Recent content by hairy0haggis

  1. H

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Hello to all the new people who joined over the last month. Good to see such a turn out. Yet more proof, if indeed needed, what a class act this site is!
  2. H

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    Bwhahahahaha I LOVE IT. That is some first class work there lady. That has to be one of my favourite banners so far :D Oh and I was lying about the porn... I looked and found sludgey, fluffy romantic 'let's wait my true love' BS. I'm bloody gutted, these people need to rent 'Debbie Does Dallas'...
  3. H

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    They are the ones I was looking for. Should I have mentoned that when I was going overboard in my last post? Yeah, thought so! Anyway, cheers again Faylinn... my special little site finder (cut me some slack on the name, it's 6am here and I'm high as a kite on morphine AGAIN!). I'm a happy wee...
  4. H

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Get your mind out of the gutter right now madam! I meant crazy hut, the looney bin, the puzzle box, Britnay Spears head, the cu cu farm, Haggis's homested... you know... insane asylum! At no point did I refer to male scrotum sacks, if I had then this lot (meaning the sex starved women on this...
  5. H

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    Faylinn, I demand you marry me right now! Oh sure, I'm a straight woman who's already married to Mr Right and have a daughter and the only affair that Mr Right has consented to is with Flack (the character NOT the actor, so that's pretty much set that there's no extra lovin' for Haggis). But if...
  6. H

    Flack #8 - Flack, Don Flack

    Someone help me please... bored housewife alert! Now I usually hate fan fiction with a passion, but on here it's pretty damn good stuff. Anyway, someone posted a link to a page where it had lots of fan fiction on Flack (mainly Flack and Angell) and now for the life of me I can't find it and the...
  7. H

    What the Writers' Strike Means to CSI: NY

    Is it wrong that when I heard the strike was over I pulled my T shirt over my head (a la 'footballer scores a goal' style) and did several laps of the house before jumping up and down on the bed thus giving the neighbours a lovely view of my jublies? :eek: It is? Wll damn it all to Hell, I'm...
  8. H

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    DAWNI!!! NO, NO...BAD DAWNI... you just jinxed us to James Bond reruns and Inspector Morse repeats. Place your bets guys, place your bets... will we finally get to watch the same show as everyone else or are we going to end up watching dodgy repeats *GLARES AT DAWNI* (I'm kidding, I know you...
  9. H

    The evolution of CSI: NY.

    The very first episode 'Blink' still haunts me. It made me sick to my stomach. When was the last time we had something like that on the show. Do you think it's possible that because AZ said the show was like the 'new coke cola' of the CSI franchise that they decided to start playing it safe? I...
  10. H

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Hello Ladysorrows and 4blueeyez. This truly is a first rate forum to join. No annoying cliques and no hair pulling and biting... well, danistheman can bite a bit and that Althea tends to pull hair pretty hard, but appart from that, you're safe and welcome here. :D
  11. H

    How many non-US peeps here?

    How could she ever forget about us?? Our names are burned onto her retinas.Bleughhh gross! Plus, once you see the list you will realize that my capable hands are not so.... you know... capable. It's all very confusing. I think Natty asked me to do it because she wanted to keep me out of...
  12. H

    NY Crimelab Shifts

    That's too true. When was the last time we saw one of them socialize and not get in to some sort of trouble? :rolleyes: Jez, even Flack nearly got caught with his trousers down with Ditzy Devon.... mmmmm, Flack with his trousers down *DROOL DROOL*! :devil:
  13. H

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Oh that would be excellent. Mind you, I don't imagine for a second that TPTB would allow the British to catch up with the American airings. I bet we have a huge break put in our schedual where they repeat some lame TV show that no one watched the first time round! If that happens then TPTB will...
  14. H

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Hiya 4blueeyez. Welcome to the nut house :D Don't worry Althea, although Natty isn't here, she's got me working like a dog (don't even try to make a joke out of that :rolleyes:). I've been keeping a note of the new people for her, I don't think I've done it right and I bet you 20 quid that...
  15. H

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    I agree completely with you Danistheman. You took the words right out of my mouth! Although I find it very difficult to read what Mac is thinking behind his eyes. He has a very special look and it's difficult to read a lot of the time. I agree on the Flack and Danny front though... wish I'd...