OMG i found out one of the songs Blake is singing tonight and...*dies*
And this isn't really a spoiler but Blake dyed his hair back to blonde :D (I can go both Brunni or blondy :D)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide
Cathwillows is right, you're not an idiot. For the longest time i didn't even know how to use the crop tool.
And a way to duplicate the base is CTRL J, it's just easier :lol:
Blake didn't even want to beat box at the begining. At his adition Randy asked if he could beat box and Blake; at first said no but they cut that out :lol:
I love everything that Blake can do, he's multitalented and he gives the people more then just singing.
Plus he said he goes commando :lol:
They are all by The Killers (go fig)
-Daddy's eyes
-All the pretty faces
-White boys dance
-Why do i keep counting?
-The river is wild
-My List
-Uncle Jonny
-Romeo and Juliet
I hate the summer :( well i love it but i hate Mr. Golden Sun.
I went on a feild trip yesterday (i went boating and it was so fun!!) but since my friend kept slashing me my sun screen got washed off and i am left with a big burn all up my arm with major famers tan. I have the short sleeve rim...
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin"
If it wasn't for Chase being awesome last episode, i would be very disapointed. It was just as boring as "Who's your daddy"
Well he's not gay but of course i'm a huge Cake fan so *Fingers crossed* :lol:
Blake Colin Lewis is THE best AI ever!!!!! i decided not to watch next season because i know that i wont be as into it as i am this season, because IMO no one on American Idol can compare to Blake.
Even if Jordan...