This post has been edited because it got electrocuted in a crawl space trying to steal money.
This post has been edited because Eric and Calleigh were kissing in front of it.
This post has been edited because Flack tried to arrest it.
This episode is going down as possibly my favorite one ever. It was that good.
Things I liked:
The birthday cake at the beginning. Loved the star on it for Texas. :)
The time warp sequences used to tell the stories of the previous murders.
Greg offering to go up into the crawl space since...
Absolutely not. These two not only have way too many issues, they haven't even actually dealt with those issues yet! It's like the TPTB are like "Well, just pretend all that other stuff never happened. They are in love and happy and want to get married!" Riiiiight. :shifty:
The whole...
Thanks for that! Loving Nick with the birthday cake. That just made me laugh for some reason. And the time warp thing is really cool. I can't wait to see the whole thing.
Oh and Taylor Swift as a dead body, that was pretty good for someone who's never done it before.
Wow his accent is...
The reality show one sounds pretty interesting. I like how they are spoofing those reality shows like "The Bachelor" and "Flavor of Love" and all those. Should make for some interesting comments from Frank. :lol:
The other story, sounds interesting too, if a bit gross. But I suppose it really...
The more info I find out about this, the more I want to see it. ;)
Though I agree this will probably be hard to watch when Nick has the emotional breakdown.
There are alot of lines that I really like but this one, from CSI: Miami's latest episode, "Sink or Swim" has got to be my favorite from the show this season so far.
"My house is the safest house in Miami. You know how many guns I have?" ~ Calleigh. :guffaw:
And many from Flack over on CSI...
Yeah that's what I figure. Dunbrook has someone steal the flashdrive for him, and then with the information on it, blackmails the NYPD and the crime lab, plus whoever else is on the that flashdrive, getting all kinds of favors. And along the way gives the department bail out money, another way...