Recent content by Dementia

  1. D

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions That is true... There are some that haven't seen the last episode, and I do apologize. However, with all due respect, this is only speculation on my part. As a matter of fact, everything is speculation. Ah, yes... *lol* But you never really saw a lot...
  2. D

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions In a weird way, I look forward to seeing the funeral. I can imagine it: the various personnel standing around (some in tuxes and suits, some in police wear - especially Brass); Nick eulogizing his fallen friend, bursting into a flood of tears and then...
  3. D

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Hmmm.... So, I guess that the only way to solve Warrick's homicide (I'm thinking the man is dead...) is to hope that the undersheriff incriminates himself. Hopefully, that will happen sooner than later, but I'm guessing it's going to be the last episode of the ninth season when we find out.
  4. D

    Last Words To & Memories Of Warrick

    Sad, terribly sad... But to quote a part of soliloquy in "Romeo & Juliet" (Act III, Scene II): "... When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."...
  5. D

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 OK, here's my take: I know that in the past, he has had a history with abusing drugs. I can't say that we shouldn't be judgmental, even if a lot of us hate that this is happening. However, we can never know the circumstances surrounding this. Even...
  6. D

    Christmas & New Year Greetings

    Hi, everybody! I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! Here's hoping that 2008 is a fabulous year! :)
  7. D

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    I'm a little late on both counts, but I just want to send my birthday wishes to Archie and Gary! I hope your days were the best! :)
  8. D

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    *lol* Thanks! I'm answering this when I already have the magazine, but thank you anyway. :) Gorgeous!
  9. D

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    God, I look at this, and I hear Joe Pesci's voice in my head, saying "What're you lookin' at?"
  10. D

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I didn't really see a spark, per se, either. It was more along the lines of "I like what I see" on Warrick's part, not a crush or infatuation. Nick, on the other hand, was more or less in love with Kristy, and even though he knew she was a prostitute, (who got herself into trouble on quite a few...
  11. D

    "Lying Down with Dogs" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Maybe, maybe not. It almost seems "ripped from the headlines," but there isn't a lot of attention paid to dog fighting anyway. Vick's case certainly brought that to the media forefront (in part because he's a player in the NFL being charged with this crime and, as of tonight, has been sentenced...
  12. D

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I know, but thanks anyway. Alright, back to the discussion. :)
  13. D

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Sorry, hon. Just realized I did it. :(
  14. D

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    :lol: Great minds think alike. ;) I don't know... What did you think of the "father of your unborn child" comment? I mean, it doesn't really explain the reason for the divorce... well, other than "irreconcilable differences." He was really with the girl, but he was high and out of it...
  15. D

    "Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    A few notes: - I agree with some of you when, with the opening scene, I did not think this was CSI playing. - I wasn't really sure about the confrontation scene. I mean, there was a little tension, but I don't know... Maybe I'm expecting more. Although, it seemed like both Nick and Warrick...