Favourite Episode From Season 7?


Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
Hi all, I figured since this season is officially over, I'd gauge what everyone's favourite episode of the season was. There may be one, there may be multiple -- let us know which and let us know why! :)

If you need a quick recap of all the episodes, here's the Season 7 Episode Guide.
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I had 4 favorites this year:

First one was How does that Make you Kill...because we got to see Eric's words about Calleigh

Second was Smoke Gets in Your CSI's because Alexx was back...and because of Eric whispering sweet nothings into Calleigh's ear...I'm so jealous...:lol:

Third was Sink or Swim...for obvious reasons

Fourth was Wolfe in Sheeps Clothing...because of a half-naked Eric :drool: and because Jonathan Togo did an excellent job in this episode. I did feel really bad for him because he had no other choice. He really brought it this episode and I look forward to seeing more of that next season
TexMex, love the signature LOL

First was The Deluca Motel, where we learn about what's going on with Eric. I'm not totally sure why I like this one so much. I love the part where Calleigh is crawling through the vent and sees the body in the tub and Frank asks her something like "What happened? You freeze up?" and she says, "Um, not me exactly." The look on her face is hilarious. It was interesting to find out who was really trying to shoot Eric too.

2nd favorite: I also enjoyed Power Trip. The opening scenes were great because we got to see Ryan, Calleigh and Eric (the first time we see him getting out of the shower:devil:) doing normal everyday things and then being called into work.
I also liked when Calleigh was in the elevator with the guy and he got really close to her. The look on her face scared me. **Makes mental note to never piss off Calleigh D.**

3rd favorite: I was very apprehensive about watching Smoke Gets in Your CSI's because Cal is my favorite and I was afraid I'd cry watching her with the smoke inhalation and ending up in the hospital. I got through the whole episode with no tears and really have to say that I loved the whole episode. Especially the scenes between Eric and Calleigh.
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Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing was the best! Finally Ryan had storyline and Jonathan Togo show how great actor he is! The only one complain, naked Delko wasn't necessary in this ep, hate writers for this :(

And They're Offed, again because it was Ryan story arc. Fight scene was great and i love when Ryan working with H. Also, i like horses, like Calleigh's ride and date with horse trainer :)
I've watched Smoke Gets In Your CSIs 7 times already and I still love it! It and sink or swim.

Ditto on Smoke Gets in Your CSI's. When Eric whispers his feelings for Calleigh, my little shipper heart does back flips. I love, love, love that scene in the hospital.

So that episode, obviously, gets my vote. Followed closely by Sink or Swim because we finally get to see those two embrace. Woot! :lol:
Crap! I only voted for one cause I didn't realize it was multiple choice. :lol: What did I vote for? WISC of course. :D :lol: Collateral Damage was a good one too. :D

By the way, when you vote in this poll, it redirects you to a thread on the NY forum. I don't know why all these polls are redirecting people to different threads. :lol:
That was SO weird. I voted in the poll, and the page redirected me to a thread on the CSI: New York forum. :/

Anyways I think it's obvious coming from a huuuuge Ryan fan what my favourite episode was. ;) Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing. Everything about it was amazing. And I'm not even saying that because it was completely centered around Ryan. It just was. Not to mention the acting. ;) I've said it before but I'm saying it again, Jonathan Togo needs to do movies.

I also chose Dissolved. It had a lot of good Ryan scenes but in general it was a good episode. Some might say it wasn't very good because the case was just meh and it was over fast but I kind of liked how this episode focused more on the team and their many problems. :)

It wasn't a bad season at all. (Especially for us Ryan fans. Sorry for mentioning him so much but to me, as a Ryan fan, just the fact that he had so much more screentime this season made it hugely better than last season.) It seems like Resurrection was sooo long ago. With all the Russian mob stuff going on and Tara's drug problem. Wow. :lol:
^ I also choose Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing and Dissolved.
Jonathan Togo was amazing in WISC. I felt his pain,both mental and physical.
Dissolved did have a good amount of Ryan but I also liked that the airtime was more even among the team(with the exception of Natalia) and that was enjoyable for me.I'm not a fan of Julia,but I also enjoyed her little meltdown in the morgue.Tara's pill story,her interaction with Ryan and her walk of shame made this a favorite also.
That was SO weird. I voted in the poll, and the page redirected me to a thread on the CSI: New York forum. :/
:wtf: I had the same problem as you, but the results are the same even here so it's not a big deal, I guess :p

Anyway I voted for 5 episodes....oh yeah five b/c some of them were at the same level for me

Here are my votes:
Cheating Death even if it wasn't a very peculiar episode & even if we didn't have lots of action in it, I just loved it for two reasons.
1) we finally saw the funny side of the lab. Ok it wasn't as funny as The course of the Coffin" (sure the funniest episode ever of the show), but it is always nice to see this side of the lab. You don't get to see it very often.
Not to mention that it was full of lighthearted scenes like the one between Calleigh & Tara (oh well Calleigh lied to her telling that she didn't organize the prank against Ryan, but it's just a liiiittle detail :lol:) & the ones among the boys & Tara.
2) We finally saw a little bit of cooperation between Ryan & Delko.

Power Trip. The beginning was just awesome. Ok it's nothing new on TV shows, but on CSI:Miami it took the piece of cake.
Really well done & I loved it.

