Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers*
my question is what episode did the lab blow up and sara was in it? all i can remember about it was that she was ok except for a cut on her forhead and she was sitting on the curb or sumthing. help much appreciated!
is the episode gone baby gone where calliegh gets hurt wen she falls in a hole? i heard she gets hurt in some epi i think its the 150th and i was just wondering which one it is! thanks so much for whoever helps me!!!
can someone plz help me!!!!!!!
i really wanna find the teaser comercial for the next csi miami! i saw it on cbs and i watched that channel for like 1 hr and it didnt show it again but i really wanna see it bc i only saw a glimse and that was calleigh all teary-eyed and i NEED to know y! thanks...
Ryan: Yeah I lied before, I am gonna tell H you blew up his hummer i just wanted to see if you'd actually do it...So good luck finding another job.(strolls of whislesing)
LMAO!!!!!! omg its soooo funny! haha makes me wanna go watch all of the csi miami seasons dvds i own! I cant wait until the new season starts!!!!!!!!! :D im so hyper!
N: Haha, finally i found out where horatio was hiding these pic of him
H: Nataila what are you doing?
N:*thinkin oh crap* um just taking evidince photos
Horatio walks out in a red leather suit
N: :wtf:
H: Well?! Im stricking a pose so snap that photo!
(i was bored, hope you like!)
i caught a mistake that regis made wen he was talking to emily! he said that she was a weather person in greenville SC wen it was in NC! if ya wanna here its in part at like 1 min and 45 sec and says it again @ 2 min 9 sec again! he has messed up info! i wonder wat emily was thinkin??