Recent content by csiviper

  1. C

    Grade 'The Thing About Heroes'

    The episode was completely awesome. I give it an A+ Like always, Stella has to be the one that they bad guy is attracted to, I was like so freaking scared when Drew hit Mac in the back of the head and the thing with the subway, SCARY. :eek: :eek: Anyway, this episode showed us that 1) Stella...
  2. C

    Grade 'Commuted Sentences'

    Oh My Gosh, I give it an A+ cause it was totally awesome. First of all, the flirting between Adam and the tech girl was so hot, and Mac didnt even know, HILARIOUS!!1 Det. Angell and Flack, Adorable he looks so cute, and hot. Im usually not a DL shipper but I got to say that it was incredibly...
  3. C

    Grade 'Boo'

    I give it an A. I missed Halloween because of this episode (not that it really matter, had too much candy in my house). I liked it, especially the thing with the Voodoo girl who MAC assalted. Mac, Baby, You should know not to let superstisions get to you, but don't worry Stella can totally...
  4. C

    Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

    FAYLINN, Dude, You are Hilarious, I totally agree with u. I give it a freaking A+ cause it was really awesome, SMacked fans, we all saw that chemistry *swoons*, Let me tell you Mac running, all sweaty and stuff HOT, Stella like always looks gorgeous and Flack Oh Yeah Babe. Second life is off...
  5. C

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    OMG, OH MY FREAKIN GOD, Grissom proposed!!!!!!!!!!!! and Sara said yes!!!!. GSR fans all over the globe have been waiting for this moment, this piece in time, for 8 freaking years for them to be together forever. THANK U GOD, ANd writers.
  6. C

    "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Discussion *SPOILE OMG, OH MY FREAKIN GOD, Grissom proposed!!!!!!!!!!!! and Sara said yes!!!!. GSR fans all over the globe have been waiting for this moment, this piece in time, for 8 freaking years for them to be together forever. THANK U GOD, ANd...
  7. C

    Grade 'Time's Up'

    I give it an A. God heard Smackers everywhere telling him that we didn't like Peyton and got rid of her for us, THANK U!! :D :D It was sad because that Witch broke Baby's heart, he looked so hurt, then Stella came and that smile on his face all better *Stella saves the day* The whole case was...
  8. C

    Grade 'You Only Die Once'

    OMG,OMG,OMG. I totally loved this episode. How funny was it when Danny and Lindsay where arguing about who's car was the best. I laughed. Flack, Oh baby Flack, Im usually a Mac lover (wet mac, YUM) but let me tell you, seeing Flack like that was a real headsup, he is hot. Stella is the most...
  9. C

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    I have, its SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!! Its kinda like a James Bond kinda theme and Stella walks out in a gorgeous black dress and Flack looks so hot in a tuxedo and OMFG its going to be so awesome.
  10. C

    Grade 'The Deep'

    OMG, Fay, YOU"re Hilarious. DOes anyone here also like LOCI? LAw and order ci? ITs today and its going to rock. The nEXT EPISODE is going to be so freaking awesome and Stella looks GORGEOUS like always.
  11. C

    Grade 'The Deep'

    A freaking +. This season the episodes of CSI NY are HOT,HOT,HOT, This episode was extremely good and Stella got herself another bad guy? What is it with her and bad guys, even though they are cute. THe next episode is going to be even hotter and Stella looks so totally GORGEOUS.
  12. C

    Episode #602: 'Cyber-lebrity' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    What happened in the beginning of the epi"? PLEASE.
  13. C

    CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

    Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R Does anyone know what happened the first 30 minutes of Yesterdays CSI MIAMI cause I totally missed it.
  14. C

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    I love Smacked but unfortunately in this season, Stella likes another hot bad guy, what is it with her and sexy bad guys, we dont need another Frankie.
  15. C

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** Do you people know that in TV Guide Magazine it said that GSR was bye bye, Im like totally worried about it.