Recent content by ford_prefect

  1. F

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    I'm still hoping that there will be something more, but I'm definitely not holding my breath. I think if they are going to do anything this season it will be in the finale. I highly doubt that the episode will focus much on Nick, given that last season's finale was so Nick-centric, but there...
  2. F

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Yeah, I doubt it. I don't think that continuity and the writers have met. :rolleyes:
  3. F

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Oh man, I forgot Nick's hair. He looked so good. :D I want to comment on all the funny parts, but there were just too many.
  4. F

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Oh my god, I absolutely loved this episode. It was frickin' hilarious, I just about died laughing. And as an added bonus, Nick was deshirted, tee hee, and I think I saw his underwear. :lol: *snicker* I totally did not get the "Dude, where's your car?" That's fantastic. I really wish I could...
  5. F

    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi Oh no, don't even bring that up, you're tainting this thread. ;) :p
  6. F

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    Well put Baba. I totally agree. :) Okay, since so many people flipped out over Nick's comment to Hodges about snapping, I think I can say this without ridicule. ;) In the scene when they found Dollar in the trunk I kind of thought Nick was going to lose it a little bit. For all the times...
  7. F

    "Spellbound" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Thanks so much nick and Baba. :D As it turns out I only missed Greg's very last line, which is about what I thought, but it was bugging me.
  8. F

    "Spellbound" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I asked this before, but no one answered. Would anyone mind transcribing the last like two lines of the episode? My station cut to a commercial for a couple of seconds and I missed the very very end. It would be greatly appreciated. :) Also, I agree with nick and Baba about Greg. I feel...
  9. F

    "Spellbound" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    First of all, would anyone mind telling me what the last couple of lines were? My station cut to a commercial for a second and I missed the very end. I really enjoyed this episode. Not one of my favorites from the season, but it was definitely good. I thought only Catherine and Doc Robbins...
  10. F

    The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

    That is interesting, and although I don't usually like to give the writers too much credit, it wouldn't surprise me at all if that was intentional. Nick and Sara have had a brother/sister type relationship right from the start, so it made perfect sense to have them work this case, even without...
  11. F

    "The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

    I definitely thought about that angle when he said that, but I just don't think it was there. It's all open to interpretation though, so it doesn't even matter what they were going for there, because everyone can see it in their own way. Am I mistaken or weren't his parents crying when he was...
  12. F

    "The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

    I don't think any of the characters necessarily need to go. They just need to use them more effectively, and as I said in my previous post, not try to fit them all into every episode.
  13. F

    "The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

    I agree, I'd rather have some episodes with very little to no Nick alternating with episodes that have lots of Nick, than having him in just one or two scenes every episode. I think that's why I didn't really miss Greg and Grissom in this one. When they try to work all the characters into...
  14. F

    "The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

    I loved this episode. The case was really interesting and kept me guessing. I really thought the girl had done it. There was lots of Nicky goodness. Sara, Warrick, Catherine, Sofia, Hodges, even Ecklie (who I love this season) were all good. I thought the actress playing the little girl was...
  15. F

    Movie Quote Game

    Right. Your turn. :)