Recent content by ejacksonian

  1. E

    "Miscarriage Of Justice" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I agree, but at least it's not the Blue Tint of Death that they had CSI going on for a while. That sucked.
  2. E

    "Deep Fried and Minty Fresh" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    A boring and a little bit confusing episode. I'm still not quite sure how each "case" happeened.
  3. E

    Grade 'The Box'

    I have said my piece on Anna Belknap before, but I want to add something else: I think the wriiting for Lindsay is terrible. For all the good writing this show has, Lindsay gets stuck with the least best (euphemism) actor, the worst characterization (whiny attitude, general childness), and the...
  4. E

    Fishburne In Talks To Join 'CSI'

    No, I wouldn't consider Laurence Fishburne a big name. If you asked most casual Maxtrix fans, if knew who played Morpheus, they probably wouldn't who he was. Heck, I even bet most people couldn't name Keanu Reeves either (though they probably would recgonize an image of him). I would say, he's...
  5. E

    Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

    Re: Petersen leaves CSI for good We need to remember that CSI has been reportedly a grueling show. He'll probably working "part-time" for the show, while doing other projects.
  6. E

    Dourdan Pleads Guilty

    Actually, it sounded like he had a smart attorney that actually bargained - dismiss one charge and no jail time, and we plead guilty to the two other charges.
  7. E

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I just want to ooint out that, if Dourdan manages to fix his problems, we may see him at later date. It's entirely possible that CBS may actually leave his fate vague to the viewers. They could reference something "terrible" or "horrible" had happened to Warrick and show the other teams...
  8. E

    Dourdan Charged With Drug Possession

    Well, he's charged with drug possession, NOT drug usage. It was in his car. That means, at the time, he could be charged with having drugs. Doesn't really matter, legally, if he used them or not.
  9. E

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    "Light him up!" Brass' one-liners actually gets him in trouble.
  10. E

    Grade 'Like Water for Murder'

    I like to point out several things. There were not ONE, but TWO, red herrings. The first one was with the chocolate. Great but obvious red herring. The second was with the sudden last client-I was almost sure that he was the serial killer. Turns out, he wasn't but managed to inadvertently save...
  11. E

    Was Danny Responsible? *Child's Play Spoilers*

    Well, he should have told Ruben to WAIT for him around the corner. He should have dialed 911, checked the vics, and then went back to Ruben. However, I would not say he was irresponsible. Rather, he misplaced his responsibilities and priorities.
  12. E

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Didn't like this one. Too much drama. Felt like GD was doing a GS.
  13. E

    "A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I think you are guys are missing something here. The question is, what does Grissom consider "intimate"? It seems implicitly different from Sara's definition.
  14. E

    Grade 'The Deep'

    The case was very boring, but the rest of the episode made up for it. B-.
  15. E

    Grade CSI: NY Season Three!

    I'd give a B+. It didn't get an A or A- because Lindsay. That dropped it from A to A-. However, the poor execution of the D/L pairing made it go from a A- to a B+. Otherwise, a pretty solid season, though some episodes were quite unncessary.