Season 6 Wishlist

I hope whoever is Jessica Angell's replacement is hot and talented as she was!

I'm not sure we'll be seeing a "replacement" too quickly considering EV was laid off due to budget cuts.

Though I suppose if the actor or actress is not very well known it wouldn't cost as much.

These are my top 3:

1. Return of the siblings! I'm talkin' Flack's sister Sam and Danny's brother Louie. Remember him PTB?? Hell he doesn't even have to actually come on screen I just want to know if he's alive, dead, or still kickin' it in a coma. Sam I would like to see back on screen though.

2. No Flackin' it and forgetting it! I want to see some emotional repercussions with Flack from losing Jess and killing her shooter. And not just one mention in the premiere and then it's over. Don't let Danny just forget it happened either! He needs to be there for his friend.

3. I want to see some development on how Danny and Lindsay cope as being parents. The finale is a perfect place to start considering that the dangers of the job just became very real and how that effects their daughter. Also, no more strapping the kid to your body at work and then processing evidence. Bring her in to the breakroom for a visit but no more than that. Seeing them together at home at least once would be nice too. I always like seeing the CSI's out of the work environment.
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That they bring Angell back. lol far fetched i know. But hey, it's a wishlist. Having her being remembered will be enough. And that the result of the cliffhanger is good. Nothing lame *coughhostage/veritascough*
I'd like to see the family members, find out about Louie, Sam, and Reed.

To have Danny/Lindsay at home with the baby - not at work.

Flack get in some sort of trouble for shooting the guy who killed his girlfriend.

Have it not all always be about Mac, have stories more oriented on the other characters.
1. Family time! I'd love to see Reed and Sam back.
2. Continuity of some sort (hey, I can dream...)
3. Agreed on the not being all about Mac all the time. Let some of the other characters shine!
4. More Adam. :D

I may have more later... :lol:
Follow up on the affects of Angell's death.

Follow up on injuries if anyone from the team was injured in the gunfire.

Better use of guest stars. I thought Charles S. Dutton and Mare Winningham were wasted in their episode because the story was so predictible and boring.

Less stunt casting/better use of stunt casting. People like Nelly and Ashlee Simpson-Wentz have acting experience so they were fine, but others were just bad.

Less of the "kinder, gentler" Mac. He shouldn't be letting people off easy when they do really stupid/illegal/lab threatening stuff.

If they're going to give us personal stories about the characters then show them OUTSIDE of the lab. Danny, Lindsay and Lucy; I'm looking at you. Messer Family Fun Time has no place in the freaking lab.

Tone down Danny's "over protective father" schtick. He's becoming a stereotype and that's one thing Danny's never been.

More focus on Hawkes, please.

No more TMI about Danny and Lindsay's sex life. It's not cute or funny.

Show instead of tell whenever possible. You can tell me something till you're blue in the face but if there's no evidence of it on screen I'm not gonna buy it.

Stop changing character's back stories on whims. Danny coming from a family of cops and Stella's ever changing backgrounds to suit a particular story line make the characters less believable.

Please, God, no Lucy has been kidnapped stories.

The return of Sam and Reed. Also, follow up on Sam's battle with alcoholism and show us how Reed's been doing since it's been a while after he was almost offed by the cabbie killer. And for f*ck's sake tell us what happened to Louie. You mentioned his name in S5, but didn't tell us what his fate was. I'm not letting this go until the final episode of NY has aired.
I'd like to see the return of family members such as Reed, Louie, and Sam. Especially Louie. Is he dead? In the hospital? On a remote island somewhere sipping margaritas with Elvis? I want to know!

I'd like to see some more continuity. Sometimes I think the writers have a serious case of amnesia, where they introduce things we've never heard of before (but apparently should know about) or they completely forget things. Is it that hard to look back on already written episodes to see what was said about a character?

I'd like to see cases that are more believable. The storylines are a little far fetched for me sometimes.

And last, but not least, more Flack with less clothes! :D
I would like to see how Flack is going to handle the job after Angell's death. I don't want a ok my girlfriends dead so lets forget it storyline. It was clear that Flack did care a lot about her, dare I even say love her, so delving into this would be good.

I would also like to see Flack's sister come back.

I am with SpeedyMeg on this one too...Flack and less clothes or a more casual look.

No more sex talk between Danny & Lindsay.

Give Sheldon a girlfriend

Give Adam a break

Give Mac & Stella a chance...sorry I had to
Please, God, no Lucy has been kidnapped stories.


I know. I probably just willed it to happen. :eek::brickwall:

Yeah by putting it out there, they're now heard it and going to do this huge story arch and I'm blaming it on you! lol

My season wishlist...what would make my day is Flack getting into trouble and the cast having to come to his rescue. That would be my only wish list, yeah I'd so go for that...and if that means he looses his shirt in the process I could go for that
I know. I probably just willed it to happen. :eek::brickwall:

Yeah by putting it out there, they're now heard it and going to do this huge story arch and I'm blaming it on you! lol

If *coughcough*when*coughcough* this huge story arc happens the public flogging can begin.

Why wait!? I'm impatient person! lol let's begin now...:devil: :evil: besides you won't be dying of anticipation from your fellow csi friends :devil:

Sersiously if they do that, I'd stop watching the show. I can only take so much