she gets amnesia,:eek: and then finally... :devil: I will have H&C together! :lol::lol::lol: LMAO!!!! I hope you all enjoy it! HCrazy :cool:
  9. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey, most of you already saw this but it has a lot more fun in it. JT cracks me up! Entertainment tonight- Enjoy, HCrazy :cool: I also hooked it up on You tube for any who could not view the link. ;)
  10. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey, they took them down before I could record them! :shifty: I bet they spoiled something they weren't supposed too! Ooohhhhhhhhhh :eek::lol: Cheers... Here's to a great finale my friends! TTYS, HCrazy
  11. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey, they took them down before I could record them! :shifty: I bet they spoiled something they weren't supposed too! Ooohhhhhhhhhh :eek::lol: Cheers... Here's to a great finale my friends! TTYS, HCrazy
  12. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey Everyone, I just thought I would share the links for you all, just in case any of you missed them. Especially the non US folks. I am always happy to share with you all. :thumbsup: Enjoy!
  13. Hcrazy

    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Hey Everyone, Okay here is the Promo for next week! :thumbsup: Dissolved - Ep 724 It does look very good! ;) HCrazy
  14. Hcrazy

    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Hey eveyone, Here is the promo, "Collateral Damage" for all the non US people! ;) And I couldn't resist adding this SPOILER CLIP from Dead on Arrival. Spoiler alert- it's the ending scene with H and Ryan saving.... :thumbsup...
  15. Hcrazy

    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Oop's! :lol: Sorry about that. Here is the long version and the right link!!! :lol::lol::lol: Hey Wasbi power... I have some really cool software that kinda helps me out! I am happy to just share and make sure everyone gets to see the clips. :D...