CSI Level Three
Well, I feel like we need some kind of party to celebrate the new thread. I can't believe we've already gotten to #33. I mean, we started the old thread a month ago.
Eric and Cal are going to have their moments as they get accustomed to each others quirks and eccentricities, but they will work through it. They trust each other, so they will not be hesitant to talk about the things that come up. Like Calleigh always tells Eric, "You know you can talk to me about anything" and my personal favorite, "What is said between us stays between us."
Now, let's party on and enjoy the afterglow of a magnificent episode. Eric told her what he felt and she heard him. *sigh* Gotta love it.:hugegrin:
Heck yeah!!!
I am just basking in the glow of this glorious, momentous, occasion and no one...not even TV Guide and their lies can take away this smile which has been tatooed on my face since last night!!
I have said it before and I will say it again....TV Guide can't call themselves reporters or any kind of news media b/c half the crap they supposedly report on, is either made up or spun with their views/opinions, especially where E/C and CSI Miami are concerned. I have emailed Matt whatshisname before and told him to actually do some research before he reports on something that is no where near true and to stop taking what the actors say (ie Megan E) as fact.
Also, no don't worry about it b/c he sees the EXACT SAME SPOILERS I DO....nothing more, nothing less. So again, he has interpretted the spoilers and twisted them to fit into his own little mega minute piece of crap!!
Also, no don't worry about it b/c he sees the EXACT SAME SPOILERS I DO....nothing more, nothing less. So again, he has interpretted the spoilers and twisted them to fit into his own little mega minute piece of crap!!
I just went to CBS's press release site and according to them 15.99 million viewers tuned in last night to see the episode
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