Recent content by EmilySanders

  1. E

    Worst ways to end the series

    soap opera style! Eric sees Calleigh getting freaky with Ryan. Eric kills Ryan. A time paradox happens and Horatio turns out to be Natalia's long lost son she didn't even know she had. Eric and Calleigh are set to get married, When Ryan and his band off merry zombies show up. Horatio invents a...
  2. E

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Oh man. I haven't watched CSI in awhile, but me and my mom had to see this episode. I can't believe they did that! I mean, I saw it coming near the end. But Warrick... ;_; I'm aaaangry, first Speed, Now HIM. Gaaaaaah.
  3. E

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Grissom:..Nick, Wheres Greg? Nick: Hes at home. Grissom:...Why? Nick: Chicken pox apperently. ----Greg's house---- Greg: *Playing Halo 3, there is clearly nothing wrong with him* ------lab----- Grissom:...Really.
  4. E

    Who would you want to save your life?

    Re: Who would you want to save you life? Ooh...This is hard. >> Well after watching some of the older episodes of Miami, I think I'm going to have to say Horatio! Speed, or Greg would be cool too though. >> But Horatio would be awesome.
  5. E

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Yeah, as long as we have eye candy its great. I mean >> we always have our imaginations :devil:.
  6. E

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Grissom:...What is it hodges? Hodges:.....Iloveyouwithallmyheartandsoulwillyoumarryme. Grissom: GREG! Did you give hodges coffee again!? Hodges:...I can see you...but you can't see me... Grissom: o_O Hodges: *Sees Ecklie*...Oh NO! The great troll has come! Fly unicorns flllyyyyyyy! *Skips out of...
  7. E

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Happy Greggo is the best kinda Greggo! o_O Well...Sexy Greggo is always good too. I really hope Nick and Greg will be working more together this season! But I mean...;_; If they don't kiss thats fine. >> We all know they are secretly together anyways!
  8. E

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear # 3~

    I got this one from my mom. Ryan: What is it, H? Horatio:...What time is it, Mr. Wolfe?
  9. E

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Nick and Greg just look so wonderful together, they seriously need to kiss already. >>
  10. E

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear # 3~

    Yelina:...Horatio....I...Love you. Horatio: ...Yelina....I love *Puts on shades* Me too. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  11. E

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Hi guys! I'm fairly new to this thread...but not the pairing! This pairing is just wonderful! Rock on!
  12. E

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Ecklie: I'm the King of Vegas! Greg: If you're the King of Vegas, then I'm Straight!
  13. E

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To a Girl who Likes me: Look, Please stop saying you love me. I know you like me, But I only like you as a friend. Plus I have a boyfriend. I don't know why you dumped your boyfriend for me, Because I've told you a Million times that I don't like you more then a friend. So Please stop telling me...
  14. E

    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    UP!!!: Turned out My Dad didn't have Skin Cancer! Up: Talked To my boyfriend. Down: Had to Suffer through Some Acting Class/Bootcamp thing. Up: Cute Guys in it. Up: Had a voice Convo with Some guy with an Extremly Sexy Voice.
  15. E

    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    Down: My dad has Skin Cancer Up: It can be removed. Down: My boyfriend is going to be away for 2 weeks and I miss him :( Down: My room is Boiling hot