Recent content by Gloriana

  1. Gloriana

    Anyone else have an emotional break down about Warrick?

    Hey now Julz, don't be so hard on yourself over there. You're not pathetic at all. A lot of people get attached to fictional characters, and they get very emotional about what happens to them (including me, and I'm in my 30s!). If storytelling didn't emotionally affect us all, no authors would...
  2. Gloriana

    "Frame By Frame" *300th Episode* DISCUSSION **Spoilers**

    I think you're right as I don't recall any mention of Nick's absence at all so far. I tend to zone out of the episodes these days, though, so I can't swear. "Frame by Frame" really annoyed me to no end, mainly because the 'faux-backs' were so self-conscious. Ecklie was being a bastard, so...
  3. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    A loner with a poetic soul. That is textbook fanfic.
  4. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Yes, indeed. I think Greg figured it out in the lab, Warrick asked if Ellie was adopted, and Brass was like 'Call it the mailman'. In 'Hollywood Brass' they established the infidelities in his marriage and all that. I mean, fine, I've met plenty of people who NEVER get over their...
  5. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    We're actually getting excited to behold the horror (kinda like early Halloween), and we even invented a drinking game. Do a shot whenever: * They make sense of a pseudo-cryptic clue that's been there THE WHOLE TIME * The plot directly mirrors the movie 'Se7en' * Eric Roberts reacts to...
  6. Gloriana

    Ranking the Show's Finales

    Yes, I think the dread is palpable, haha. Great idea for a thread, I was (no pun intended) stoked to see it when I hopped on. I liked reading your reviews and thoughts on the finales. Looking forward to seeing everyone's responses. My order of favorites: 1. Inside The Box: 100% agreed with...
  7. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Plus, we're not sure what Brass is wearing at the funeral because he is obscured by flower arrangements. If he's wearing a sweater, Greg wouldn't want to sit next to him because that would freak him out.
  8. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Judging from some of the spoiler pics, it looks like Greg might be back to his former incarnation as a lab rat for the 300th episode, so I'm thinking it probably won't be a case he worked on as a CSI. I didn't think they would drag up an actual case we might remember from earlier seasons...
  9. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Wholeheartedly agree on that. Sometimes it honestly seems like they're lifting from fanfic verbatim (and the bad fanfic at that, not even the good fanfic). Anyone else getting tired of the 'Crazy haired psycho who says outrageously psychotic things and chews all scenery in sight?". The...
  10. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Absolutely, yes. I think they wanted to pull the "Oh no, Brass has crossed a line, what will be the fall out to what he's done??" angle, but it didn't wash at all because it made zero sense (I personally liked the Langston character myself, but I did not believe Brass would do something like...
  11. Gloriana

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Yeah, that list of ideas did not sound at all improbable given the stuff they've done the past few seasons. The first thing that popped in my head was Sam, wondering if the writers wanted to sacrifice him and Eads was like "You leave Sam ALONE!!!". I don't honestly think that was the case, but...
  12. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    I think the Nick Stokes character still has a huge chance to make it to the final episode reasonably intact and true to the Nick we know, but I don't have a whole lot of hope for the season itself, you know? Back at Season 5 they were still on a path of consistency with everything that came...
  13. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Yeah, I agree with this, I don't think the writers deliberately write stuff to make fans suffer (though, yeah, it has entered my mind in passing sometimes, haha). I just think they're; 1. Out of touch with fan perspective. 2. Rather uninterested in fan perspective where it matters. 3...
  14. Gloriana

    Season 14 Spoiler Lab Discussion

    Completely agreed, couldn't have said it better. I hate when the defense is "Writers aren't required to write everything to make fans happy. That's impossible and unreasonable, so quit complaining". I never expect any show to be 100% perfect and I don't get upset just because a story...
  15. Gloriana

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Completely agreed that: 1) The detail about the writer being pregnant was a sensationalist tactic, and utterly irrelevant. 2) This is probably about Eads finally getting fed-up with the careless, lazy writing. I accidentally came upon the story when I was Googling stuff about Season 14...