Recent content by Bullit_01

  1. Bullit_01

    Forensics in High School

    There are 2 videos of forensic techniques on this website . One is of the 'Pathfinder' electrostatic lifting device, the other is of a 'Stab Simulator'. The Pathfinder machine is still in use, the stab simulator is more about the mechanics of a stab wound than a crimescene technique. PM me if...
  2. Bullit_01

    Forensics Questions

    Trained as a crime scene manager in the UK. Sorry about the double post, my internet reset and I couldn't edit the first post again. My bad. :(
  3. Bullit_01

    Forensics Questions

    I don't recall the 'doohickey' but I can tell you a little bit: The striations are left by rifling on the gun's barrel. Barrels are rifled to make the bullet rotate when fired to make it more accurate. A smooth bore barrel would not produce these marks (it would therefore be less accurate)...
  4. Bullit_01

    Forensics Questions

    DNA is hardly used in cases like burglary/robbery. One, because it takes too long and is too expensive - and you need something to compare it to otherwise it is useless; two, there is usually much better evidence at the scene like toolmarks/impressions and prints. AFIS only became mainstream in...
  5. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Keep your eyes peeled, Mia. Louise is scheduled to play Dr Gloria Rush in an episode of Stargate Universe. Episode begins with an 'h' but I can't remember what the actual title was - should have written it down, sorry. The idea of Louise playing a character named Gloria amuses me for some...
  6. Bullit_01

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Close. As far as I understand, being nominated in a lead actor category doesn't mean the actor is a lead in the show; off the top of my head, Alison Janney was nominated as both lead and supporting actress in The West Wing - it's more the size of the role in the submitted episode. Trouble is...
  7. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Would just like to point out they weren't mine - credit where its due and all that. There's not really a lot to talk about now, is there?
  8. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    mati, I have a feeling that is bad research using an old reference. IIRC Metropolis is from a long time ago and was a short series. Someone correct me if I'm wrong? :confused:
  9. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Seeing as we're about to suffer another lack of Louise, I've got caps from Kiss Of Death (they're on The Curtis Page) and tried making some icons. I need some help because I don't really feel inspired at the moment, so I've got some samples and if you say which you prefer I can make a batch of...
  10. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Friend of mine who knows what they're going on about: My bad, explains quite a bit. I think that was what confused me when I was half-watching it. The direction required quite a bit of concentration by the viewer. I'd agree with those kind of figures, especially as the Bank Holiday was a washout...
  11. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    I didn't think it was a two parter anymore :confused: It was supposed to be two 2hr shows but they chopped it to one 90 min show. I can't find any mention of it next monday. I didn't watch it properly because I had an exam the next day but I'm going to watch it friday, It's all to do with the...
  12. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Thanks for those! It sounds like she did all her publicity interviews when she was filming; shame she went back to LA cos it means she won't be doing the TV shows. Just have to be happy with the actual programme I spose :lol:
  13. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Go to my LJ. Go to my LJ. Subliminal enough? So I don't spam the board (I seem to be posting all the time) and because I'm quite lazy, really, if you click the link at the bottom you will find an interview with Louise and a video interview with her, Danny Dyer and some clips of the new show...
  14. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Big Shots was the ep with the brother of the guy Greg ran over. Sofia went to the house and the mother threw wine at her. Back at the station, McKeen comes up to her while she's trying to clean up and tells her she's got a great future with the department. Something like that. It was a really...
  15. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Makes you wonder what that weird scene in Big Shots was for. You'd think they knew that LL was leaving for good and would plan accordingly. So was it foreshadowing McKeen as creepy/sleazy bcause it seemed really out of place otherwise. Hey, maybe Sofia will come back as the new Undersheriff :lol: