Dear Diary - Speed's POV

Dear Diary

By: CaineSpeedle
Rating: PG
Characters: Tim "Speed" Speedle
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the CSI Characters in my storys. Just borrowing them and will return them to the lab when finished.

Summary: Speed reflects on his day.

Dear Diary...
It’s me…
Well, I must say I’m lucky to be here tonight writing in you once again.
I got called in this morning. H needed help with a boat accident. Apparently it had hit a bridge, so Eric and I came off vacation early to help out. Come to find out it was a kidnapping gone wrong. The suspects kidnapped the boy and demanded jewels as a ransom, but the jewels were fake and the boy’s father was killed on the boat.
Anyway, the step-mother apparently knew one of the guy’s, an ex-boyfriend of hers when she was running scams on men. He had taken the kid. When we found out the jewels were fake, H and I went to talk to her and she said they had been cleaned at a local jewelry store, so we decided to go there and interview the owner. H and I were joking about me needing a car one day when we got there, but I can never give up my bike…it’s my baby.
When we entered everything seemed okay. Nice place from the looks of it actually. While H talked with the owner, I looked around a bit and saw a guy under the table in a back room. I knew then something wasn’t right. Pulling my gun, I looked back at H and then back to the room. I heard Horatio call my name but I kept my sights on the room. That’s when all hell broke loose. A guy emerged and started firing. I pulled the trigger on my gun but nothing happened. I looked at it and the next thing I knew I was on my back looking up at the ceiling. My shoulder felt like it was on fire and I was having some problems breathing.
I heard more shot’s and then Horatio’s voice. He came to my side, pulling out is two way and calling for help. He pulled out his handkerchief and pushed it into the wound as he pulled of his coat and replaced the handkerchief with the garment.
Note to self…buy H a new suit coat to replace the one that’s stained with my blood.
He kept telling me I was going to be okay, that it wasn’t bad. He stayed with me until paramedics arrived and took me to the hospital. They had to do surgery to remove the bullet. I woke up to Alexx standing over me, tears in her eyes.
She told me I was going to be okay. The bullet hadn’t hit anything major. She also told me Calleigh had already checked out my gun. It was clean but the firing pin had malfunctioned.
So here I sit, in a hospital room. The tv’s on some stupid reality show. I know I should be resting but hey…this is me were talking about. Well gotta go. The gang just got here and Alexx is giving me that look again.
How I really wished it would've Great job on this....It's how I want to remember him. Sarcastic, yet funny...LOL