Recent content by 2imagine

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    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    CBS has the new promo up for Young Man with a Horn. It looks fantastic. Nick, Greg, and Grissom working a case. Trying to not get too enthused as we know how these promos are. Still it looks like an awesome case. 2I
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    "Say Uncle" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I think Riley is turning in to a Mary Sue. She comes in, quirky...tough no nonsense lady..gonna show you how it's done. She's in way too many scenes. Knows it all, and has been (not quite so this week) solving the crimes. I liked her at first, but the writers are trying Tooooo hard to make...
  3. 2

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Maybe she was to explain why Nick didn't walk out with Warrick.
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    "Two and a Half Deaths" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Do you think George will play the dead guy in that show?
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    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    I'm not sure where people are getting the May/December relationship with Nick. I thought all we knew was that she was a waitress.
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    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    I just saw on the IMDB that Bobby Dawson is in For Gedda.
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    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Actually, it's not signed Sara at the bottom. It says, "(over)" which actually makes more sense. I have a lot of recipes that have that as well. Not commenting on GSR, but the images. Love the Grissom in a suit AND in robe. Love the way Hank is looking up at him too.
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    "Goodbye & Good Luck" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    If I remember correctly, Nick said he still thought Marlon killed her, but Sara was sure Hannah did it. They went with Hannah.
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    "A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Loved the "Ricky Bobby" line Nick tossed out to Gil at the end.
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    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist A lot of what everyone else is saying PLUS Bobby Dawson....please bring him back.
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    "Ending Happy" Discussion *Spoilers*

    My problem with the ep...and I loved the episode minus the paying for sex scene...Anyway, my problem was that Nick seemed to cut the old man (Whoohoo for getting James Whitmore) off with the poem. He even seemed a bit condescending. That's so out of character for Nick. Remember he tears up...
  12. 2

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I wonder If we'll get some kind of continuity with Nick during this story. I mean, could you imagine Nick turning to Warrick, Grissom, et al and asking, "Was it like this for you ..." etc. Just wondering.
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

    Sorry, no Red/White pics; just some caps from last night. Nick and Baby Profile 2Imagine
  14. 2

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Nick says something like, "Hey, I AM an a**man."
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    George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

    I'm new to the forum, but I'd like to submit an image that I captured from Snakes. Come Here