Recent content by BabyBunting

  1. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    you can see a lot of Jorja on "the view" (which is very similar to "loose women" for those of you who are in the UK like me) on youtube. Yes she looked absolultely stunning!
  2. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Dirtylabrat I think it depends on how long the strikes goes on for, from what I've heard they said it wont be over before x-mas, if it goes on much longer past that then they're just going to quit season 8 only 1/2 of the way through and then start afresh with season 9 in july/august - quite...
  3. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    erm... he actually says "at least you have your PIG!" (and you don't need to spoiler box eps that have aired ;)
  4. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    totally agree dirtylabrat... but I am pretty sure they're not going down the road.
  5. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    we just need to be CSI's and follow the evidence I dunno why I boxed that! lol
  6. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    Nice to see you back Bengali13! you wont have heard I have a new hammy! he's cute and fluffy and grey... and he's called Gilbert! :D
  7. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    I like being Stupidly Optimistic - it makes me happy :D
  8. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    the pic you're refering to is from 8x07- next week's ep, not tonights.
  9. B

    Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

    oh dear that REALLY made me laugh!! got another new GSR fic up guys! I'm on a roll! well actually I'm on a lap-top but never mind... this one even ended up a chapter fic as it got so long, and I thought I did well with "living the dream" at just under 500 words, this one is over 2,300! - I do...