The Deluca Motel for kinda the same reasons as Cheating Death.
We had to see another funny side of the team...this time the one of Calleigh & Frank. Gosh you can't not love their vent scene.
F:"What happened? You freeze up?"
C: "Um, not me exactly."

It was too much even for me :guffaw:
Also Delko's storyline. Ok I hate Delko's storylines, but this episode was really good & I had fun watching his mother lying to him for the 20th time :lol: & yes for the first time, I felt for Delko :(
Not to mention that the fake birth certifcate full of mistakes deserves an oscar :thumbsup:

And they're offered we finally know that the team has to face the Russian Mob & we know they're targeted.
What a way to end the episode & yeah it was full of action w/ Ryan & that Russian guy :thumbsup:
Loved also Calelleigh's horseriding. It was really nice to see.

Wolfe in Sheep's clothing even if I hated some aspects of it, like the team completely ignoring Ryan's missing the whole night :rolleyes:, this episode was brilliant & I just adored Jonathan Togo's performance.
Thank god they gave him this opportinuty & he really showed what a talented actor he is :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I would have liked to vote also "Smoke Gets into Your CSIs" b/c the idea of the episode was really good & Emily's perfomance combined w/ Kandhi's return was WOW, but I still can't get over the idea they put too much E/C in it completely ignoring the team aspect.
I really can't accept the idea that no one of the team asked how was Calleigh throughout the episode, especially Ryan who oh look he was in the fire w/ her :rolleyes:. I've never seen something like this in any show & I truely hope it won't happen again!
It's a good thing we could vote for more than one because there were a lot of episodes I loved this season. I voted for 5 episodes and I still think there are a lot more which are really strong and really cool episodes. I actually think this is my favorite season from all seven.

Ok so I chose 5:

1) Smoke gets in your CSI's: because of Emily's performance and because of worried, totally scared Eric.

2) Sink or Swim: because of the last scene of course and because I enjoyed the whole Eric almost gets deported storyline.

3) Head Case: I thought the case was really interesting and not very typical for Miami. Also Calleigh confronting Eric in front of the elevator.

4) Wrecking Crew: Emotional Calleigh was great. Great opening sequence.

5) And how does that make you kill: loved the twist when they killed the therapist and the moment Calleigh reads Eric's file.

I would've voted for the finale also but it was too angsty for my taste ;)
I will also take 5.

1.Sink of Swin.Since season one I said:"Please put the hot guy with the blonde".And after teasing and teasing it finally happened.It was very well done too.I will never complain again that the CSI franchise doesn't do well with romance.

2.Chip and Tuck.I am a fan of Nip and tuck so I liked the idea of plastic surgery gone bad,especially in a city like Miami.

3.Dead on arrival.I hate reality shows but it was a funny episode.There were so many good lines!!!

4.I also liked the finale.Calleigh was great and it was nice to see how strong her feelings are for Eric.

5.WISC.I know it sounds shollow but I liked Eric with just a towel.Nice storyline for Ryan,too.
Don't want to start a debate here, but I find it pretty interesting that people are referring at "Sink Or Swim" as if it were the episode when E/C happened.

Don't get me wrong, but E/C happened right between "And they're Offered" & "Smoke gets into Your CSIs".
Ryan's statement in this last one was the official ending of the whole "will they be together or not?" dilemma.
In "Sink Or Swim" they were already together, even before it began ;)

Sorry, again, but I felt the need to clarify this aspect since I noticed some people telling that "Sink Or Swim" was their favourite since E/C got together there ;)
Don't want to start a debate here, but I find it pretty interesting that people are referring at "Sink Or Swim" as if it were the episode when E/C happened.

Don't get me wrong, but E/C happened right between "And they're Offered" & "Smoke gets into Your CSIs".
Ryan's statement in this last one was the official ending of the whole "will they be together or not?" dilemma.
In "Sink Or Swim" they were already together, even before it began ;)

Sorry, again, but I felt the need to clarify this aspect since I noticed some people telling that "Sink Or Swim" was their favourite since E/C got together there ;)

I think electra's post is the only one that can be interpreted that way because she wrote "it finally happened". But I think that she was referring to the fact that it was the episode where we saw them for the first time as an official couple (electra please feel free to correct me ;)) We know they were together when the episode began. IMO, Ryan's statement can't be taken like they were already together. A lot of the shippers think it started right after the hospital because that is the moment to which Cal referred to in Sink or Swim kind of like their official beginning "all those things you said at the hospital...". So I think it's a favorite moment because it is the first time we, the audience, got to see them together as a couple even though we know it happened before :).
Don't want to start a debate here, but I find it pretty interesting that people are referring at "Sink Or Swim" as if it were the episode when E/C happened.

Don't get me wrong, but E/C happened right between "And they're Offered" & "Smoke gets into Your CSIs".
Ryan's statement in this last one was the official ending of the whole "will they be together or not?" dilemma.
In "Sink Or Swim" they were already together, even before it began ;)

Sorry, again, but I felt the need to clarify this aspect since I noticed some people telling that "Sink Or Swim" was their favourite since E/C got together there ;)

They may have been officially together by then but that episode was the first time the audience got to see them exhibit some genuine affection for each other in the form of physical touch.

So, it was a first for the audience and it's why I and others here loved that episode.